La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno


By car, in dromedary or walking between deserts, canyons and chaotic markets
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On this page you will find complete information, lots of photos and a journal journey: everything on the spectacular and picturesque Morocco.

Travel information and travel tips for Morocco

Why go? Morocco is a country full of attractive, both natural and cultural. The dry climate adds a good reason to leave. Obviously the inexperienced traveler must be aware that it is an Arab country with economic problems (but those who do not have them, in this period!)

Ait Ben Haddour
Ait Ben Haddour - This fortress and the citadel constitute a great start for a trip to Morocco.
When to go? Morocco includes beaches, snowy mountains and deserts. In most of the summer country, the proverbial seven shirts are sudden, not to mention the underpants (what a bad image), so for most of the travel routes to Morocco is better to go to half seasons. In winter the climate can be moderated cold, wet and rainy on the northern coasts and mountains.
How to move? Morocco can be conveniently shot by car. A car rental, in fact, allows you to travel roads that cross extraordinary landscapes stopped from time to time to admire the view or take a walk. Traffic is a nuisance only in the city (where to play the horn once every two-three seconds is necessary), while all the streets can present sudden holes ... but, for freedom to better enjoy an adventurous holiday, this and more .
To rent a car here at the best prices for your travel itinerary I absolutely recommend by Search And book this link .
How much does it cost? Flights to Morocco (Marrakesh or Fez) from Europe are very cheap thanks to low-cost airlines (even 50 euros for a return flight). The cost of living is low: you can dine decently with 5 euros, well with 10. It will be a vacation in the name of savings.
Keep in mind that in what it costs I take into account all the journey ... from the middle to The airport departure to the soft drink passing to meals and souvenirs.
For an idea on hotel prices in Morocco Click here to compare hotels and find the most convenient accommodation.

Where to go? Any travel itinerary in Morocco that is respected includes the historic Marrakesh, a fascinating city, but they are perhaps the landscapes to hit more than anything in the central area of ​​Morocco: Canyon in Iosa, Palmeti, sand dunes ... from the Dades In Merzouga, nature gives itself. There are also perched fortresses and characteristic villages like Ait Benaddou. The beautiful city of fishermen of Essaouira is also a valid spot for surfers.
Other destinations? First you inform you about This other travel itinerary Moroccan .
Furthermore, to the lovers of surf and tidarella can affect the Moroccan coast from Essaouira to Agadir. There are other historic towns worthy of a vacation like Casablanca or Tangier. Northern Morocco has a Mediterranean charm, while the Atlas chain has spectacular high mountain landscapes.

Mappa itinerario di viaggio in Marocco
Map Travel itinerary in Morocco, along panoramic roads between deserts, canyons and fascinating citadel

Travel diary in Morocco

I had already been on vacation in Morocco, but not to Marrakesh and surroundings, the most fascinating areas of the country. Four friends and I would like to remedy such a lack of thus. Landed at Marrakesh airport we retreated the rental car and left immediately towards Ait Benhaddou , the first stage of our trip itinerary a little planned and very improvised.
The road traveled wild Mountain landscapes and when we arrived near the goal, he really started with the bang: from the street he enjoyed a postcard view.

Ait Ben Haddour
Ait Ben Haddour - such a photogenic place that has been the scene of several Hollywood films.
AIT Benhaddou is in fact a town of mud houses surrounded by hills ranches . The citadel, perched in a spectacular position on one of the hills, is beautiful, famous and the protagonist of different films.
We parked and, to reach the citadel, we walked on foot the lanes of the sand-colored village at his feet. I immediately breathe the unique atmosphere of Morocco. A country full of beauty and history, where all the stones, huts and couss emanate an aura of Moroccan culture. For the foreigner, the journey thus becomes a continuous succession of emotions.
Ait Ben Haddour
AIT Ben Haddour
Once crossed the village, we found ourselves in a stony flat facing the majestic Rocca. We widened a stream and we started exploring the citadel. Amazed by the impressment of the fortress, but also from the decorations in its muddy walls, we visited it to enjoy the first sunset of our vacation.
we resumed the car and stopped soon, as soon as we noticed a hotel, in a badge village With a lively market and a cheerful atmosphere.
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
Our first Moroccan dinner was in the most sticky restaurant in the galaxy . Together with a trolley with a bean, piadine and meat arrived of cats that began to blew over us. In addition to making large laughs, we highly appreciated the dishes, all extremely tasty. We know that the dirt contains better than anything else.
The travel diary continues in the neighbor Ouarzazate .
Ouarzazate - It is less famous and attracts less tourists, but even this citadel is not bad at all.
The historical part of Ouarzazate was equipped with a fortress and sand-colored houses like Ait Benhaddou. It was not as spectacular, but we liked it the same: indeed, being inhabited, it was more characteristic than the fortress-monument of Ait Benhaddou.
The next goal of our travel itinerary in the Central Morocco was the valley of the dades , which we reached through tiny villages of catapies, rivers in dry, brulle plains and some small sand-colored fortress piled up here and there. Along our travel itinerary contacted about 1708946.3 Fortress.
Fortress in the Dades - This valley has green fields and red mountains, and is one of the most beautiful and authentic places to visit in this area of Morocco.
The Dades valley is enclosed in red mountains. Inside, we found villages and cultivated fields as the Dades is one of the few fertile areas in this part of Morocco. We walked the valley by car, throwing the look right and left to admire the landscape, until this became a canyon. The road climbed to hairpin and arrived to enjoy beautiful views over the entire dades.
Going back, after a good lunch with Couscous and Tajine and other typical dishes, we decided to do the first walk of our travel itinerary in Morocco. It was three in the afternoon when we parked and we decided to climb a mountain random of those near those . We left a good Lena, first crossing the cultivated fields and vegetation, then climbing us for increasingly steep stone. Needless to say, we met the spectacular strong cracked ! After a couple of hours we arrived at the top of the mountain. We noticed that that ridge separated the Dades valley from a boundless flat space: we could thus admire a wide 360 degree panorama that went from the fields cultivated with red mountains to a rocky desert . Really wonderful.
Dades - from the top of a mountain, at the end of a spectacular walk.
After a wonderful sunset (it was early November, so the days were quite short) we returned downstream with the dark, but miraculously finally found the car.

We left the Dades valley and headed towards the gorges of the Todra , the next goal of our Moroccan travel itinerary. We followed a uphill road until you stop in a village with a couple of hotels. We slept in the most squalid hotel, but we had a chic one in the most chic, where we gathered with stewed meats and vegetables and couscous and a bunch of good Introlli, one of the best dinners of the holiday.
In the morning exploring the fascinating Todra Gorges . After passing the impressive canyon that makes these gorges famous, we continued until you reach an isolated and wild plateau, with Berber villages perched at the foot of the mountains.
Gole del Todra
Todra Gorges - Another great destination for trekking in the mountains.
We then set for a long walk, described in two lines on the Lonely Planet. Surprisingly, we managed to follow the path quite well. After sending brulle mountains we went down to the Todra valley, crossing cultivated fields and a village before arriving on the main road and therefore, with a last effort, back into the canyon and the car.
Gole del Todra
Todra gorges
Our travel itinerary in Morocco continued towards the plain and then in the direction of Merzouga. In the evening, we stopped to sleep in a random hotel, spending little as always.
The next day we saw characteristic villages and fortresses before arriving at the doors of the sand dunes of the desert of Merzouga. Near Erfoud first and directly to Merzouga then we went to inform us in a hotel on how to visit the dunes. There was a camel trip, in caravan, up to a field held in the desert, where we would have dinner and slept. After due negotiations on the price, we accepted.
Dune di Merzouga
Merzouga dunes - A camel trip to the desert of Merzouga is memorable, especially if you sleep in a tented field among the dunes.
Dromedario is a very laid animal, he has no head strokes, obeyed docilily. Cavencumo Until the buildings behind our shoulders disappeared and we found ourselves surrounded by increasingly high dunes. The colors went from yellow to a tenuous red, sometimes interrupted by the Vdino off of some sad bushes, alone and thirsty .
The field tented in the desert was spacious, but we were only in a dozen travelers in Holiday at that point of the Moroccan desert.
Dune di Merzouga
Merzouga dunes
We had a walk among the surrounding dunes and while the sunset carried sensational warm colors we knew the Bedouin who managed the field. In the morning we still admired the panorama and shoot out on our smelly camels. Arrived in the city we decided to rent I Quad . Prevented from a guide on his quad, we launched us into climbs and descents on the dunes. It was fun, even if a little expensive.
Merzouga Desert Quad
Quad in the desert of Merzouga
We resumed the PeugeOut "300 and something" and the holiday continued by crossing an always brackish ground up to the animated town of Rissani, with a lively and characteristic market . After reassets the landscape became almost lunar, with dark stony plains surrounded by spoil mountains. He then reappeared a little more green, so villages with strong inevitables. Finally, we arrived at the next destination of our travel itinerary in Morocco, the Draa Valley , wider and fertile than that of the Dades.
Draa Valley
Draa Valley - wider and greener of the Dades, the Draa valley hosts excellent dates and, useless to say, picturesque fortresses.
It was rich in palm groves and other vegetation, in particular date from date. Among the cities of ancient houses colored sand by now decayed, the most fascinating presented an impressive stronghold that led to vast cultivated fields. There were mulatthere characters, a very handmade water, peasants who dragged donkeys loaded with Sterparglie and the best dates that could be desired .
Draa Valley
Draa valley
Draa Valley
Draa valley
We stopped to sleep in Zagora in a hotel that had been elegant, but it was by now decadent.
The morning after we left for Marrakesh, where we arrived after the usual pleasant on the road between rustic landscapes and characteristic villages. We arrived in the afternoon and challenged a budget hotel recommended by the Lonely Planet, a stone's throw from the main square of Marrakesh, Jemaa-El-Fnaa , typical holiday destination.
Marrakech, Jamaa El-Fna - Marrakech's main squares is probably one of the most lively places to dine.
This square is full of jarrings that offer to eat. At dinner time, it was a war to grab customers. We ate pretty well, trying to avoid tourist traps. Turn around the large and lively square and the surroundings before going to sleep.
The next day it was entirely dedicated to the visit of Marrakesh, with its characteristic markets, the beautiful vicoletti of the center, mosques and monuments. Since in our travel itinerary in Morocco we wanted to live authentic moments with the local population, in the evening I and another in the most malfamed Marrakesh game room , in an isolated neighborhood where obviously there is no "They were tourists, to challenge local boys in CalcioBalilla. Overall, Marrakesh is a wonderful city so much for architecture and for people, where strades features and vivacity go hand in hand.
The next day we shared: three of us remained in Marrakesh to enjoy massages and Turkish baths. Another one and I took the car and drove for an hour and something to Essaouira, a beautiful town that should be part of every travel itinerary in this area of Morocco. In fact, Essaouira is a beautiful city on the Atlantic coast, especially famous for surfing. However, it also has a nice port full of fishing boats and a citadel in spectacular panoramic sea position. At the baradchini on the waterfront you can eat fresh fish at a good price - as always you need to treat and move from a restaurateur to another to get discounts.
Essaouira surf
Surf in Essaouira - a beautiful city of fishing with excellent surfing possibilities.
At this point of this travel diary, I will gladly write a meteorological consideration. Morocco is warm and sunny, and in the course of our autumn vacation it had been possible to take a naked torso to sunbathe everywhere, on the dunes, in the oasis, in the city ... the only place too fresh for the tidarella was precisely the windy coast Atlantic. Those who want to tan him in mind. We were surfing in the Atlantic Ocean, but with the mute, because we would have suffered too cold!
After the surf we went to see the huge dromedariums who wandered for the oceanic beach.
We would reach the others and spent the evening in the modern Marrakesh, in a chic room.
Dinner cost twenty euros, but was remarkable. There was the disco, which offered alcohol, and, upstairs, there were belly dancers and different escorts that accomodated to the elderly businessmen .
Unfortunately, it was Our last holiday evening. The day after a comfortable low-cost flight brought us back to Italy. We were excited about the journey, one of the richest of sensations as well as one of the cheapest; A week at 500 euros each included, from the flight to meals to souvenirs.
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