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Impressions from Turkmenistan: itinerary and travel diary
There are certainly more famous nations, more visited, more touristy. Indeed, Turkmenistan is a very poor state in the world and tourism. However, visiting such a particular, restrictive dictatorship can be an interesting experience, without counting the charm of the ex-Soviet country and the historic silk road that passed centuries from here. I don't know if this may be enough to attract tourists, but, surely, we are about to talk about a truly original country! "Among other things, if you don't get discouraged from the absence of activity, from the Facebook block, from the 11 pm curfew and the complications necessary to obtain the entrance visa, you can discover a nice and kind population. Here under some photos taken from a vacation & quot; In Turkmenbashi (on the Caspian Sea) and in the capital Ashgabat, as well as travel diary, information and itinerary. Bazar di Turkmenbashi. Un mercato vasto, animato e molto caratteristico in questa cittadina sul Mar Caspio
Travel diary in Turkmenistan
Let's say the truth: those who visit this country does it for work, because it is passing or because he has already traveled, as a tourist, in almost all other countries of the earth. Not that there is something to see, in Turkmenistan. But it is more likely that a stay here is combined with a journey along the Seta Street towards others & quot; Stan & quot; (Starting from Kazahkstan and Uzbekistan), perhaps coming by sea from Baku (Azerbaijan). Turkmenistan is largely trained by large desert flats. To the west overlooks the Caspian Sea and in this area the main city is Turkmenbashi, an industrial and commercial city (here arrive the merchants from Baku). Turkmenbashi. Quando si dice... un luogo che dà un senso di libertà! Ehm...Turkmenbashi. Tipici edifici della zona, in stile che definirei sovietico. Da notare la quantità enorme di parabole.
Here modernity has arrived especially in the form of highly polluting factories that invade the area with disturbing odors. The most fascinating part, to visit, is the bazaar. Bazar di Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan Near Turkmenbashi The government is building AWAZA, a tourist area of modern skyscrapers in Dubai style. This is, at least, the intention. The works are still in progress and the hotels already present give the idea of cathedrals in the desert. Yes, there are fake-luxurious rooms, and in hotels, even pools, bars and pool tables. Outside the hotels, however, nothing. On holiday in Awaza we are especially tourists Turkmeni, who enjoy the pools, the beach on the Caspian Sea (although water does not attract) and, above all, considerable quantities of vodka. Spiaggia di Awaza, sempre nella zona Turkmenistan sul Mar Caspio vicino a TurkmenbashiInteressante la quantità di conchiglie nelle spiagge del Mar Caspio nella zona di Awaza.Hotel in Awaza. Questa città, completamente nuova, in corso di costruzione vuole diventare una mega-stazione turistica: finora, però, questa ambizione non ha basi solide.
But where did all this money come from? Turkmenistan is one of the highest methane producers and has big oil fields. The earnings go to the government, which gives water, gas and electricity for free to citizens, for the rest of the rest. Petrol costs 20 cents per liter.
As for the life of the Turkmen, the censorship blocks Internet sites and information. In addition to the Turkmen speak Russian (as a second language), but also the Turkish, both for linguistic likeness and for Turkish television programs broadcast in Turkmenistan. Typically Turkmen TV programs, on the other hand, are very characteristic. Tipico programma TV del Turkmenistan
While staying in Awaza for work, in a luxurious hotel built on the ABU Dhabi intercontinental model (but in reality at all at a height as services: it was difficult to even find someone who spoke English, for example), I asked the reception of Call a taxi that took me to the Bazaar of Turkmenbashi mentioned above. Actually in the EX-USSR countries the taxis often do not exist: it is simply private individuals who do from drivers. TurkmenbashiTurkmenbashi. Anche qua.. libertà e ordine! Ri-ehm.....
The tour to Turkmanshi I didn't mind: the market was lively, and the gray houses with the mountains Brulle in the background were certainly not of masterpieces, but certainly more features of Awaza. I felt on the way, on vacation, much more than in the mega-hotel. TurkmenbashiBazar di Turkmenbashi
In the evening I saw the driver and asked me 100 dollars for an evening with a beautiful girl. I refused, but came into contact with a widespread phenomenon in all the great Turkmen hotels. And so that prostitution would be illegal, for foreigners. Turkmenistan is full of strange laws and advice to read them on Wikipedia. The best are: it is forbidden to sing in playback, smoking allowed indoors but not outdoors, the libraries are prohibited, the male homosexuality (but not the feminine one) is illegal. apart from the anti-democratic laws, the Turkmenistan It fascinates as a passage point between old Eastern Europe and the East, as it is right that it is on the Silk Street. TurkmenbashiTurkmenbashi
After Turkmenbashi spent a day to Ashgabat, the capital, a city rebuilt after a terrible earthquake in 1948. The style is gorgeous, megalomaniac, as you can expect from a dictatorship. For the tourist it is almost inevitable by going through Ashgabat during your journey, since you are practically all international flights. The image you have from the city is very different from that of Turkmenbashi! Ashgabat. La capitale turkmena ha un aspetto completamente diverso dal resto del Paese.Ashgabat
If these photos have not convinced you to come on holiday in Turkmenistan, I understand. It is a country with interesting ideas, but to visit precisely pass or necessarily (work), in my opinion. However, you can live unique experiences in Ashgabat. I stayed at the Sofitel, an ultraUSSUOSous hotel in the center of the central area of the capital (if you pay you are not you, try to sleep here!). Sofitel hotel di Ashgabat, forse il miglior hotel del Turkmenistan
In the afternoon I started, alone, in the direction of the bazaar, and the police ironed me continuously, making me deviate often, for example because he was about to pass the president or some other important officials. Bazar di Ashgabat. Il mercato russo è coloratissimo e interessante.Bazar di AshgabatBazar di Ashgabat
I enjoy the Russian market, the most authentic and colorful thing about my short vacation in Ashgabat. Curious as always, I moved to the railway, and walked along the tracks Feeling again fascinated by the Via della Silk, eager to take a very long journey far beyond the Turkmenistan! Un treno attraverso Ashgabat e il Turkmenistan. Il fascino di una linea ferroviaria che unisce Oriente e Occidente, ripercorrendo in parte l'antica Via della Seta.Stazione di AshgabatAshgabat
Returning to the hotel, I followed a different road, in the middle of the great white palaces of the center. Ashgabat
Ashgabat's government palaces were monumental architectures a little megalomaniac. Here too, the policemen whistled me when I took Uan Wrong Road. Il vuoto ma imperioso centro di Ashgabat è ricco di fontane nonostante l'acqua, nel paese, scarseggi.Ashgabat
At some point of the policemen they stopped me and they made me delete the photos of the government buildings from the mobile (but fortunately all the best were on the camera. Ashgabat
After my ten kilometers of walking, from some adventurous point of view even in the savannah, I relaxed in the hotel's spa. When the darkness descended, I opened the window of my hotel room and snapped a couple of night photos. AshgabatAshgabat
At that, a policeman came to whistle: he was probably again to pass the president and my behavior had unbeptow them! this, therefore, is the strange Turkmenistan. Surely a trip here is something unique! Although it is certainly not a dream vacation. Around Ashgabat I had the feeling of being an amateur explorer, maybe not just like that time In a school in the Indonesian jungle , but almost ... in those western ones they had walked only along those tracks? How many have been in that piazza prohibited to common citizens? Surely a few minutes to make me proud of my useless, but fun business.
Turkmenistan: travel information
Finally, some practical tips. American dollars are accepted everywhere, and generally with a non-evil change (the official one is 1 dollar = 2.85 manat). When to go? The climate is dry and temperate in spring and autumn. Instead, in summer we risk dying of heat and in winter of cold. How to move? Public transport, Interior flights of Turkmenistan Airlines, taxi and drivers. The country is apparently very safe, but you have to have all the cards in order (passport, invitation letter and seen) to be presented promptly to the police to avoid problems. Other destinations? Of course! Organizing with drivers or agencies you can visit other cities as well as the door of hell, a surprising crater that spits flames. What is it? In short, in the 70s the Soviets wanted to dig a oil well. They ran a hole and - boom - there was an explosion. A voragine was created from which methane and poisonous gases came out. What to do? They decided to burn everything to prevent poisonous gases to reach neighboring villages causing a massacre. The Soviets then focused fire and returned a few days later to check if everything turned off. But nothing, the crater continued to burn. They returned after another bit, but fire and flames persisted. Today, after over 40 years, the flames are always there, to illuminate the night. this a photo taken from Wikipedia (unfortunately I could not visit the door of hell). Door of Hell, Turkmenistan - route from Wikipedia
In conclusion, if you happen to spend a few days in Turkmenistan, don't despair! It can be interesting. If you are instead weeks ... well or you are very patient types, or you could get excessively boring! If you like these wild trips or if you want to find more photos of this and other destinations, as well as advice and new itineraries, visit our FB page and put like:
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