Why go? It is not a very original statement, but those who go to Norway by looking spectacular fjords and uncontaminated nature will surely be satisfied.
when to go? Unless you are interested in sledges and cross-country skiing, summer is recommended. In the south, spring is not bad: in Bergen it rains 400 days a year (a statistical impossibility that amazes scientists), but April and May are typically drier. The first May bridge, for example, could be a good opportunity to visit the city and the surroundings.
How to move? From Europe it is easy to reach Norway with a cheap low-cost flight (and, if desired, you can use an internal flight to move between north and south). Once arrived, I recommend the rental car to move freely in nature (traffic, in fact, does not exist). Public transport is efficient and expensive.
How much does it cost? Norway is a dear country. Sleeping and eating can spend 80 euros respectively per night (for a double & quot; cheap & quot;) and 30 euros per meal. Bar, supermarket and hostels can help you contain your budget. The rental car, if you are at least in 2, will save you compared to public transport.
Keep in mind that in what it costs I take into account the whole journey ... from the middle for the airport of departure to the drink passing through meals and souvenirs.
For an idea on hotel prices in Norway Click here to compare hotels and find Cheaper accommodation.
Where to go? Bergen and the fjords. Travel itinerary Simple but spectacular.
Other destinations? All Norway, and in particular the coast, deserves to be visited in search of paradise views. North Cape can be the point of arrival of a much longer travel itinerary.
Norway should be the goal of a long and wandering holiday. This country, in fact, offers boundless wild views and thousands of miles of winding roads that line fjords and overtake mountains. However, you can have a tasty tasting of Norway also thanks to a convenient long weekend and a rather small travel itinerary.
From Oslo, where we rented the car, we immediately headed northwest, looking for wild views . The first destination for the holiday was Flaam, a village located on the Fjord of Aurland .
We would reach him by driving through attractive highlands, on beautiful roads little traffic. met semi-icy lakes and forests. We immediately realized that traveling in Norwegian nature was a real pleasure .
The next day every suffering there was but rewarded. Flaam was in fact in a fantastic location at the bottom of a branch of the Aurlandsfjorden.
Along the route in the fjord we saw mountains, waterfalls and characteristic villages. Norway has a surface similar to that of Italy, but it is largely uninhabited, but the most interesting thing is that its 3000 km of coastline become 20000 if you take into account your wonderful flutter of fjords (as well as islands and islets ).
The rack journey up to Flaam was the last extraordinary part of that day of contemplation. The train stopped properly in some panoramic points, leaving us photographing waterfalls and mountains. Finally, we returned to the campsite, where we took the car looking for a place to dine. First, though, we reached a nice panoramic point on the fjord, on the road to Aurland, a village not far from Flaam.
The next day we left Eidfjord. Unfortunately we were at the end of our brief travel itinerary. There were 6 car hours that separated us from Oslo: even in that case it was not heavily driving between snow-covered highlands, lakes and forests. We also had the opportunity to admire the Stavkirke , a wooden church with truly original shapes.
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