La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno


The beaches of Cornish and other surprising places
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

England: travel tips

(pssst ... if you are interested in Great Britain, also inform you about This car from the wild landscapes of Scotland ).

La Cornwall and the Channel: Itinerary and travel tips
A few people go on vacation by the sea in England, and in fact there are excellent reasons not to do so: for example the climate and the cold sea. However, there are also good reasons to visit the southern coasts of Great Britain, especially if for work/study/sex you are in London and surroundings for several weeks.
First of all, Cornwall has characteristic fishing villages ( St Ives, Penzance, Newquay, Mevagissey are absolutely to be added to your travel itinerary in England), verdant hills and impressive cliffs, like those of Lands End. Of the many ancient buildings, the Castello di Tintagel , in spectacular position on the sea, it is the first to visit. Although, perhaps, it could more hit Mount St. Michael , the English fee of Mont St Michel, in France. It is an abbey perched on a islet. When the tide cala, an ancient bowl path and a strip of sand suddenly appear, connecting the island to the mainland .
Mappa itinerario di viaggio in Inghilterra As for the activities to be practiced, there is a wide choice. There are splendid trekking trails: Cornish Coastal Path offers the opportunity to walk around hundreds of kilometers along the southwestern coasts of England. Moreover, thanks to the ocean waves, the surfer equipped with a very heavy suit will live several moments of ecstasy.

Lasciando la Cornwall and heading along the coast to the east, the travel itinerary in England continues in the seaside resort of Bournemouth before arriving in Portsmouth, where you can embark for the famous Isle of Wight . Here you are greeted by white and colored cliffs and from green meadows. The splendid beaches suggest that this island, as well as Cornwall, both in England only by mistake.
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
The island of Wight also offers the possibility of drinking brewing in vibrant pubs or to fear very badly during some extreme Rave Party. Furthermore, it is excellent for sailing and to watch fascinating regattas like Cowes Week. Clear, on the sleeve the climate is what it is: even in summer, you can take a cold due to rain and cold, except Burn the next day below to a very hot sun. We must be ready to everything, but you know, so life. Otherwise you know that boredom.
Continue reading the itinerary under the photos

Cornwall Mevagissey
Mevagissey. La Cornovaglia è una regione sorprendente, piena di pittoreschi villaggi di pescatori.
Cornwall Mevagissey
Mevagissey, Cornovaglia
St Michael, Cornovaglia. Questa versione inglese di Mont St Michel diventa una penisola o un'isola a seconda della marea.
St Michael, Cornovaglia.
Cornwall Fowey
Fowey, Cornovaglia
Cornwall Fowey
Fowey, Cornovaglia
Cornwall Fowey
Fowey. No, non è la Sardegna. Si mangia fish and chips, qui. E il clima, spesso, è più freddo. Il giorno di Pasqua in cui è stata scattata questa foto, però, si stava come alle Canarie.
Cornwall Fowey
Fowey, Cornovaglia
Cornwall Bedruthan Steps
Bedruthan Steps (o le Seve Sisters), Cornovaglia. Un tratto di costa impressionante, che ricorda i Dodici Apostoli australiani.
Cornwall Bedruthan Steps
Bedruthan Steps, Cornovaglia
Cornwall St Ives
St Ives, Cornovaglia
Cornwall Tintagel
Castello di Tintagel, Cornovaglia. Questo era uno dei castelli di re Artù, o così dicono!
Cornwall Tintagel
Castello di Tintagel
Cornwall Tintagel
Castello di Tintagel
Cornwall Tintagel
Castello di Tintagel
Isle of Wight - Cowes
L'isola di Wight è un posto eccitante. Cowes, la città principale, è famosa anche per le regate veliche.
Isle of Wight
Col clima giusta queste spiagge non hanno nulla da invidiare a quelle mediterranee.
Isle of Wight
Isola di Wight
Isle of Wight
Isola di Wight
Isle of Wight pub
Pub sull'isola di Wight
... Returning to the coast and proceeding again to the east the lively Brighton . It is a rather large city and in my opinion contradictory: decadent and lively, of sea but more interesting for other aspects. The beach, in fact, does not worth those mentioned so far; On the other hand, you cannot fail to be fascinated by the premises, from the artistic-alternative atmosphere and from the Strange Royal Pavillon, a more arabeaning than English building.
Although the beach is not tropical, it still has its charm and allows numerous activities that perfume a vacation, from surfing to the beach volleyball.
More east of Brighton the coast has the famous " White Cliffs "The white cliffs of Dover, to whose summit there are endless paths.

Cliffs, I remember with particular pleasure The village of Birling gap . In the village in itself there is nothing apart from a pub (and how could it be missed), but from here you can leave to explore immense expansive walking of deserted beaches at the foot of the cliffs (attention to high tide). The sand is rare, they are found for the biggest white stones, but there is still an infinity of space to run, explore, play and copulate in freedom. Above all, the views are wonderful. With a long walk you can reach the lighthouse of Belle Tout, at the foot of the highest white cliff, that of Beachy Head . The top of this promontory can be reached walking along the green meadows above the cliffs.
In short, at least a week for a travel itinerary in southern England is widely deserved. If you assist from the good weather, you can enjoy a beach vacation in unique places, which have nothing to envy more renowned: beaches and cliffs are accompanied by good English organization, adrenaline activities and pub food and beer , with intoxicating consequences.

Beachy Head
Beachy Head. Uno dei tratti di costa più spettacolari sulla Manica, non distante da Brighton.
Beachy Head lighthouse
Faro di Beachy Head
Beachy Head
Le bianche scogliere di Beachy Head
Beachy Head
Beachy Head. Una lunga camminata ai piedi delle scogliere conduce a un faro panoramico.
London and the other historic English cities: itinerary and travel tips
I certainly don't put me to write a guide or a travel story for a city like London , up In the net there are more information than on the tits of the VIPs and already visited by a good 90% of you and your friends, who surely have already made us boring reports on the Tower of London and on the English pubs ...
Personally I can recommend the website that offers news and tips for those who want to go to live in London or for Who wants to visit it.
Here, without descending in the details, I would like to add some brief annotations, some photos, and a list of what struck me more outside (but also in it) of the usual tourist tours. Let's start: Covent Garden's jugglers on Saturday afternoon; A theatrical pièce like "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Shakespeare's Globe ; The fireworks above St Paul, seen from the southern shore of the Thames; The Richmond park; The Wimbledon tournament (OK, I love tennis); A Musical Funny like that of Queen or Monthy Python (a good knowledge of English is useful); the numerous manifestations of all kinds; Take a hot chocolate, on a winter afternoon, on the top floor of a very good library; Wandering in the evening between Leicester Square and Piccadilly or in the less touristy Clapham.

London dominates the scene on other English cities. However, for the tourist there are so many jewels scattered around England. For example, the monumental Oxford, Cambridge, Windsor, Salisbury, Winchester, Canterbury ... There is a wide choice. Even ancient unknown villages, such as Arundel, offer surprises (for example a castle and the pub where I ate the best moussaka of my life ... Yes, I know, Moussaka is a Greek dish, but if the world was all discounted I wouldn't even travel). Further, Bath and the English countryside. Stonehenge It seems to me avoidable, instead: of the large stones thrown on a meadow a long time ago. Of course, history and mysticism and blah blah blah. But I'm Busy, You Know.
In short, as always turning randomly between cities, towns and villages is a great idea. The car gives freedom, but, for example, you are in London and want to take a trip out of port, consider the buses of the National Express or other companies, truly economic especially if booked in advance. And after this prosaic conclusion, good vision of the photos!
England - Canterbury
Canterbury. Una delle più affascinanti città nella campagna inglese, famosa per la sua Cattedrale.
England - Canterbury
Esempi d'architettura gotica a destra e a manca, a Oxford, a partire dagli edifici del celeberrimo college.
Greenwich. Queste colline nella parte orientale di Londra ospitano l'Osservatorio Reale e il meridiano zero.
London Bridge
Il London Bridge connette la Tate Modern Gallery sulla riva sud del Tamigi (South Bank) alla cattedrale di St Paul.
London Natural History Museum
Il Museo di Storia Naturale è uno dei tanti sorprendenti capolavori che i turisti possono ammirare a Londra.
Richmond. Questa cittadina subito fuori Londra è perfetto per una camminata lungo il Tamigi e nell'ampio parco, osservando i cerbiatti.
Non lontano da Londra il bel castello di Windsor svetta su una tipica cittadina inglese.
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