La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

China and Hong Kong

A rich country of people, culture, landscapes, smog and beauty
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

We receive the following travel information on China and Hong Kong, photos and video from Claudio Piani, the author of this wonderful adventure, and we will gladly publish;)
(this is just a part of the entire journey From Italy to Indonesia without flying: Click here for the video and other stages of the itinerary )

China and Hong Kong: the Second month travel
3 Country Crossed: Russia, China, Hong Kong (Join this morning)
1 The insect you managed to make me eat
4 people hosted me
7 The nights I have been hosted
7 nights passed by train
17 nights spent in nine different hostels
1 The person who managed to cure me
15+ people who tried to cure me without succeed (jerk once enough and advanced)
34 years of life lost when the debit is not returned to me the credit card, my train started after twenty minutes and no one spoke mine Language within fifty kilometers.
100+ The people who asked me for a photo

La Grande Muraglia nel nord della Cina
The Great Wall in northern China
Some consideration on China:
- Chinese communist policy makes the Chinese people the most serene and happy I've ever seen ... but certainly also the least creative, ambitious and imaginative (but really much the least creative)
- Many Chinese are not aware of the fact that the world is full of Chinese
- Beijing is so polluted that for 8 days I have not seen the Sun
- the most famous Italian in China is. .. no one, so for many Chinese the most famous Italian I became the long beard and the spotted shirts I don't have to have left a good impression of the Bel Paese
- My Chinese name is Lou Lou ... Which unfortunately is a lot of gay, but in China plan is Lou ... consequently plans becomes Lou Lou
- when a Tibetan monk to my statement "I am Italian" replied: "Ah Italia ... Balotelli" For a moment I regret when Mafia was associated at Italy
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
- In China you don't vote ... there is only one party
- In the Chinese vocabulary there is no comfortable word ... and you have confirmation when you travel by train or bus
- In China spit anywhere is normal ... the problem is that the loading phase is particularly emphasized with verses ever I had heard of
- in China burp everywhere is normal ... and they are also a lot of talented in doing so
- The Chinese Wall is by far the most amazing construction I've ever seen
- in China the numbers with your fingers are different from ours, type 10 is done by crossing the indexes. The first week find out the price of things It was a continuous bet
- Hardly a Chinese asks "because" especially parents and professors. They believe everything that is told and perform
- the Chinese are certainly more than a billion and seven hundred million as it wants to make you believe in - the concept of maintaining space, when you are in a row or by bus , you don't exist

- Basketball is' very popular in China but the technical, tactical and athletic level is painful ... and then the 2-3 Bulgarian reigns to any level.
- When two boys get engaged and is a good rule that the boy holds his girlfriend's purse ...
- The first night in China I passed it to the University of Harbin ... 30000 students in the dorm ( 8 per room). At night I expected any kind of festee ... instead at 10pm everyone in bed !!! Even if they catch you to pomiciate with the girl in the courtyard call parents at home and they take you points (even 50) from the special report card.
- In China we are generally engaged to get married - The need for work is so high that people are encouraged to throw garbage on the ground so you can take more sweepers.
- After one Dinner at Penglai in Via Tavazzano in Milan I have stomach burners for a week. Here I ate any kind of volatile, pork noses and other disturbing robes and I never had a problem
- On the trains in Russia the cheaper night wagon contains 60 beds and 2 bathrooms for 60 people ... in China Contin 118 seats (sleeps seduti) and 2 bathrooms for about 130 people ... those who do not have the seat screams somewhere.ovvialy they smoke everyone and nobody loves spits

- At Chengdu food market along with tomatoes and apples you can also find turtles, snakes, frogs all rigoratively live
- Chinese children run without diaper, they all have a slot in the trousers from where any waste product can be released in any moment and in any place
- In China many forgive crossings are without traffic light ... so it is your preservation instinct that suggests when passing
- China's width occupies a space that should have at least 4 time zones ... instead they have one .. at the beginning of September at 18.30 it is dark.
- It seems that bus drivers in China are not paid to the way but based on how many machines they manage to overcome.
- on the maps Chinese a city, marked with the characters of the size with which we mark a city type Parma, has at least ten million inhabitants - the "repressive" communist policy and total control is probably the only way for success IRE to manage a nation so numerous
- many Tibetans have so little beard that rather than using the razor have a special tweezers with which to remove the hair
- China is a magical country and the incredibly cheerful Chinese people, Friendly and respectful

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