La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Mongolia in Transerberian

From Poland to the land of Gengis Khan through Russia and Siberia
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

We receive the following travel information about Russia, Siberia and Mongolia, photos and video from Claudio Piani, the author of this wonderful adventure, and willingly publish;)
(this is just a part of the whole Travel from Italy to Indonesia without flying: Click here for the video and other stages of the itinerary )

Zaino da viaggio
What to fill a travel backpack to cross Asia by land? Claudio's answer!
Through Siberia and beyond: the first month of travel
4 Nations crossed: Poland, Belarus, Russia, Mongolia
9 nights passed by train
12 people hosted me
21 nights where I was hosted
30+ The people who offered me a meal, a passage or given something
65 hours the longest route by train
150+ The hours spent on the trains of the Transiberiana
La Piazza Rossa di Mosca, Russia
The Red Square of Moscow, Russia
Some considerations on visa seats:
- A girl in Siberia asked me if the sea water is really salty
- in Mongolia Care high blood pressure slipping flower petals in shoes
- Cross the road to Ulan Bator was one of the most dangerous experiences of my life
Autostop in Mongolia
Hitchhiking in Mongolia
- In Russia you can't smoke on the train, unless you buy a lottery ticket, at that point you can smoke how much you want. Obviously no one ever checks if he won
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
- In villages Buriati there is no asphalt and ceramic ... so no roads and no cups.
- The Girls Monole are very beautiful but despise hairy men, the girls in Siberia are even more beautiful And they love hairy urosons ... so I went well at this
Yak della Mongolia
Mongolia yak
- The most famous Italian in Russia, after Toto Cotugno, is Buffon, but some nostalgic has pulled me into the middle Cabrini, Zoffs and Rossi
- 50% of the Russians regrets communism and hates Gorbachov and the Perestroika .. . The other 50% thanks Gorbachov and the Perestroika.
- Lake Bajkal in Siberia is as long as from Milan to Naples, Largo as from Milan to Bergamo and deep as from my house at Angelo's house (and if not You know it ... well, it's not little!)
Lago Bajkal, Siberia, Russia
Lake Bajkal, Siberia, Russia
- In Mongolia they believe that if a bee makes you a nest at home you will become rich ... so I had to spend two nights with a bee in the room with the fear of being point
- Lucashenko dictatorship makes Minsk the capital cleaner, organized and sure I've ever seen ... but I have the various Luttazzi, Santoro and Belarusian Travaglio have finished all to "who saw it"

- A Minsk if you have a bike you can't exceed the day limits, but at night you can do that cock you want. It tells the law. After the 24 only people impanning
- in Russia, if you are Russo the museums cost Less ... in Mongolia if you're not Mongol, pay all more
Tenda nella steppa della Mongolia
Tent in the steppe of Mongolia
- The artistic heritage of Buccinasco and Chinesello Balsamo is superior to any siberian city ...
- For the first time I met a true Buddhist and for the first time I was distributed by giving a mosquito that was about to puncture My calf.
- After a month in Siberia I know 5-6 words in Russian, but anyone hosted me to say Minchia
- The Novosibirsk region is as big as France ... The Municipality of Novosibirsk It is as big as from Milan to Bergamo

- See a black in Siberia is almost impossible. The only one I saw was photographed by passers-by transvested by 50cent
- in Mongolia the basketball is very popular ... you see many kids play basketball ... but they see many more to play shooting with Arch
Famiglia della Mongolia, nella sua tenda
Mongolia family, in his tent
- On the Transiberian place your neighbor more vary between the most pussy girl who has ever seen at an alcoholic Russian fat man who continues to flush ... the advantage/disadvantage is that on the Transiberiana you have to pass at least 50 hours stuck .. . Start believing in destiny

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