La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

South East Asian to adventure

The nature of Laos, the Temples of Cambodia, the beaches of Thailand ... and also Malaysia
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

We receive the following travel information on Southeast Asia, and in particular Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia, the photos and the video from Claudio Piani, the author of this wonderful adventure, and we willingly publish;)
(This is only a part of the entire journey from Italy to Indonesia without flying: Click here for the video and other stages of the itinerary )

Enorme Buddha in Laos
Huge Buddha in Laos
Southeast Asia
Some consideration on Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia
- Basketball in Cambodia goes very little ... they shoot a lot more The martial arts, volleyball and fighting between Galli
- Basketball in Malasya is not bad ... the grays are disturbing instead ... Serie A Female ... 11 Total fouls whistled in the second half ... In the field they dominated scratches, pulling of hair and trips
- in Thailand the Muai Thai should be ugly ... but very often in the villages you see children play bowls using slippers instead of bowls
- Cambodians are spectacular ... they always smile and they are very kind. Just arrived in Kratie a boy in a bar he lent his bike to go and withdraw and since the ATM was not going back to the return of the waitress took me the money for dinner and for the hostel
Pescatori della Cambogia
Cambodia fishermen
- In Thailand it costs all a little ... but I don't know how I spent more money in fifteen days in Thailand that in forty-five in China ...
- When you take a single bungalow or tent in neighboring areas to the jungle you already know that anyway you will have to split that room ... generally with a dozen mosquitoes, a pair of cockroach and at least a spider ... if you go there for bad luck Even a gecko, who, although both the most cute among all, when at night begins to cracing makes an incredible casino.
- If someone tells you to be careful to the transsexuals in Bangkok ... give him the right ...
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
- In Thailand between the Stop Earth and the island of Ko Thao the sea was rather agitated ... After a little while many tourists started to vomit around. I was quite quiet, between me and I thought: "It will always be like this" ... when the Thai lady sitting next to me the life buoy has started and started crying I started worrying
- On an island in Thailand I crossed a piece of jungle (incredible flap) to reach a beach otherwise accessible only by boat ... Arrived at the beach, ready to dive, beak a type of discovery Channel who forbids me to enter the water because he was shooting a documentary. .... from now on I watch only National Geographic
Spiaggia strepitosa in un'isola della Thailandia
Strepitous beach in a Thailand island

- In the seventies the Cambodians suffered a genocide very similar to the Jew ... the only difference is that it was perpetrated by a Cambodian itself. Pol Pot, exponent of the Communist Party, which made all the people who had studied ... in short, all the professors, teachers, doctors etc ... condemning Cambodia to a level of poverty and illiteracy still evident.
- In Laos There is no railway line
- The most expensive restaurant where I ate in Thailand is McDonald's
- in Phnom Phen every ten meters come stopped by a taxi driver (on a tuk tuk). The Conversation Type:
Taxista: Tuk Tuk?
I: No Thanks
Taxista: Marijuana ??
I: No Thanks
Taxista: Cocaine ??
I: No Thanks
Taxista: bum bum ??
I: Hahahahha
- In the villages in Thailand they have no "landfill" ... at dusk every family collects all the waste in front of home and I fire them ...

- In Laos and Cambodia there are no coins, only banknotes
- In Malaysia Muslims live the Islamic religion with a rigor, consistency and enviable dedication ... and the inner well-being is perceived that they receive from prayer. These really get up at five to pray every morning ... from us so many people talk about Catholicism and Crucifixes and does not enter a church for fifteen years, thus losing the benefits that religion could give.
- See trees of Christmas and feel the streets "We wish you a merry christmas" while you are around in tank top, costume and flip flops is a destabilizing experience
- by the banks of the Mekong river especially in southern Laos and Cambodia I happened to see Branches of Delfini (in a river ???)
- The capital of Cambodia is beautiful, ruined only by hundreds of old European and American obese that come here to exploit poor girls
- Ankgor Wat in Cambodia It is certainly the most incredible archaeological site I've ever seen
Ankgor Wat, Cambogia
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
- Kuala Lumpur is one of the richest cities in Southeast Asia and consequently immigration destination for almost all other Asian nations. The level of integration and respect between all the various ethnicities ... Muslim women with veil, Indians with the turban, Europeans in a jacket and tie, which spit, Turks smoking, Crawlholidays selling roses ... all mixed in a spectacular via go ...
- The first night in Bangkok, arrived at 8pm after thirteen hours of bus, my intent was to go to bed early but in the end I returned to the hostel at 5 .... the second Evening in Bangkok my intent was to party and in the hostel I didn't really come back
- In Laos, Cambodia and Thailand ... look at the faces of the people, look at their homes and you understand that the money doesn't happen happiness

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