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The quaintest Jordan towns, with markets, mosques and historic ruins
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Amman, Jerash and the other Jordan towns

Amman is the capital of Jordan and the typical starting point of a trip here, at least for those arriving by plane. Jordan (you can find all info about travelling in Jordan here), is probably the safest country in the Middle East, and Amman is very safe town too. People are kind, restaurants are inviting, shops are picturesque. The best thing to do in Amman is to walk around in the town centre, taking a view also from the citadel.

Amman Amman town center
Town center of Amman and view from the citadel
Shop in Amman Shop in Amman
Bookshop and spicery in the center of Amman
Jerash is another beautiful city in the north of Jordan. Here the highlights are the wonderful Roman ruins. Theatres, temples and columns are very well preserved and the whole site is very impressive.
Jerash, Roman theater Jerash, Roman theater
Jerash, Roman theater and ruins
Jerash, Roman ruins Jerash, Roman columns
Jerash, antique Roman columns
Here and there, in Jordan you may meet a castle. One of these is Kerak.
Kerak Castle, Jordan
Kerak castle, central Jordan
Kerak Castle, Jordan
Kerak castle, central Jordan
Un'altra città interessante è Madaba, dove si trovano anche alcune chiese cristiane famose per i mosaici; la convivenza tra persone di credo diverso è pacifica e aproblematica in Giordania. L'inimicizia con Israele (e talvolta con gli americani) che emerge spesso dai discorsi della gente del posto ha ovviamente storiche motivazioni politiche.

Another very interesting town is Madaba, where there are some christian churches that are famous for the mosaics; from the bell tower of a church you can have a panoramic view over the town and its mosque. Here, Christians and Arabs live peacefully together. Only historic political reasons are the cause of the harsh words that sometimes Jordanians say against Israel or America.
Mosque at Madaba, Jordan
Mosque at Madaba, Jordan
Church at Madaba, Jordan
Church at Madaba, Jordan
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