Abemama - Discovering Kiribati

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Travelling to Abemama

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Abemama, a pretty good destination in Kiribati (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Abemama and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Abemama, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Kiribati, here's everything to know about Abemama for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Abemama

Abemama, also known as Apamama, is an atoll located in the central part of the group of islands that make up Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean. It is one of the primary islands of the Gilbert Islands and has a population of around 3,000 people. The main industries on the island are fishing and agriculture. Abemama is home to the Abemama Airport, which serves as a hub for air travel in the region. The island is known for its scenic beaches and colorful coral reefs, making it a popular destination for tourists seeking a relaxing tropical getaway. Its unique cultural heritage, including traditional music and dance forms, is also a draw for visitors.

Travelling to Abemama and around: discovering Kiribati

What to visit in Abemama

Sure, here are some of the tourist attractions of Abemama in Kiribati and some information about each of them: 1. Rai Matang - This is a large stone platform that is believed to have been used by the island's chiefs for important ceremonies and as a place of power. It is located near the village of Kariatebike and is considered a sacred site by the locals.
2. The Abemama Lagoon - This lagoon is a beautiful spot for swimming, snorkeling, and fishing. It is also home to many different species of fish and other marine life.
3. The Abemama War Relics - During World War II, Abemama was occupied by Japanese forces, and there are still many relics and remnants of that time on the island, including bunkers, aircraft wrecks, and other artifacts.
4. The Kae Seroka Memorial Church - This church was built in honor of the island's first Christian convert, who was a famous warrior and chief. It is one of the largest and most impressive churches in Kiribati and is located near the village of Tabontebike.
5. The Abemama Maneaba - This traditional meeting house is located in the village of Kariatebike and is an excellent example of Kiribati's unique architectural style. It is still used for important community gatherings and events.
6. The Abemama Coconut Crab Sanctuary - This sanctuary was created to protect and preserve the island's coconut crab population, which is the largest in the world. Visitors can see these fascinating creatures up close and learn about their importance to the local ecosystem.
Overall, Abemama offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty that is sure to appeal to any traveler looking for an off-the-beaten-path destination.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Kiribati, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Abemama.

When to go on holiday to Abemama

The best time to visit Abemama (Kiribati) is during the dry season which is from April to September. During these months, you can expect sunny days, calm seas, and less rainfall which will make it easier to explore the island and enjoy outdoor activities. However, it's important to note that Kiribati is a tropical destination and it can get very hot and humid at any time of the year. Therefore, it's recommended to pack lightweight, breathable clothing and stay hydrated throughout your trip.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Abemama

To get to Abemama in Kiribati, you would need to take a flight to the capital city of Tarawa, which is the main international gateway to Kiribati. You can fly to Tarawa on several airlines, including Fiji Airways, Nauru Airlines, and Air Kiribati. From Tarawa, you can take a domestic flight to Abemama Island via Air Kiribati. The flight time from Tarawa to Abemama is about 40 minutes. Alternatively, you can take a passenger ship from Tarawa to Abemama, which takes approximately 12 to 16 hours, depending on the weather conditions. However, the passenger ship services are not very reliable, so it's best to confirm the schedule before making any travel arrangements.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Abemama, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Abemama

Abemama is an atoll located in the central part of the Kiribati archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. The atoll’s cuisine is based on seafood, coconut, and other local ingredients. Here are some typical foods of Abemama with a short description of each: 1. Ika (Tuna) - Tuna is a staple food in Abemama. It’s usually grilled or boiled and served with coconut milk or lime.
2. Te kai ni kana (Coconut crab) - Coconut crabs are abundant on the island and are highly appreciated by the locals. They’re usually boiled before being grilled and served with coconut milk or lime.
3. Te bungabunga ni kamaimai (Papaya salad) - This is a popular dish in Abemama made from grated papaya mixed with lime juice, coconut milk, and sometimes chili peppers.
4. Te kawawa (Giant clams) - Giant clams are considered a delicacy in Abemama. They’re usually served raw or grilled with coconut milk.
5. Te bua (Breadfruit) - Breadfruit is a staple food in Abemama. It can be eaten boiled, roasted, or deep-fried. It’s often served with coconut milk.
6. Te kareta (Octopus) - Octopus is another popular seafood in Abemama. It’s usually boiled or grilled and served with coconut milk or lime.
7. Te kabubu (Sea cucumber) - Sea cucumber is a traditional dish in Abemama. It’s usually boiled or fried and served with coconut milk or lime.
8. Te kamaimai (Bananas) - Bananas are a common fruit in Abemama. They’re usually served raw or cooked with coconut milk.
9. Te bia (Coconut juice) - Coconut juice is a popular drink in Abemama. It’s served fresh from the coconut and is a refreshing way to stay hydrated in the tropical climate.
You can find general info about typical foods in Kiribati here.

Is Abemama an expensive destination for tourists?

Abemama, which is a small atoll in Kiribati, can be considered a relatively expensive destination for tourists. The main reason for this is the limited tourist infrastructure that exists on the island. There are only a few accommodation options available, and these tend to be more expensive than in other destinations due to the high demand for rooms. Additionally, because Abemama is quite remote and isolated, it can be more expensive to get to than other destinations.
However, on the positive side, Abemama is known for its stunning natural beauty and relaxed pace of life, which is a unique experience that many travelers find worth the extra cost. The island is home to beautiful beaches, coral reefs, and abundant marine life, making it a popular destination for snorkeling and scuba diving.
Overall, while Abemama can be an expensive destination, it offers a one-of-a-kind experience that may be worth the investment for those seeking a truly unique travel experience.

Where to find accomodation in Abemama

Abemama in Kiribati has limited accommodation options. There are some guesthouses and lodgings on the island. The main village on the island is Kariatebike, which is where most of the guesthouses are located. So, it would be best to look for accommodation options in or around Kariatebike. Another option is to contact the local council or community leaders, who may be able to assist you in finding suitable accommodation options on the island.
You can check hotel prices at Abemama here:

Is Abemama a safe destination for tourists?

Abemama, like most of Kiribati, is generally a safe place for tourists. It is a peaceful and friendly island with welcoming locals. However, visitors should still take basic safety precautions, such as keeping valuables secure, being aware of their surroundings, and staying in well-lit and populated areas, especially at night. It's also important to respect the local culture and customs, and to follow local laws and regulations. In addition, visitors should be aware of the possible risks associated with outdoor activities, such as swimming and snorkeling, and take appropriate safety measures. Overall, with proper precautions, Abemama is a safe and enjoyable destination for tourists.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Kiribati here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Abemama.

What type of travelers will enjoy Abemama the most?

Abemama Island in Kiribati would be enjoyed the most by travelers who are seeking a secluded and laid-back beach vacation. It is an ideal location for couples who want to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and spend quality time with each other. Families with young children may also find the island enjoyable as there are plenty of opportunities for water activities such as swimming and snorkeling. However, young people looking for fun and nightlife may not find this island as exciting since it is more peaceful and tranquil. Overall, Abemama Island is perfect for anyone who enjoys spending time in a beautiful and unspoiled environment away from the crowds.

How to get around Abemama

On Abemama Island in Kiribati, the main modes of transportation are walking, biking, and hiring a local boat. There are no cars or motorbikes available for rent on the island. However, some guesthouses may offer transportation services to their guests. Bicycles can usually be hired from local resident's homes or guesthouses. It's important to note that roads on Abemama are not well-maintained and may be difficult to navigate on foot or by bike, particularly after heavy rains. In some areas, it may be necessary to travel by boat, especially to reach the outer villages and motu (islets).

What to see around Abemama

Sure, here are some suggestions for day trips from Abemama in Kiribati: 1. Betio: Betio, located on the island of Tarawa, is known for its beautiful beaches and crystal-clear waters. Visitors can enjoy swimming, snorkeling, and diving here.
2. Maiana: Maiana is a small island located around 40 kilometers away from Abemama. It is known for its beautiful scenery, including pristine beaches, clear blue waters, and lush vegetation. Visitors can also explore the island's local culture, which is deeply rooted in traditional practices.
3. South Tarawa: South Tarawa is the main island of Kiribati. It is known for its beautiful beaches, interesting marketplaces, and historical landmarks such as the Gilbertese War Memorial.
4. Butaritari: Butaritari is another island located around 150 kilometers away from Abemama. It is known for its stunning beaches, unique culture, and friendly people.
5. Abaiang: Abaiang is a small island located around 25 kilometers away from Abemama. It is known for its beautiful beaches, traditional villages, and rich history. Visitors can also enjoy various water sports and adventure activities here.
For every travel information about Kiribati you can click here.

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