Budaiya - Discovering Bahrein

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Travelling to Budaiya

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Budaiya, a pretty good destination in Bahrein (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Budaiya and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Budaiya, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Bahrein, here's everything to know about Budaiya for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Budaiya

Budaiya is a residential area located in the northwest region of Bahrain. It is known for its abundant greenery, which is unusual for a desert country like Bahrain. It is a popular destination for expatriates and locals alike due to its peaceful and secure environment. Budaiya is home to several notable landmarks and attractions, including the Budaiya Botanical Garden, the Al Areen Wildlife Reserve, and the Saar Cultural Heritage Site. Additionally, it offers a range of shopping and dining options, making it a great place to visit.

Travelling to Budaiya and around: discovering Bahrein

What to visit in Budaiya

Budaiya is a small village located in the northern region of Bahrain. Here are some of the popular tourist attractions in Budaiya along with some details about each: 1. Barbar Temples: This is an archaeological site that dates back to the pre-Islamic era. The site consists of three temples that were discovered in the 1950s. The temples are believed to have been used for worship and rituals. It's a popular spot for history buffs and archaeology enthusiasts.
2. The Sacred Heart Church: The Sacred Heart Church is a beautiful, historic church located in Budaiya. It was built in the 1930s by the Portuguese and is a popular tourist spot for those interested in religious history and architecture. The church has a Gothic-style design and features beautiful stained-glass windows.
3. Budaiya Botanical Garden: The Budaiya Botanical Garden is a peaceful retreat away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The garden is home to a variety of plants and trees, including palms, fig trees, and bougainvillea. It's a great place for a picnic, a walk, or just some quiet time in nature.
4. Budaiya Beach: The Budaiya Beach is a perfect place to enjoy some sun and sand. It's a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and fishing. There are several food stalls and restaurants located near the beach that offer a range of delicious local delicacies.
5. The Pearl Monument: The Pearl Monument is a beautiful statue that is located in Budaiya. It's a symbol of Bahrain's rich pearl-diving history and is a popular spot for taking photos. The monument is surrounded by beautiful gardens and fountains, making it a peaceful spot to relax and unwind.
Overall, Budaiya is a great place to explore Bahrain's rich history, culture, and natural beauty.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Budaiya.

When to go on holiday to Budaiya

The best time to visit Budaiya in Bahrain is during the winter months, which fall between November and February. During this time, the temperatures are milder, ranging from 19°C to 25°C (66°F to 77°F), making outdoor activities more comfortable. Additionally, there is less humidity and rainfall, making it an ideal time to explore the city and its surroundings. Summer months, between May and September, can be extremely hot and humid, with temperatures reaching over 40°C (104°F).

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Budaiya

To get to Budaiya in Bahrain, there are several options you can consider: 1. By Taxi - Taxis are easily available in Bahrain and you can hire one from Bahrain International Airport or any other location in the country. It takes approximately 20-25 minutes to get from the airport to Budaiya by taxi.
2. By Car - If you are comfortable driving, you can rent a car from the airport or from any of the car rental agencies in Bahrain. The drive to Budaiya takes around 20-25 minutes, depending on traffic.
3. By Public Transport - There are buses that run from the airport to Budaiya. You can take one of the buses operated by Bahrain Public Transport Company. Alternatively, you can look for other public bus services available in Bahrain.
I hope this information helps you. Have a safe and enjoyable trip!
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Budaiya, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Budaiya

Budaiya is a small town in Bahrain, and the food here is an amalgamation of traditional and modern cuisine. Some of the typical foods of Budaiya are: 1. Machboos: This is the national dish of Bahrain and a popular food in Budaiya. It consists of rice cooked with meat (usually chicken or lamb), spices, and tomatoes. It is flavored with saffron and served with a side of salad or dhal.
2. Harees: This is a classic Arabic dish made using wheat and chicken, lamb, or meat. The wheat is slow-cooked with the meat along with spices, and the mixture is then mashed and served.
3. Bahraini Fish Curry: This is a spicy curry made with fish and flavored with spices such as turmeric, ginger, and coriander. The fish used in the curry is usually kingfish, but any local fish can be used.
4. Balaleet: This is a sweet saffron-flavored vermicelli pudding that is popular in Bahraini households. It is usually served with a side of sweetened scrambled eggs.
5. Luqaimat: This is a sweet and sticky dessert made by deep-frying small dough balls and then coating them with honey or syrup. It is usually served as a snack or dessert.
These are some of the typical foods of Budaiya. They are flavorful, spicy, and delicious, making them a must-try for anyone visiting Bahrain.
You can find general info about typical foods in Bahrein here.

Is Budaiya an expensive destination for tourists?

Budaiya, Bahrain can be considered an expensive destination for tourists, especially if you compare it to other destinations in the region. The cost of living and traveling expenses in the country can be relatively high. However, there are ways to minimize expenses by choosing budget-friendly accommodations, eating at local restaurants, and using public transportation. It's essential to plan and budget accordingly before your trip to ensure you have a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Where to find accomodation in Budaiya

Budaiya is a residential area located in the northwestern part of Bahrain, close to the coast. If you're planning to visit Budaiya, there are a few areas nearby where you can find accommodation: 1. Al-Maqsha - This area is located south of Budaiya and has a range of accommodations including hotels, apartments, and villas.
2. Adliya - This area is located towards the center of Bahrain and has a number of popular hotels and serviced apartments.
3. Juffair - This area is popular with tourists due to its nightlife scene and has a range of hotels, apartments, and guesthouses.
4. Manama - As the capital of Bahrain, Manama has a wide range of accommodations including luxury hotels, budget hotels, and serviced apartments. It's located about 20-25 minutes' drive from Budaiya.
5. Seef - This area is located to the east of Budaiya and is home to the Bahrain City Centre mall, as well as a range of hotels and apartments.
You can check hotel prices at Budaiya here:

Is Budaiya a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Budaiya, Bahrain is generally considered a safe destination for tourists. The crime rate in Bahrain is relatively low, and the country has a strong police presence with visible tourist police patrols in tourist areas. However, it is always advisable for travelers to exercise caution and follow standard safety protocols, such as staying aware of their surroundings, avoiding carrying large amounts of cash, and not leaving belongings unattended in public places.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Bahrein here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Budaiya.

What type of travelers will enjoy Budaiya the most?

Budaiya in Bahrain can be enjoyed by all types of travelers. It is a great place for families looking for a peaceful and relaxing vacation, with plenty of opportunities for sightseeing and outdoor activities such as hiking and nature walks. Couples can also enjoy romantic walks on the beach and taking in the local culture, while young people looking for fun can enjoy the nightlife and shopping opportunities in the area. Additionally, Budaiya is famous for its seafood and traditional Bahraini cuisine, which is a must-try for foodies. So overall, Budaiya is a versatile destination that can be enjoyed by all types of travelers.

How to get around Budaiya

There are several modes of transportation you can use to move around Budaiya in Bahrain. Taxis are readily available and are a convenient option for getting around the city. You can also consider renting a car, as the roads are generally well-maintained and parking is relatively easy to find. Another option is to use public transportation, such as buses, which provide affordable and reliable service. Finally, you can also choose to walk or cycle around Budaiya, as it is a small and relatively flat city, with many pedestrian paths and cycling routes.

What to see around Budaiya

Certainly! Here are some places you can visit in a day trip from Budaiya, Bahrain: 1. Manama: the capital city of Bahrain, and home to many attractions such as the Bahrain National Museum, Bahrain Fort, Bab Al Bahrain, and the Souq market.
2. Al Areen Wildlife Park: a nature reserve that offers visitors the chance to see and learn about a variety of animals and flora found in the region.
3. Adhari Park: an amusement park in Manama that offers activities for all ages.
4. Bahrain International Circuit: offers visitors the chance to tour the track and facilities or take part in racing activities.
5. Al Dar Islands: a group of islands located off the coast of Bahrain, known for its pristine beaches and clear waters.
6. Tree Of Life: a natural wonder in Bahrain known for its age and unique location in the middle of the desert.
7. Hawar Islands: a group of islands located south of Bahrain, known for its wildlife and natural beauty.
I hope this helps!
For every travel information about Bahrein you can click here.

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