Bumthang Valley - Discovering Bhutan

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Travelling to Bumthang Valley

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Bumthang Valley, a pretty good destination in Bhutan (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Bumthang Valley and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Bumthang Valley, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Bhutan, here's everything to know about Bumthang Valley for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Bumthang Valley

Bumthang Valley is a scenic region in the central part of Bhutan, known for its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and ancient Buddhist monasteries. It is considered the spiritual heartland of Bhutan and is often referred to as the "Switzerland of the East" due to its picturesque natural beauty. The valley is home to several historic landmarks, including the sacred Jambay Lhakhang temple and the imposing Jakar Dzong fortress. Visitors can also explore the fascinating local markets, engage in outdoor activities such as trekking and hiking, and experience the warm hospitality of the locals.

Travelling to Bumthang Valley and around: discovering Bhutan

What to visit in Bumthang Valley

Sure, here are some of the top tourist attractions in Bumthang Valley, Bhutan: 1. Jakar Dzong: This beautiful fortress is located on a ridge overlooking the Chokhor Valley. It was built in the 17th century and is now used as a district administrative office.
2. Jambay Lhakhang: This ancient temple is one of the 108 temples built by the Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo. It's a popular pilgrimage site and is known for its unique architectural style.
3. Kurje Lhakhang: This sacred site is famous for its three temples which are built around a tall rock that contains a body print of Guru Rinpoche. It's believed to be a powerful place of meditation and healing.
4. Tamshing Lhakhang: This monastery was founded in the early 16th century by the treasure revealer Terton Pema Lingpa. It's notable for its ancient murals and is an important center for the Nyingma School of Buddhism.
5. Mebar Tsho: This holy lake is believed to have been created by Guru Rinpoche after he defeated a demon in a battle. It's a popular site for prayer and meditation and is surrounded by stunning mountain views.
6. Swiss Farm: This farm is located in the heart of the valley and offers visitors a chance to learn about traditional Bhutanese farming practices. It's also a great spot for a picnic or a hike through the surrounding countryside.
7. Red Panda Brewery: This local brewery produces a range of traditional and modern beers using locally sourced ingredients. Visitors can take a tour of the brewery and sample some of their delicious brews.
Overall, Bumthang Valley offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty that's well worth exploring.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Bhutan, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Bumthang Valley

The best time to visit Bumthang Valley, Bhutan, is during the months of March to May or September to November. During these months, the weather is pleasant with clear skies and scenic landscapes. In addition, you can also enjoy cultural festivals that take place during these months such as the famous Tamshingphala Choepa festival in October. However, if you do not mind the cold temperature, you can also visit Bumthang Valley during the winter months of December to February for a unique winter experience.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Bumthang Valley

To get to Bumthang Valley in Bhutan, there are a few options: 1. By Air: The nearest airport is located in Bathpalathang (Jakar) in Bumthang district, which is serviced by Bhutan Airlines or Drukair. However, flight schedules may be limited, and flights may be canceled or delayed due to unpredictable weather conditions.
2. By Land: If you prefer a scenic route, you can take a car or bus from Thimphu or Paro to Bumthang Valley. The journey takes approximately 8-10 hours, and the road passes through spectacular mountains, valleys, and forests.
3. By Tour: Another option is to book a tour with a reputable travel agency in Bhutan. They can arrange a guide, transportation, accommodation, and activities in Bumthang Valley tailored to your preferences and budget. It's essential to keep in mind that travel to Bhutan requires a visa and is subject to certain regulations imposed by the government. Thus, it's best to plan and book your trip with a travel agency well in advance.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Bumthang Valley, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Bumthang Valley

Sure, here are some typical foods of Bumthang Valley in Bhutan along with a short description for each: 1. Puta: It is a type of local pancake made by mixing buckwheat flour, hot water, and salt. It is served with a salty, spicy sauce called ezay.
2. Red Rice: Bhutanese red rice is a staple food in Bumthang and is usually served with vegetables, meat, or cheese. It has a nutty flavor and is rich in nutrition.
3. Phaksha Paa: It is a popular Bhutanese dish made with pork, chili peppers, and radishes. The pork is slow-cooked with the chili peppers until it becomes tender and flavorful.
4. Jasha Maroo: It is a spicy minced chicken dish that is cooked with onion, garlic, tomatoes, and chili peppers. It is typically served with red rice.
5. Ema Datsi: It is a spicy chili and cheese dish that is considered as the national dish of Bhutan. It is made by mixing local cheese with chili peppers and other spices.
6. Momos: These are dumplings filled with minced meat, cheese, or vegetables. They are usually served with a spicy tomato sauce.
7. Suja: It is a salty, buttery tea that is a staple in Bhutanese households. It is made by boiling tea leaves with water, salt, and butter. It is generally served with snacks like biscuits or rice cakes. Hope this helps!
You can find general info about typical foods in Bhutan here.

Is Bumthang Valley an expensive destination for tourists?

Yes, Bumthang Valley in Bhutan is considered an expensive destination for tourists. This is because the Bhutanese government imposes a "minimum daily package" for all visitors to the country, which includes accommodation, meals, transportation, and a licensed guide. The minimum daily package varies depending on the season, but it usually starts at around $200 per person per day.
Additionally, there are other expenses to consider such as visa fees, flights to and from Bhutan, and any additional activities or souvenirs you may want to purchase. However, many visitors find that the unique culture, stunning landscapes, and peaceful atmosphere of Bhutan make it well worth the cost.

Where to find accomodation in Bumthang Valley

In Bumthang Valley, it is recommended to stay in the Jakar area as it offers easy access to many of the valley's main attractions such as Jambay Lhakhang, Kurjey Lhakhang, and Tamshing Lhakhang. Other popular areas to stay in Bumthang Valley include the Chokhor area, which is the main town in Bumthang and offers a variety of restaurants and shops, and the Tang Valley, which is known for its scenic beauty and cultural sites.
You can check hotel prices at Bumthang Valley here:

Is Bumthang Valley a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Bumthang Valley in Bhutan is considered to be a safe place for tourists. Bhutan is known for its peaceful and friendly atmosphere, and tourists are generally welcomed with warmth and hospitality. However, like any place in the world, travelers should still exercise caution and be aware of their surroundings. It is always recommended that you follow the local customs and laws, stay in well-lit and populated areas, and avoid walking alone at night. Additionally, tourists should take necessary precautions to keep their belongings safe and secure.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Bhutan here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Bumthang Valley.

What type of travelers will enjoy Bumthang Valley the most?

Bumthang Valley in Bhutan is an excellent place for all types of travelers as it has something for everyone. Couples can explore its beautiful landscapes, ancient temples and monasteries, and scenic hiking trails. Young people looking for fun can indulge in adventure activities like trekking, biking, and camping in the valley.
Families can visit the majestic dzongs, witness traditional festivals, and experience the rich cultural heritage of Bhutan. The valley also offers plenty of opportunities for nature lovers, bird watchers, and photographers to capture the stunning natural beauty of the region.
So, whether you are a couple, young person, or a family, Bumthang Valley in Bhutan will be a memorable destination to explore.

How to get around Bumthang Valley

Some popular options for transportation in Bumthang Valley, Bhutan, include hiring a taxi, renting a car or motorbike, or taking a bus. However, note that the road conditions can be difficult in some areas, with narrow, winding roads and steep inclines, so it is important to be a confident driver if you plan to rent a vehicle or drive yourself. Additionally, keep in mind that some of the best sights in Bumthang are located off the main roads and may require some hiking or walking to reach, so be prepared with appropriate footwear and clothing.

What to see around Bumthang Valley

There are several beautiful places that can be visited in a day trip from Bumthang Valley in Bhutan. Here are some suggestions: 1. Jakar Dzong: This is an important cultural site in Bhutan and is set atop a hill overlooking the valley. Visitors can explore the dzong and enjoy stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
2. Kurje Lhakhang: This is a Buddhist temple complex located in a remote area of the valley. It is believed to have been built around the 8th century and is dedicated to the memory of Saint Padmasambhava.
3. Jambay Lhakhang: This is another important temple complex in the area and is known for its intricate wood carvings and colorful frescoes.
4. Tang Valley: This is a picturesque valley located just a short drive from Bumthang. Visitors can explore the traditional villages in the area and enjoy scenic hikes through the countryside.
5. Mebar Tsho: Also known as the Burning Lake, this is a sacred site in Bhutan and is said to be the location where a famous saint, Pema Lingpa, discovered hidden treasures.
6. Ura Valley: This is one of the most remote valleys in Bhutan and is known for its scenic beauty and traditional way of life. Visitors can explore the small villages in the area and learn about the local culture.
For every travel information about Bhutan you can click here.

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