Dover - Discovering United Kingdom

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Travelling to Dover

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Dover, a pretty good destination in United Kingdom (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Dover and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Dover, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through United Kingdom, here's everything to know about Dover for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Dover

Dover is a town in the southeast of England, in the county of Kent. It is best known for its iconic white cliffs, which face the English Channel and are an important symbol of Britain. Dover is also famous for its historic castle, which was founded in the 12th century and played a significant role in British history. The town has a busy port, with ferry links to France and other European countries. It is a popular tourist destination, with a number of attractions including museums, shopping, and outdoor activities such as hiking and beach walks.

Travelling to Dover and around: discovering United Kingdom

What to visit in Dover

Certainly! Here are some popular tourist attractions in Dover, UK and some info about each: 1. Dover Castle - This historic castle dates back to the 11th century and has played a significant role in English history. Visitors can explore the castle's interiors and see exhibits about its past.
2. White Cliffs of Dover - These iconic white cliffs overlook the English Channel and have been a symbol of England's resistance for centuries. Visitors can enjoy hikes and scenic walks along the cliffs or take boat tours to view them from the water.
3. Dover Museum - This museum showcases the history and culture of Dover and includes exhibits about Romans, Saxons, and Normans who lived in the area.
4. South Foreland Lighthouse - This working lighthouse dates back to the 1800s and is open for public tours. Visitors can climb to the top to see the stunning views of the coast.
5. Western Heights - These Napoleonic-era fortifications were built to protect Britain from invasion and are a fascinating piece of military history. Visitors can explore the tunnels and ramparts and learn about their strategic importance.
6. Dover Transport Museum - This museum showcases vintage vehicles and railway memorabilia, including steam engines and vintage cars.
7. St. Margaret's Bay - This beautiful beach on the outskirts of Dover offers stunning views of the coast and is popular for swimming, kayaking, and beachcombing.
8. Buckland Abbey - This former stately home was once inhabited by Sir Francis Drake and now serves as a museum and art gallery.
9. Dover Marina - This bustling marina is a hub for yachts and commercial boats and offers plenty of shopping and dining options. Visitors can watch the boats from nearby cafes or take a boat tour of their own.
10. Dover Sea Safari - This boat tour offers exciting trips around the coast of Dover and the English Channel, with opportunities to see wildlife and historic landmarks.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in United Kingdom, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Dover.

When to go on holiday to Dover

The best time to go on holiday to Dover depends on what you want to do and see. The summer months of June, July, and August are popular for tourists as the weather is generally sunny and warm, with average high temperatures between 19-21°C (66-70°F). However, these months are also the busiest, with more crowds and higher prices.
If you'd like to avoid the crowds and save money, the shoulder seasons of spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) can be a good time to visit. The weather is also milder during this time and you can enjoy walking around the cliffs and Dover Castle without the summer heat.
If you're interested in outdoor activities such as hiking or cycling, the months of April, May, and June can be ideal. The temperature is pleasant and the landscape is in full bloom. However, keep in mind that rain showers are more common during these months.
Overall, the best time to visit Dover depends on your preferences, but the city is an attractive destination all year round.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Dover

There are several ways to get to Dover, United Kingdom. Here are some common ways: 1. By car: You can reach Dover via the M2 and M20 motorways if you are traveling from London or other parts of the UK. Driving time from London is approximately 2 hours.
2. By train: You can take a train from London St. Pancras International to Dover Priory Station. The journey takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
3. By bus: You can take a National Express coach from London Victoria coach station to Dover. The journey takes approximately 2 hours.
4. By ferry: You can take a ferry from Calais (France) to Dover. The journey takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
5. By plane: The nearest airport to Dover is London Gatwick Airport. From there you can take a train or a coach to Dover.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Dover, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Dover

Here are some typical foods of Dover, United Kingdom, along with a brief description for each: 1. Dover Sole: This is a type of flatfish that is commonly found in the waters surrounding Dover. It is often served grilled or fried and is considered a delicacy.
2. Pudding: The Dover pudding is a type of savory dish that is made with suet pastry, onions, and beef. It is typically steamed and served with gravy.
3. Kentish Ale: While not a food, Kentish Ale is a popular drink in the Dover area. It is a type of beer that is brewed locally and has a slightly sweet taste.
4. Dover Castle Cheeses: These cheeses are made in the area surrounding Dover and are named after the famous Dover Castle. They are often described as having a slightly nutty flavor and are made from cow's milk.
5. Fish and Chips: While not exclusively a Dover specialty, fish and chips are a popular dish in the area. Fresh fish is battered and fried, then served with thick-cut fries and a side of tartar sauce.
6. Apple and Caramel Tart: This is a type of dessert that features fresh apples and a rich caramel topping. It is often served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Overall, Dover offers a variety of delicious dishes that showcase the local ingredients and culinary traditions of the area.
You can find general info about typical foods in United Kingdom here.

Is Dover an expensive destination for tourists?

Dover can vary in cost depending on the activities and accommodations you choose. In general, Dover is considered to be a moderately expensive destination in the UK, with prices typically higher during peak travel season. Some of the main factors that can impact the cost of your trip include transportation, accommodations, dining, and attractions. To save money, you may want to consider visiting during the off-season, finding budget accommodations or exploring free or low-cost attractions. It's also a good idea to do some research and compare prices before booking your trip.

Where to find accomodation in Dover

In Dover, it is best to find accommodation in the town center or near the waterfront area, as they offer easy access to the major tourist attractions like the Dover Castle, White Cliffs of Dover, and the Dover Ferry Port. The areas around Castle Street, Market Square, and Marine Parade are good options as they are well-connected to public transportation and have a good selection of hotels, guest houses, and holiday cottages to choose from. Additionally, for those who prefer quieter surroundings, St. Margaret's Bay and the surrounding villages offer a peaceful retreat with picturesque views of the coast.
You can check hotel prices at Dover here:

Is Dover a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Dover is generally considered a safe place for tourists. However, as with any destination, it is always a good idea to take basic safety precautions such as staying aware of your surroundings and belongings, using well-lit areas at night, and avoiding unpopulated or isolated areas. It is also advisable to check the latest travel advice and safety recommendations before you travel.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in United Kingdom here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Dover.

What type of travelers will enjoy Dover the most?

Dover, United Kingdom is a fascinating destination for all types of travelers. It is ideal for couples who love to explore the history and beauty of this coastal town. They can walk along the famous White Cliffs of Dover, visit the Dover Castle, and take romantic strolls on the beach. Young people looking for fun also enjoy Dover, as it offers a variety of activities such as jet skiing, kayaking, and surfing, making it an ideal destination for an adventure-seeking group of friends.
Families will also find Dover appealing as there are plenty of child-friendly activities such as the Dover Museum and the Dover Transport Museum which provide plenty of educational and entertaining experiences for kids.
Overall, Dover can cater to all kinds of travelers’ needs, attracting couples, young people and families with its rich history, beautiful beaches, and adventure activities.

How to get around Dover

In Dover, you can move around by car, bus, or train. Taxis and bicycles are also available, though they may be less common. If you are visiting attractions within the town center or along the coastline, walking may also be a viable option.

What to see around Dover

Certainly, here are some great options for day trips from Dover in the United Kingdom: 1. Canterbury - Visit the historic center of Canterbury, explore the famous Canterbury Cathedral and St. Augustine's Abbey.
2. Leeds Castle - Leeds Castle is one of the most iconic and spectacular castles in England, surrounded by 500 acres of beautiful parkland and formal gardens.
3. Dover Castle - Explore the impressive 12th-century castle, learn about its fascinating history, and enjoy the stunning views of the English Channel.
4. Whitstable - Visit the charming seaside town of Whitstable, famous for its oysters, beach huts, and boutique shops.
5. Rye - Discover the charming medieval town of Rye, with its cobbled streets, independent shops, and half-timbered buildings.
6. Folkestone Harbour Arm - Visit the vibrant Folkestone Harbour Arm, which is buzzing with restaurants, bars, and galleries.
7. Eastbourne - Explore the Victorian seaside town of Eastbourne, with its beautiful beaches, parks, and pier.
8. Southend-on-Sea - Enjoy the fun-filled seaside town of Southend-on-Sea, with its amusement park, arcades, and aquarium.
I hope this helps you to plan your day trips from Dover!
For every travel information about United Kingdom you can click here.

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