Hue - Discovering Vietnam

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Travelling to Hue

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Hue, a pretty good destination in Vietnam (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Hue and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Hue, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Vietnam, here's everything to know about Hue for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Hue

Hue is a city located in central Vietnam, famous for its rich history and cultural heritage. It was the imperial capital of the Nguyen Dynasty from 1802 to 1945, and as a result, it is home to numerous historical sites and landmarks. Some of the must-visit attractions include the Hue Citadel, Imperial City, Thien Mu Pagoda, Perfume River, and the tombs of various emperors. Additionally, Hue is also known for its delicious cuisine, including signature dishes like bun bo Hue and banh khoai. The best time to visit Hue is from March to August, when the weather is usually warm and dry.

Travelling to Hue and around: discovering Vietnam

What to visit in Hue

Sure, here are some popular tourist attractions in Hue, Vietnam: 1. Imperial City: This ancient capital of Vietnam was once a walled fortress and palace, and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a must-see attraction in Hue, with its intricate architecture, beautiful gardens, and preserved artifacts.
2. Thien Mu Pagoda: This pagoda is one of the most iconic and photographed symbols of Hue and is located on the banks of the Perfume River. The pagoda includes a seven-story tower, which is considered one of the tallest religious buildings in Vietnam.
3. Tomb of Emperor Tu Duc: This is the biggest tomb of Hue's 13 emperors, and was designed during the Emperor’s lifetime. The complex consists of a lotus pool, ornate pavilions, a theatre stage and various courtyards.
4. Khai Dinh Tomb: Located on the slope of Chau Chu Mountain, this tomb is a blend of Western and Eastern architecture, with a striking exterior made of concrete and marble inlaid with glass and ceramics. Its interior is equally impressive, with detailed mosaics and intricate decoration.
5. Perfume River: One of the most famous rivers in Vietnam, the Perfume River is a must-see attraction in Hue. Visitors can enjoy a relaxing boat ride and take in the stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.
6. Dong Ba Market: This is the oldest and largest market in Hue, where visitors can buy everything from fresh produce to clothing. It is also famous for its food stalls, where visitors can sample authentic Vietnamese dishes.
7. Thanh Toan Bridge: This is an ancient bridge in Hue that dates back over 200 years. Visitors can learn about the history of the bridge and the surrounding area, as well as enjoy the beautiful views.
Overall, Hue has a lot to offer tourists, from its rich history and culture to its stunning natural landscapes.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Vietnam, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Hue.

When to go on holiday to Hue

The best time to visit Hue in Vietnam is between January and August when the weather is dry and the temperature is mild. The rainy season in Hue typically lasts from September to December, and during this time, there is a high chance of typhoons and heavy rainfall. Although the city looks very beautiful in the rainy season, it can make it difficult to explore and enjoy your trip. So, it's best to plan your trip between January to August when the weather is generally pleasant and suitable for outdoor activities and sightseeing.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Hue

Hue is a city in central Vietnam, and there are several ways to get there depending on your location. Here are some of the popular options: 1. By Plane - The nearest airport to Hue is the Phu Bai International Airport, which is about 15 kilometers east of Hue. There are several flights available from major cities in Vietnam, such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang. You can take a taxi or a shuttle bus from the airport to reach Hue city center.
2. By Train - Hue has its own railway station, which is located in the city center and well connected to major cities in Vietnam, including Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang. The trains are comfortable and offer overnight options if you prefer to travel at night.
3. By Bus - There are several bus companies that operate between Hue and other destinations in Vietnam. The buses are usually cheap but can take longer than other options.
Overall, Hue is well connected to other parts of Vietnam, so you should have no trouble finding a convenient mode of transportation to get there.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Hue, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Hue

Sure, here are some typical foods of Hue in Vietnam: 1. Bún Bò Huế: A spicy beef soup with noodles, often served with bean sprouts and herbs such as basil and mint.
2. Bánh Khoái: A type of Vietnamese crepes made with rice flour and stuffed with shrimp, pork, and bean sprouts. They are usually served with a sweet fish sauce.
3. Nem Lụi: Grilled minced pork on a skewer, typically served with fresh herbs and rice paper sheets to wrap them into rolls.
4. Bánh Căn: Small pancakes made with rice flour and filled with eggs, spring onions, and shrimp. They are typically served with a dipping sauce of fish sauce, garlic, and chili.
5. Chè Huế: A sweet dessert soup made with mung beans, tapioca pearls, and coconut milk. It can also be topped with fruits such as jackfruit or durian.
6. Nem Rán: Deep-fried spring rolls stuffed with minced pork, carrots, and mushrooms. They are often served with lettuce, mint, and a dipping sauce.
7. Cơm Hến: A rice dish made with clams, fried pork skin, and herbs such as lemongrass and chili. It is typically served with a sweet fish sauce.
8. Bánh Bèo: Steamed rice cakes topped with minced shrimp and scallions, served with a sweet fish sauce as a dipping sauce.
You can find general info about typical foods in Vietnam here.

Is Hue an expensive destination for tourists?

Hue is generally considered an affordable destination for tourists compared to other cities in Vietnam. However, the cost of travel and accommodation can vary greatly depending on your budget and travel style.
If you're looking for budget options, you can find hostels and guesthouses for around $5-10 USD per night. Street food and local restaurants can also be a budget-friendly way to eat, with meals costing as little as $1-2 USD.
If you're looking for more upscale accommodations and dining options, you can expect to pay more. Luxury hotels in Hue can cost anywhere from $50-200 USD per night, and high-end restaurants will have prices to match.
Overall, Hue is a great destination for travelers of all budgets. With a bit of planning, you can easily find affordable options without sacrificing quality or comfort.

Where to find accomodation in Hue

The best areas to find accommodation in Hue (Vietnam) are the following: 1. Within the Citadel: Staying within the citadel walls gives you the opportunity to be closer to the main attractions like the Imperial City and the Hue Museum of Royal Fine Arts.
2. Along the Perfume River: Staying along the Perfume River gives you the advantage of having a picturesque view, along with close access to many tourist attractions like Thien Mu Pagoda and Minh Mang Tomb.
3. Dong Ba Market area: This area is great if you want to experience the local life and culture and indulge in traditional market activities and street food.
4. Le Loi Street area: This is a great location for budget travelers as there are many budget-friendly options available, including hostels and guesthouses. Plus, it is also in close proximity to the Citadel. It's important to note that regardless of where you stay, commuting in Hue is relatively easy as taxi and motorcycle services are easily available.
You can check hotel prices at Hue here:

Is Hue a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Hue is considered a safe place for tourists, with a relatively low crime rate. Visitors should still take normal precautions to protect their belongings, such as not leaving valuables unattended and being aware of their surroundings. It's always a good idea to consult with local authorities and research any potential safety concerns before traveling to any destination.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Vietnam here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Hue.

What type of travelers will enjoy Hue the most?

Hue, Vietnam is a destination that can offer something for everyone, but some types of travelers may enjoy it more than others.
Couples - If you are a couple looking for a romantic and cultural escape, then Hue is the perfect spot for you. Hue is a city of romance and poetic landscapes, with historic sites and monuments lining the romantic Perfume River, providing an idyllic setting.
Families - Families would also enjoy Hue as it is a destination bursting with rich history and culture. From exploring the Imperial City to taking a boat ride down the Perfume River, there is never a shortage of things to do. Kids will love the traditional Vietnamese singing and dancing performances and the various temples dotted around the city.
History buffs - If you are fascinated with history, the Imperial City within Hue's Citadel is a must-visit destination, as well as the many tombs of Nguyen Emperors. Additionally, the city has several notable museums that provide insight into Hue’s past.
Solo travelers - Solo travelers will enjoy the local cuisine and street food, as well as the unique cultural experiences, such as homestays or visits to the local night markets.
Overall, Hue can cater to all types of travelers - giving couples a romantic escape, families an educational cultural trip, history buffs insights into Vietnamese royalty and traditional life, and solo travelers an opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture.

How to get around Hue

There are several transportation options to move around Hue, Vietnam including traditional cyclos, motorbike taxis, regular taxis, buses, and rental bicycles or motorbikes. Some visitors also enjoy walking around the historic city center which is compact and easily accessible. It is important to consider safety and convenience when choosing your preferred mode of transportation.

What to see around Hue

Certainly! Here are some suggestions for nice places to visit on a day trip from Hue: 1. Hoi An: The beautiful ancient city of Hoi An is just an hour's drive from Hue. You can stroll through the historic streets and admire the colorful lanterns and unique architecture of this UNESCO World Heritage site. Don't miss the Japanese covered bridge, the old merchant houses, and the many charming cafes.
2. Thien Mu Pagoda: This iconic pagoda is located just a few kilometers outside of Hue and is one of the best-known landmarks in the city. Surrounded by lush greenery and situated on the banks of the Perfume River, Thien Mu Pagoda is home to beautiful gardens, traditional architecture, and religious artifacts.
3. Lang Co Beach: If you'd like to relax by the sea, head to Lang Co Beach. This pristine stretch of sand is located about 30 kilometers from Hue and offers swimming, sunbathing, and beach sports. You can also enjoy fresh seafood and drinks at the many beachside restaurants and bars.
4. Bach Ma National Park: For nature lovers, a visit to Bach Ma National Park is a must. Located about an hour and a half from Hue, this mountainous region is home to an incredible variety of flora and fauna, including rare birds and monkeys. You can hike through the jungle to stunning waterfalls, trek to the summit of Bach Ma Mountain, and soak in the views of the Eastern Sea and the Truong Son Mountains.
I hope you find these suggestions helpful!
For every travel information about Vietnam you can click here.

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