Iquique - Discovering Chile

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Travelling to Iquique

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Iquique, a pretty good destination in Chile (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Iquique and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Iquique, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Chile, here's everything to know about Iquique for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Iquique

Iquique is a coastal city in northern Chile, known for its beautiful beaches, cultural heritage, and outdoor adventure activities. It's located in the Atacama Desert, which is considered one of the driest places on Earth. The city also has a rich history as a major trade and mining hub during the 19th century. Visitors can explore its colonial architecture, shop at the local markets, or enjoy activities like surfing, sandboarding, and paragliding. Some notable attractions include the UNESCO-listed Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works, the iconic Zofri Shopping Center, and the scenic Baquedano Street.

Travelling to Iquique and around: discovering Chile

What to visit in Iquique

Sure, I'd be happy to help! Here are some of the top tourist attractions in Iquique, Chile, along with some information about each one: 1. Playa Cavancha: This is one of the most popular beaches in Iquique, known for its clear turquoise water and soft sand. The beach is surrounded by restaurants, bars, and shops, making it a great spot to spend a day.
2. Zofri: A big shopping center where you can find international brands and goods duty-free priced.
3. Huayquique Beach: slightly more remote than Cavancha, is a quieter place ideal to swim or sunbathe.
4. Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, these abandoned mines give visitors a glimpse into the area's mining history. The mines were active from the late 1800s to the early 1900s and are now a museum and cultural center.
5. Baquedano Street: Known as the most beautiful street in Iquique, Baquedano boasts well-preserved buildings from the turn of the 20th century with a wide variety of architectural styles.
6. Tierra de Campeones Stadium: The local soccer stadium where you can experience the passion of the Chilean people for football matches.
7. Hiking in the Cordillera: There are several hiking routes near Iquique that offer stunning views of the surrounding mountains and desert.
8. Paragliding: For adventure seekers, Iquique is a popular destination for paragliding. Visitors can book a tandem jump with a local operator and soar high above the city and the coast.
These are just some of the top tourist attractions in Iquique, Chile, but there're more places which can become a great experience, fantastic seafood and friendly people.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Chile, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Iquique.

When to go on holiday to Iquique

The best time to visit Iquique is during the austral winter, from June to September. During these months, temperatures are cooler but still mild, making it a comfortable time to explore the city and its surroundings. The summer months from December to March can be very hot and busy, as this is peak holiday season. However, if you enjoy water sports, this is the best time to enjoy the beaches and the sea. Ultimately, the best time to visit Iquique depends on your preferences and interests.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Iquique

To reach Iquique in Chile, you can take a flight to the Diego Aracena International Airport, which is the closest airport to the city. There are regular flights to Iquique from Santiago, and various other cities in Chile, as well as international cities like Lima, Peru.
Alternatively, you can take a bus or drive to Iquique from other cities in Chile or neighboring countries like Peru, Bolivia or Argentina. There are several bus companies that operate regular services to Iquique from cities like Santiago, Arica, Antofagasta, and La Paz. Once you arrive in Iquique, you can take a taxi or public transportation to reach your final destination.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Iquique, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Iquique

Some of the typical foods of Iquique are: 1. Chupe de Mariscos: This is a seafood soup that usually contains clams, shrimp, crab, and other seafood, along with vegetables like tomatoes and onions.
2. Chumbeque: This is a dessert made with thin layers of dough, filled with manjar (similar to caramel), and sprinkled with coconut. 3. Empanadas de Mariscos: These are savory pastries filled with seafood like shrimp, crab, and octopus, along with onions, peppers, and spices.
4. Paila Marina: This is a seafood stew that usually contains a mix of different types of seafood, like shrimp, squid, and clams, in a tomato-based broth with vegetables.
5. Ceviche: This is a dish made with raw fish, shrimp, or other seafood, marinated in lime juice, onions, and other spices to "cook" it, then served with avocado and corn.
6. Asado de Potro: This is a roasted horse meat dish, often served with potatoes and other vegetables. 7. Anticuchos: These are skewered and grilled meat dishes, often made with beef heart or other cuts of beef, and served with a spicy sauce.
8. Picarones: These are a type of doughnut made with squash and sweet potatoes, often served with a syrup made from chancaca (a type of unrefined sugar).
You can find general info about typical foods in Chile here.

Is Iquique an expensive destination for tourists?

Iquique can be considered a relatively expensive destination for tourists compared to other places in Chile, especially during peak travel seasons. However, there are still affordable options for accommodation, food, and activities if you plan and research in advance. Prices may also vary depending on your preferences and standards. It's always helpful to have a budget in mind and to explore various options before deciding on a trip to Iquique.

Where to find accomodation in Iquique

The best areas to find accommodation in Iquique, Chile are: 1. Cavancha: This is the most popular area for tourists, known for its beautiful beach, lively atmosphere, and variety of restaurants and bars.
2. Zofri: This is the duty-free shopping area of the city, where you can find great deals on clothing, electronics, and other goods. It's also located near the Beaches of Iquique.
3. Playa Brava: This is another beach area that is known for its excellent surfing conditions. It's a great place to stay if you are interested in water sports.
4. Centro Historico: This is the historic center of the city, where you can find interesting museums, colonial architecture, and traditional Chilean food.
Overall, it depends on your interests and preferences when deciding where to stay in Iquique.
You can check hotel prices at Iquique here:

Is Iquique a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Iquique is considered a safe place for tourists, in general. However, as with any destination, it's important to take normal precautions to ensure your safety. Keep an eye on your belongings, avoid walking in dimly-lit areas at night, and be aware of your surroundings. If you're uncertain about anything, don't hesitate to ask locals or your hotel staff for advice or recommendations.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Chile here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Iquique.

What type of travelers will enjoy Iquique the most?

Iquique, Chile is a versatile destination and can be enjoyed by all types of travelers. It offers various attractions and activities, such as beautiful beaches, water sports, historic sites, shopping, and nightlife.
Couples will appreciate the romantic atmosphere of the city, with its beautiful sunsets and sea views. They can take a stroll along the coastline, book a sunset cruise, and enjoy a dinner at one of the many restaurants offering fresh seafood.
Young people looking for fun will enjoy the vibrant nightlife in Iquique, with several clubs and bars open until the early hours. The city's beaches are also popular for surfing, windsurfing, and kiteboarding.
Families can also have a great time in Iquique, as the city offers many family-friendly activities, such as sandboarding, visits to the historic district, and trips to the nearby national parks.
Overall, Iquique is a destination that has something to offer everyone and can be enjoyed by all kinds of travelers.

How to get around Iquique

In Iquique, you can move around using different forms of transportation. There are taxis and colectivos, which are shared taxis or vans that follow specific routes. Buses are also available for longer trips. Another popular option is to rent a bicycle or a scooter. Walking is also a great way to explore the city, especially in the beachfront area.

What to see around Iquique

Certainly! Here are some nice options for day trips from Iquique, Chile: 1. Humberstone & Santa Laura Saltpeter Works: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, these abandoned mining towns offer a fascinating look into Chile's history and culture.
2. Playa Brava: A stunning beach with clear blue waters, white sand, and tall dunes. This beach is great for sunbathing, swimming, and surfing.
3. Parque Nacional Volcán Isluga: Home to a massive volcano and diverse wildlife, this national park offers an outdoor adventure with stunning vistas, including hot springs.
4. Geoglyphs of Pintados: These mysterious geometric designs are believed to have been made by an ancient civilization over 2,500 years ago.
5. Mamiña: A small town known for its natural hot springs, which are believed to have medicinal properties. Great for relaxing and enjoying the rugged scenery.
6. La Tirana: A small village famous for its religious festival in honor of the Virgen del Carmen in July. This picturesque town is also known for its colorful architecture and traditional crafts. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions regarding travel.
For every travel information about Chile you can click here.

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