Sassandra - Discovering Ivory Coast

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Travelling to Sassandra

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Sassandra, a pretty good destination in Ivory Coast (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Sassandra and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Sassandra, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Ivory Coast, here's everything to know about Sassandra for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Sassandra

Sassandra is a coastal town located in the southwestern region of Ivory Coast. The town is situated along the Gulf of Guinea and it is known for its beautiful beaches, fishing industry, and significant historical landmarks such as the Sassandra Museum. The population of Sassandra is estimated to be around 40,000 people and the town is also home to several resorts and hotels that cater to tourists who come to enjoy the natural beauty and rich culture of the region. The official language spoken in Sassandra is French, though some residents also speak local dialects.

Travelling to Sassandra and around: discovering Ivory Coast

What to visit in Sassandra

Sure, here are some tourist attractions of Sassandra in Ivory Coast along with some information: 1. Sassandra Beach: Sassandra Beach is a beautiful beach that attracts visitors from all over the world. The golden sands, clear blue water and lush vegetation offer a serene environment perfect for relaxation.
2. Island Of N'Gorbo: The Island of N'Gorbo is another popular attraction in Sassandra. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely boat trip to the island, where they can relax, swim, and enjoy the stunning scenery.
3. Sacred Crocodile Pool: The Sacred Crocodile Pool is a unique attraction where visitors can see crocodiles in their natural habitat. The crocodiles are considered sacred and are well taken care of.
4. The Grotto: The Grotto is a cave system that is home to a range of unusual rock formations. Visitors can explore the caves and marvel at the unique formations.
5. The Sassandra River: The Sassandra River is another popular attraction in the area. Visitors can enjoy boat trips along the river and take in the stunning scenery along the way.
6. Les Cascades de Fleurs: Les Cascades de Fleurs is a beautiful waterfall located just outside of Sassandra. Visitors can hike to the waterfall and enjoy the stunning views along the way.
7. The Sassandra Museum: The Sassandra Museum is a great place to learn about the history and culture of the area. The museum has a range of exhibits that showcase the region's rich cultural heritage.
Overall, Sassandra is a great destination for those looking to experience the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Ivory Coast.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Ivory Coast, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Sassandra

The best time to visit Sassandra, Ivory Coast is during the dry season which lasts from November to April. During this time, temperatures are warm and rainfall is minimal making it ideal for outdoor activities and exploring the area. However, it is important to note that humidity can be quite high and temperatures can reach up to 36°C. The wet season generally lasts from May to October, with heavy rainfall and occasional flooding, which may make it difficult to travel around the area.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Sassandra

The best way to get to Sassandra, Ivory Coast is to fly into Abidjan International Airport, which is the main international gateway to the country. From Abidjan, you can either take a taxi, rent a car, or take a bus to Sassandra, which is about a 4-hour drive from Abidjan. Alternatively, you can also take a domestic flight from Abidjan to San Pedro and then take a taxi or bus to Sassandra, which is about a 1-hour drive from San Pedro. It is recommended to use a reputable transportation service or hire a private driver for a comfortable and safe journey.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Sassandra, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Sassandra

Sassandra is a coastal town in Ivory Coast known for its delicious seafood and traditional dishes. Here are some of the typical foods you can try in Sassandra: 1. Attiéké: This is a popular Ivorian dish made from grated and fermented cassava. It is often served with grilled fish or meat and vegetables.
2. Grilled fish: Sassandra is known for its fresh seafood, including grilled fish. You can enjoy a variety of fish such as barracuda, tilapia, and red snapper grilled to perfection and served with sides.
3. Aloco: Aloco is a popular Ivorian side dish made with fried plantains that are usually served with tomato and onion sauce or chilli pepper.
4. Calalou: This is a delicious green leaf soup made with crab meat, smoked fish, spinach, and palm oil. It is traditionally served with cassava or yams.
5. Ivorian Peanut Soup: This popular soup is made with chicken, tomatoes, and peanut butter. It is often served with rice or yams.
6. Bangui: This is a traditional Sassandra dish made with smoked fish, rice, cassava leaves, and palm oil.
7. Foutou: This is a starchy Ivorian staple food made of mashed plantain or cassava, which is typically served with a soup or sauce.
8. Dibi: Dibi is a grilled meat dish made with chicken, lamb or beef that is seasoned with onion, garlic, and spices.
9. Kedjenou: This is a traditional Ivorian stew made with chicken, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and chilli pepper. It is often cooked in a pottery pot over low heat for several hours.
10. Gnamankoudji: This is a popular Ivorian dessert made with peanuts, sugar, and sesame seeds. It is usually enjoyed as a snack or dessert.
You can find general info about typical foods in Ivory Coast here.

Is Sassandra an expensive destination for tourists?

Sassandra, Ivory Coast can be considered as a mid-range to expensive destination for tourists. The cost of accommodation, food, and transportation can be higher than in other parts of Ivory Coast. However, the prices can vary depending on the type of accommodation, the time of year you visit, and the activities you plan to do. To save money, you can consider staying in budget-friendly accommodations or opt for local street food instead of dining in upscale restaurants. Bargaining is also a common practice in local markets, so don't hesitate to negotiate prices. Overall, Sassandra can be a worthwhile destination for those who are willing to spend a bit more on their travels.

Where to find accomodation in Sassandra

In Sassandra, the best areas to find accommodation are the city center or near the beach. The city center offers easy access to local shops, restaurants, and transportation. On the other hand, staying near the beach provides a relaxing atmosphere and opportunities for outdoor activities such as sunbathing, swimming, and water sports. Some popular beach hotels are Hotel Le Repos De La Paix, Hotel Le Valéry, and Hotel Les Cocotiers.
You can check hotel prices at Sassandra here:

Is Sassandra a safe destination for tourists?

Sassandra is usually safe for tourists, but like any destination, it’s important to take safety precautions. The crime rate in Sassandra is relatively low, but it's always wise to be aware of your surroundings and exercise caution while traveling. It’s important to keep an eye on your belongings and to avoid displaying expensive items such as jewelry or electronics in public places. It is also recommended to avoid certain areas at night, especially if you are traveling alone. Overall, the people of Sassandra are welcoming and friendly, and with the right precautions, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Ivory Coast here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Sassandra.

What type of travelers will enjoy Sassandra the most?

Sassandra in Ivory Coast is a great travel destination for travelers who are looking for a laid-back and secluded beach vacation. It's a place where couples and families can enjoy quality time together and relax in a peaceful environment. The town has a few restaurants and bars, but it is not known for its nightlife, so young people looking for fun may find it a bit quiet. Families with children can enjoy the calm waters, and snorkeling, and fishing are popular activities. In summary, Sassandra is an ideal getaway for couples and families who are looking for a peaceful beach holiday.

How to get around Sassandra

In Sassandra, you can use different modes of transportation to get around, such as taxis, motorcycle taxis, and mini-buses. Taxis are plentiful and can be hailed on the street or found at designated taxi stands. Motorcycle taxis, known as "moto-taxis" or "zemidjan," are fast and convenient but can be risky, so be sure to wear a helmet and negotiate a fair price before getting on. Mini-buses, or "gbaka," are the cheapest form of public transportation but can be crowded and uncomfortable. You can also rent a car, but be aware that roads can be in poor condition and driving can be challenging.

What to see around Sassandra

Sure, here are some nice places to visit for a day trip from Sassandra, Ivory Coast: 1. Taï National Park - This park is famous for its diverse wildlife and is a popular destination for nature lovers.
2. Grand-Béréby - It is a city located on the Atlantic coast of Ivory Coast, known for its beautiful beaches and lively local market.
3. Chiapas Waterfall - The waterfall is located in the nearby town of San Pedro, a short distance from Sassandra. It’s a beautiful spot to relax and enjoy the natural surroundings.
4. The Island of Assagny - This small island is a tranquil spot with pristine beaches and clear waters, perfect for a peaceful day trip.
5. Gbakasou Forest - This forest is unique in Ivory Coast as it is home to a number of monkey species and various bird-life.
6. The Village of Pitikwaha – It's a quaint and traditional village located outside Sassandra with a lovely atmosphere and a nice place to experience the local culture.
These are just a few of the places to visit on a day trip from Sassandra. There are many other interesting destinations to explore in the area.
For every travel information about Ivory Coast you can click here.

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