Takoradi - Discovering Ghana

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Travelling to Takoradi

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Takoradi, a pretty good destination in Ghana (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Takoradi and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Takoradi, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Ghana, here's everything to know about Takoradi for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Takoradi

Takoradi is the capital city of the Western Region of Ghana, located on the country's southern coast. It is the fourth-largest city in Ghana and a major seaport, serving as a gateway to the country's western region. The city has a rich history as a center of gold, diamond, and timber trade, and is also home to the Takoradi Port, which is one of the busiest ports in West Africa. Takoradi is a vibrant city with a diverse range of cultures and languages, and is known for its warm and welcoming people. The city is home to several tourist attractions, including beaches, wildlife reserves, and historical sites, making it an ideal destination for travelers interested in exploring Ghana.

Travelling to Takoradi and around: discovering Ghana

What to visit in Takoradi

Sure, here are some of the popular tourist attractions in Takoradi, Ghana: 1. Busua Beach - A beautiful beach with crystal clear water and golden sands, Busua Beach is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Takoradi. Swimming, surfing, and sunbathing are some of the main activities visitors can enjoy here.
2. Fort Metal Cross - This historical site is one of the largest and most well-preserved forts built by the British. It served as a command post during the colonial period and also played a major role in the slave trade. Today, it serves as a museum showcasing the history of the region.
3. Takoradi Market Circle - Known as the commercial center of Takoradi, this vibrant market attracts locals and visitors alike. Visitors can buy fresh produce, handcrafted items, and souvenirs at affordable prices.
4. Nzulezo Stilt Village - This unique village is located on stilts in the middle of a lake and can only be reached by boat. Visitors can explore the village and learn about the culture and way of life of the inhabitants.
5. Monkey Hill - Located on the outskirts of Takoradi, Monkey Hill is a nature reserve known for its monkey population. Visitors can hike through the reserve and observe the monkeys in their natural habitat.
6. Ankasa Conservation Area - This protected area is home to a variety of endangered species and is ideal for nature lovers. Visitors can spot rare birds, butterflies, and other wildlife, as well as hike through the rainforest.
7. Cape Three Points - This is the southernmost point in Ghana and the original site of the first lighthouse built in the region. Visitors can enjoy stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean and take part in water activities such as fishing and surfing.
These are just a few of the many tourist attractions you can enjoy in Takoradi. Each of them offers a unique experience and showcases the rich cultural and natural heritage of the region.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Ghana, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Takoradi.

When to go on holiday to Takoradi

The best time to visit Takoradi is from November to March, which is considered the dry season. During this time, you'll experience sunny skies and warm temperatures, making it ideal for outdoor activities and sightseeing. The rainy season in Takoradi runs from April to October and is characterized by heavy rainfall, humidity, and occasional thunderstorms. Though there are fewer tourists during this time, it may not be the best time to visit if you plan to explore the outdoors.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Takoradi

There are a few options for getting to Takoradi, Ghana: 1. By air: You can fly into Takoradi Airport (TKD) which is served by domestic airlines like Africa World Airlines and PassionAir.
2. By road: You can take a bus from Accra (Ghana's capital city) to Takoradi, which is about 4-5 hours drive. There are several bus companies that operate this route, including STC, VIP, and OA Travel.
3. By train: You can also take a train from Accra to Takoradi, which is operated by the Ghana Railway Company Limited. The train journey takes about 6-7 hours and offers a unique and scenic way to travel.
4. By private car: You can hire a private car from Accra or any other nearby town or city to take you directly to Takoradi. This option gives you flexibility and comfort, but it may be more expensive than the other options.
I hope this information helps you to plan your trip to Takoradi!
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Takoradi, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Takoradi

Sure, here are some typical foods of Takoradi (Ghana) with a short description for each of them: 1. Fante Kenkey: It's a staple food made from fermented cornmeal dough, wrapped in banana or plaintain leaves and boiled. It's usually served with soup, fish or with hot pepper sauce.
2. Banku and Tilapia: A popular evening meal that consists of a mashed mixture of fermented corn and cassava dough and grilled tilapia fish. This is one of the most common food combinations in Ghana.
3. Red Red: This is a well-loved vegetarian dish made with black-eyed peas, plantains, onions and tomato sauce. The ingredients are simmered until thickened and served with fried plantains.
4. Jollof Rice: It's a spicy one-pot rice dish seasoned with tomato sauce and spices. It usually includes vegetables, meat, or seafood.
5. Kelewele: This is a Ghanaian snack made from fried plantains seasoned with ginger, pepper and other spices. It's often served with peanuts, corn or beans.
6. Waakye: A popular breakfast meal in Takoradi comprises rice and beans that have been boiled together with spices, served with fried sweet potato and a bean stew.
7. Kenkey and fried fish: This is another popular meal in Takoradi that involves serving steamed corn dough with fried fish, along with soup or spicy sauce.
Enjoy exploring the unique flavors of Takoradi!
You can find general info about typical foods in Ghana here.

Is Takoradi an expensive destination for tourists?

Takoradi can be considered a moderately expensive destination for tourists visiting Ghana. The cost of accommodation, transportation, and food can be higher than other areas in Ghana, especially during peak travel season. However, it is still possible to find affordable options for budget-conscious travelers. It's always a good idea to plan ahead and research prices for hotels, restaurants, and activities to ensure you stay within your budget.

Where to find accomodation in Takoradi

The best areas to find accommodation in Takoradi, Ghana are the following: 1. Harbour road: This area is close to the Takoradi Port and has a lot of hotels and guest houses with easy access to the main road.
2. Beach road: This area is close to the clean beaches of Takoradi and has a lot of hotels and resorts with sea-facing rooms and easy beach access.
3. Market circle: This is the main commercial center of Takoradi and has a lot of budget guesthouses and hotels with easy access to the main street.
4. Ridge: This is the upscale residential area of Takoradi and has a lot of luxurious hotels and guesthouses with easy access to the Takoradi airport and main road.
You can check hotel prices at Takoradi here:

Is Takoradi a safe destination for tourists?

Takoradi is generally a safe place for tourists. However, like in any other city, it is always important to take basic safety precautions. Avoid walking alone at night, be aware of your surroundings, and keep your valuables secure. It is also recommended to stay within the central areas of the city which are popular among tourists. If you have concerns or questions about safety, you can always reach out to the local authorities or your hotel staff for advice.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Ghana here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Takoradi.

What type of travelers will enjoy Takoradi the most?

Takoradi, Ghana can be an enjoyable destination for a variety of travelers. The city is known for its beaches, food, and cultural attractions, which will appeal to a wide range of tourists. Here are some types of travelers who would enjoy visiting Takoradi: 1. Couples: The city's beautiful beaches are ideal for romantic walks, while its restaurants offer delicious food for couples to enjoy. Additionally, visitors can explore the nearby Monkey Hill and the Fort Metal Cross for some history and adventure.
2. Young People: Takoradi is a lively city with a vibrant nightlife, making it a great destination for young people looking for fun. The city has a variety of bars and nightclubs where they can enjoy music and dancing.
3. Family: The region has a plethora of outdoor activities such as taking a trip to Fort Metal Cross or the nearby Nzulezu village on the unique stilt-like houses. Furthermore, the nearby beaches are ideal for sunbathing and swimming, offering plenty of fun for families.
Overall, Takoradi has something for everyone.

How to get around Takoradi

In Takoradi, you can move around using taxis, buses, tro-tros (minivans), and motorbikes (popularly known as "okadas"). Taxis tend to be more expensive, but they are a good option for those who want a more comfortable and private mode of transportation. Buses and tro-tros are cheaper options but can often be crowded. Motorbikes are a popular option for short trips, but safety should be considered before riding.

What to see around Takoradi

Certainly, here are some suggestions for places to visit in a day trip from Takoradi, Ghana: 1. Cape Coast - located about 140 km east of Takoradi, Cape Coast is home to several historical sites including the Cape Coast Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a poignant reminder of Ghana's dark past as a center of the transatlantic slave trade.
2. Kakum National Park - located about 32 km north of Cape Coast, Kakum National Park offers a unique opportunity to take a canopy walk in the rainforest and get a bird's eye view of the spectacular landscape.
3. Nzulezo - located about 71 km west of Takoradi, Nzulezo is a charming stilt village built on the banks of Lake Tadane, accessible only by boat. Visitors can take a guided tour of the village and learn about the local way of life.
4. Butre - located about 25 km west of Takoradi, Butre is a beautiful seaside village with a popular beach and a stunning view from the nearby hilltop castle ruins.
5. Ankasa Conservation Area - located about 80 km west of Takoradi, Ankasa Conservation Area is a hidden gem for nature lovers, featuring lush forests, waterfalls, and a wide variety of biodiversity.
For every travel information about Ghana you can click here.

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