Turda - Discovering Romania

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Travelling to Turda

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Turda, a pretty good destination in Romania (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Turda and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Turda, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Romania, here's everything to know about Turda for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Turda

Turda is a small city in the Cluj County of Romania, situated in the western part of the country. The city is well-known for its salt mines that have been used since ancient times. Its salt mines are now considered a tourist attraction and are visited by thousands of people every year. Turda also has several other interesting tourist spots, including the Turda Gorges that offer breathtaking views and opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking and rock climbing. The city has a population of roughly 50,000 people and is known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

Travelling to Turda and around: discovering Romania

What to visit in Turda

Here are the top tourist attractions of Turda, Romania, along with some information about each: 1. Salina Turda: This is a salt mine-turned-amusement park that's a must-visit destination for anyone coming to Turda. The mine was in operation until the mid 20th century, but has now been transformed into a popular tourist attraction with multiple levels of activities, including a Ferris wheel, miniature golf course, underground lake with boat rides, a museum, and a playground.
2. Turda Gorges: Located in the Apuseni Mountains, Turda Gorges is a nature reserve and park that offers visitors a scenic hike through the gorge and stunning views of the natural landscape. The trails range from easy to difficult and offer different levels of challenge for all kinds of hikers.
3. Roman Castrum Potaissa: This is the remains of a Roman fort built in the 2nd century during the Roman Empire's reign over Dacia. Visitors can see the remains of the barracks, walls, and streets, and learn about the daily life of the Roman soldiers stationed here.
4. Turda Synagogue: This is a historic synagogue that was built in the early 20th century and served as the religious center for the local Jewish community for many years. Today, it serves as a cultural center and museum, offering visitors a glimpse into the rich history and customs of the Jewish community in Turda.
5. Potaissa Roman Amphitheater: This is a partially reconstructed Roman amphitheater that dates back to the 2nd century. Visitors can walk around the site and imagine what it must have been like to witness gladiatorial combat and other public spectacles during the Roman era.
6. Turda Salt Mine Museum: This museum showcases the history and science of salt mining in Romania and the Turda region. The exhibits include interactive displays, old photographs, and tools used by miners throughout the centuries.
Overall, Turda offers visitors a unique mix of history, nature, and family-friendly attractions that make it a fascinating destination for travelers of all ages.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Romania, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Turda

The best time to visit Turda, Romania is during the summer months, from June to September. During this time, the weather is warm, with temperatures ranging from 20-30°C (68-86°F), and there are many outdoor activities and events available. However, the tourist crowds can be larger and accommodation prices may be higher.
If you prefer to avoid the crowds and are interested in winter activities, Turda can also be visited during the winter months. However, keep in mind that the temperatures can drop to around -10°C (14°F) and there may be snow and ice on the ground. The winter months are also a great time to visit the nearby ski slopes.
Overall, the best time to visit Turda would depend on your personal preferences and interests.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Turda

Turda is a city located in the Transylvania region of Romania. Here are some options on how to get to Turda: 1. By plane: The closest major airport to Turda is the Cluj-Napoca International Airport. From there, you can take a taxi or a bus to Turda, which is located about 30 km away. 2. By train: You can take a train from Bucharest or Cluj-Napoca to Turda. The train station in Turda is located in the center of the city, making it convenient for tourists.
3. By bus: There are many bus companies that operate between Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, and Turda. You can book your tickets online in advance.
4. By car: You can rent a car or drive your own car to Turda. The city is located about 350 km from Bucharest and about 30 km from Cluj-Napoca.
Overall, there are many transportation options available to get to Turda. It's best to choose the one that makes the most sense for your travel plans, budget, and preferences.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Turda, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Turda

Here are some typical foods of Turda, Romania along with their descriptions: 1. Sarmale - A traditional Romanian dish, sarmale are cabbage rolls stuffed with a mixture of minced meat, rice, onions, and herbs. They are savory, filling, and often served with sour cream on top.
2. Mititei - Also known as "mici," these are small grilled sausages made from a blend of beef, lamb, and pork, seasoned with garlic, paprika, and other spices. They are typically served with mustard and bread on the side.
3. Ciorba - A sour soup made with vegetables, meat, and sour cream, ciorba is a staple dish in Romania. It can be made with various meats and vegetables, but the most popular version is ciorba de burta, which is made with beef tripe.
4. Papanași - A dessert similar to doughnuts or fritters, papanași are made from a mixture of curd cheese, flour, eggs, and sugar, and then fried until golden brown. They are often served with sour cream and a sweet jam or fruit compote on top.
5. Zacusca - A spread made from roasted vegetables like eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes, mixed with garlic, oil, and herbs. Zacusca is a great vegetarian option and can be served as an appetizer with bread or crackers.
You can find general info about typical foods in Romania here.

Is Turda an expensive destination for tourists?

Turda is not considered an expensive destination for tourists compared to other European cities. The cost of living and traveling in Romania is relatively affordable, which means that visitors can explore Turda on a budget without compromising on quality experiences. However, prices can still vary depending on the season and the type of accommodation and activities you choose. Generally, the prices for accommodation, food, and transportation in Turda are lower than most Western European cities.

Where to find accomodation in Turda

The best areas to find accommodation when visiting Turda, Romania would be: 1. Turda city center - This area is within walking distance to many of the main attractions in Turda, such as the Turda Salt Mine and the Potaissa Roman Ruins.
2. Along the Arieș River - There are several hotels and guesthouses located along the Arieș River that offer beautiful views and easy access to outdoor activities such as hiking and biking.
3. Near the Turda Gorge - If you plan to visit the Turda Gorge, consider staying in a nearby town such as Câmpeni or Rimetea, where you can find cozy guesthouses and traditional Romanian hospitality.
Overall, there are plenty of accommodation options in and around Turda to fit every budget and preference.
You can check hotel prices at Turda here:

Is Turda a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Turda (Romania) is generally a safe place for tourists. The crime rate in the city is relatively low, and violent crime is rare. However, tourists should still take basic safety measures, such as being aware of their surroundings, avoiding poorly lit or deserted areas at night, and keeping valuables in a secure place. It is also recommended to use licensed taxis and avoid unmarked taxis or accepting rides from strangers. Overall, Turda is considered a safe destination for tourists.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Romania here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Turda.

What type of travelers will enjoy Turda the most?

Turda, Romania is a beautiful and historic town that offers a range of experiences suitable for couples, families, and young people. Here are some reasons each group will enjoy the town: - Couples can enjoy the town's charming Old Town and its historic architecture, including the Turda Citadel and the Municipal Museum. The nearby Turda Gorge and Salina Turda also offer romantic natural settings for activities like hiking and exploring the salt mine.
- Families will appreciate the town's family-friendly attractions such as the Durgău Swimming Pool Complex and the Turda Salt Mine, which offers an exciting underground playground. The natural beauty of the surrounding area, including the Turda Gorge and the Pârâul Rece, also makes it perfect for family hikes and picnics.
- Young people will be drawn to the nightlife scene, which includes bars and restaurants in the Old Town area. Additionally, Turda's proximity to Cluj-Napoca, a booming city with a vibrant nightlife, makes it easy to experience the best of both worlds.
In summary, Turda is an excellent destination for all types of travelers. Whether visitors are looking for romantic walks, family-friendly adventures, or a fun night out on the town, there's something for everyone to enjoy in Turda.

How to get around Turda

In Turda, the most common transportation methods are buses, taxis, and walking. The city center is compact enough to explore on foot, but buses are available for longer distances or to reach destinations outside the city. Taxis are also easily accessible and offer a convenient mode of transportation for shorter distances or when carrying luggage. It is worth noting that there is no train station in Turda, so train travel is not an option for local transportation.

What to see around Turda

There are several interesting places to visit in a day trip from Turda, Romania. Some of the recommended destinations are: 1. Alba Iulia: It is a historic city located about 50 km from Turda. It is best known for the Alba Carolina Fortress, which is one of the largest fortified ensembles in Europe.
2. Cluj-Napoca: It is the largest city in the region and is located just 30 km from Turda. It is home to numerous interesting museums, ancient churches, botanical gardens, and parks.
3. Rimetea: This picturesque village is situated in the Apuseni Mountains, about 60 km from Turda. It is a well-preserved traditional village with a unique atmosphere and stunning natural surroundings.
4. Cheile Turzii: It is a breathtaking gorge located about 15 km from Turda. It is a popular hiking and climbing destination, with numerous trails that offer stunning views of the natural landscapes.
5. Hunedoara Castle: This impressive castle is located about 70 km from Turda. It dates back to the 14th century and is considered one of the most beautiful castles in Romania.
For every travel information about Romania you can click here.

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