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Trekking the Italian Riviera

Moneglia, Deiva, Riva and the beautiful Ligurian Sea
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and around the world

The hiking itinerary to the promontory of Punta Manara starts from the town center of Sestri Levante. From Punta Manara you can also walk down a steep path to the rocks of the Ciappa du Lu to dive into the Ligurian Sea, which is really crystal clear here. This trek is recommended in all seasons, in summer to go for a swim where the water is bluer, in winter to admire beautiful views without sweating in the climb. The departure from the center of Sestri Levante, a stone's throw from the Baia del Silenzio, is really picturesque... and within 300 meters there are 28 bakeries that produce delicious focaccia for the picnic. In short, this is the beginning of the most delicious path in the world.

The first part of the path at Sestri Levante with view over Baia della Favole
The first part of the path at Sestri Levante, towards Punta Manara, with view over Baia della Favole
The departure from the "caruggio", ie the central pedestrian street of Sestri Levante, is signaled by a sign with written Punta Manara. Two red squares indicate the itinerary. It starts immediately uphill, between two stone walls; looking back, you have a first view on the Baia delle Favole and on a beautiful glimpse of Tigullio Gulf. A little further up, the view opens up onto the open sea.
Along the path to Punta Manara
The path from Sestri Levante to Punta Manara and the views over the Liguria Sea
A ten-minute walk from the town center of Sestri Levante is enough to be immersed in the vegetation and in the silence, with splendid views. The trail is actually quite popular on spring and late summer weekends, so for absolute peace you have to look for an alternative schedule. The views open up early on the Sestri peninsula and the Bay of Silence.
Along the path to Punta Manara
Panorama over Sestri Levante from the path to Punta Manara
The trekking at some point becomes slightly more challenging for the rocky bottom of the path, not difficult but steep enough; however there are some benches that allow you to relax and enjoy the view.
Along the path to Punta Manara
Panoramic bench along the path to Punta Manara
Continuing to follow the signs to Punta Manara, the path is immersed in an increasingly Mediterranean vegetation, with maritime pines, holm oaks and corbezzoli trees (delicious red fruits, very tasty in autumn). Some deviations (going up, on the left) head towards the outskirts of Sestri Levante, but in general they are less interesting paths.
Along the path to Punta Manara
Lush vegetation along the path to Punta Manara
Arrived in Punta Manara (in all, an hour's walk from Sestri Levante), there are the ruins of an old watchtower and a steep staircase that leads to admire the view on the promontory itself, on the bay of Riva Trigoso and on the eastern end of Liguria.
Looking east from Punta Manara
Looking east from Punta Manara

One notices in particular the clarity of the sea under the promontory (that we have traveled several times by kayak).
From here you can either continue to another part of Sestri Levante (the village of Ginestra, a fairly scenic route) and then to Riva Trigoso, or go back through the same path. We recommend going down to the rock of Ciappa du Lu (Rock of the Wolf, in the local dialect). Returning to Sestri, in fact, about 5 minutes from Punta Manara, a path heads towards the sea.
Along the path to Punta Manara
5 minutes before reaching Punta Manara, it is possibile to take the path on the right that goes to the rocky sea shore (at Ciappa du Lu = Rock of the Wolf)
This path is quite steep and slippery, even if well traced. It's not so dangerous, but those who have no good balance shoule be careful: do not get killed, please (which is also a bit of life advice). The effort (you go down from the 150 meters of height of Punta Manara up to the sea, and then you will have to go back) is rewarded by the crystalline waters around the Ciappa du Lu.
The Ciappa du Lu between Sestri Levante and Punta Manara
The Ciappa du Lu between Sestri Levante and Punta Manara
View from thw Ciappa du Lu to Sestri Levante
View from the Ciappa du Lu to Sestri Levante
This is the perfect place to chill out, get a sun tan, swim (remember your snorkeling gear to see the many small fish), walk on the sea-rocks, climb and dive
Climbing on the rock of Ciappa du Lu
Having fun while climbing on the rock of Ciappa du Lu
After having spent a great day by swimming happily in the Ligurian Sea, you can hike back to the main path and end your trek in Sestri Levante. At sunset, the views might look like this... bad stuff!
View over Sestri Levante at sunset
View over Sestri Levante at sunset from the path, getting back from Punta Manara
Once in Sestri, you can walk to the train station, which is very close... and along the way, of course, you will meet 40 bakeries and 18 ice-cream makers to refill your energy level.
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