
Jerusalem - 10 attractions to visit!

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In this page we give all the tourist information about Jerusalem and we present the 10 top places to visit. With full description and recommendation about these top 10 attractions, you will be able to organize the perfect trip to Jerusalem!

Top 10 attractions to visit in Jerusalem and around

General info
1. Western Wall
2. Dome of the Rock
3. Church of the Holy Sepulchre
4. Mount of Olives
5. Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial
6. Israel Museum
7. Mahane Yehuda Market
8. Tower of David
9. Mount Zion
10. Ein Karem

A trip to Jerusalem

Jerusalem, the vibrant capital of Israel, is a city steeped in rich history and religious significance. Renowned for its cultural diversity, it attracts millions of tourists from around the world. With its ancient landmarks, religious sites, and vibrant markets, Jerusalem offers a unique travel experience.
One of its top attractions is the Old City, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here, visitors can explore the Western Wall, a sacred Jewish site, and walk the Via Dolorosa, retracing the steps of Jesus. The Dome of the Rock and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre are also must-see religious sites.
For history buffs, the Israel Museum houses the Dead Sea Scrolls and an extensive collection of archaeological artifacts. Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum, is a deeply moving tribute to the victims of the Holocaust. Another popular attraction is the Tower of David, an ancient citadel that offers panoramic views of the city.
In addition to its historical sites, Jerusalem boasts vibrant markets such as the bustling Mahane Yehuda Market. Here, visitors can immerse themselves in the flavors and aromas of Middle Eastern cuisine.
With its blend of religious significance, ancient landmarks, and cultural diversity, Jerusalem offers a truly captivating experience for travelers seeking a unique and meaningful journey.
You can find even more info about Jerusalem in this other page, not just about what to visit, but also when to go, what to eat, which events to see and more! But now, here are the top 10 tourist attractions to visit at Jerusalem.

Travelling to Jerusalem and around: discovering Israel

Western Wall - Top attractions in Jerusalem -1

The Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall or Kotel, is one of the most significant religious and historical landmarks in Jerusalem, Israel. Located in the Old City, this holy site holds immense religious importance for the Jewish faith.
The Western Wall is the only remaining part of the Second Temple, which was built in 516 BCE and later destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. Jews from around the world gather at this site to pray, leave written prayers in the cracks of the wall, and connect with their heritage.
Visitors to the Western Wall can witness the powerful sight of people deep in prayer and reflection. The wall is divided into two sections, one for men and the other for women, both accessible at all times.
It is advised for both men and women to dress modestly when visiting the Western Wall out of respect for the religious significance of the site. Women are expected to cover their shoulders and wear long skirts or pants, while men are encouraged to wear a head covering, such as a kippah or hat.
The Western Wall Plaza, in front of the wall, is always alive with activity, as it serves as a gathering place for ceremonies, celebrations, and events throughout the year. This makes it a fascinating place to visit and immerse oneself in the rich cultural and religious heritage of Jerusalem.
Tourists interested in the history and significance of the Western Wall can visit the Western Wall Tunnels. These underground passages provide a unique opportunity to explore the hidden layers of Jerusalem's past and gain a deeper understanding of the site's historical importance.
Overall, the Western Wall is a must-visit attraction in Jerusalem, allowing visitors to experience the spiritual atmosphere and witness the connection between the Jewish people and their sacred past. Whether one is religious or not, a visit to the Western Wall leaves a lasting impression and is a testament to the diversity and significance of Jerusalem's cultural heritage.

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Dome of the Rock - Top attractions in Jerusalem -2

The Dome of the Rock is one of the most iconic architectural marvels and a must-visit attraction in Jerusalem, Israel. Located on the Temple Mount, it holds significant religious and historical importance for various faiths.
This magnificent Islamic shrine was built in the 7th century and boasts a mesmerizing golden dome that gleams in the sunlight. Adorned with intricate tile work, calligraphy, and geometric patterns, the structure exemplifies stunning Islamic architecture.
Visitors are drawn to the interior of the Dome of the Rock to witness the breathtaking sight of the Foundation Stone, a sacred site revered in Jewish, Islamic, and Christian traditions. It is believed to be the spot where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son, where the Holy of Holies once stood in the Jewish temple, and where Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven during the Night Journey.
Non-Muslim visitors can explore the exterior of the Dome, taking in the breathtaking views of the Old City of Jerusalem. However, access to the interior is restricted to Muslims only.
It is advisable to dress modestly and respect the religious customs when visiting the Dome of the Rock. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the remarkable beauty of this cultural gem.
Located amidst the spiritual atmosphere of Jerusalem's Old City, the Dome of the Rock should be on the top of your itinerary when exploring the city's rich history and religious heritage.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre - Top attractions in Jerusalem -3

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, located in the heart of Jerusalem, is one of the most significant religious sites in the world. It holds immense historical and religious importance for Christians, as it is believed to be the place where Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and resurrected.
Visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is a must for anyone traveling to Jerusalem. Stepping inside, you will be awe-inspired by the stunning architecture, intricate artwork, and spiritual atmosphere. It is a place of pilgrimage and devotion for Christians from around the globe.
Inside the church, you will find various areas of significance. The first stop for most visitors is the Stone of Unction, a slab upon which it is believed that Jesus' body was prepared for burial. Pilgrims often queue to touch or place items on this stone for blessings.
Another prominent location within the church is the Edicule, which encloses the tomb of Jesus. It is an inner chamber that you can enter and see the burial site. This area is marked by a simple structure with candles and religious objects, offering a solemn and contemplative experience.
Above the tomb, you will find Golgotha, the site of Jesus' crucifixion. Ascending a small staircase, visitors can view the top of the rocky outcrop, where a gold-plated altar marks the exact spot. The atmosphere here is highly revered and is particularly significant during religious ceremonies.
Exploring the church further, you will discover several chapels, each showcasing different Christian denominations and their unique traditions. The church is shared by various Christian sects, including Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Armenian Apostolic, and more. Each has its own chapels, adorned with beautiful icons, artwork, and intricate decorations.
Please note that due to the high number of tourists visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, it can get overcrowded, especially during religious holidays and weekends. It is recommended to arrive early in the day for a more tranquil experience.
In conclusion, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is an essential visit for anyone interested in history, religion, or art. Its significance to Christianity and its stunning architectural features make it one of the top attractions in Jerusalem.

Mount of Olives - Top attractions in Jerusalem -4

The Mount of Olives is one of the top attractions in Jerusalem, Israel. This iconic hill is located to the east of the Old City and offers breathtaking panoramic views of Jerusalem's skyline. With its rich religious significance and historical importance, the Mount of Olives is a must-visit destination for travelers.
One of the highlights of the Mount of Olives is its religious significance for the three major Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It is home to several important religious sites, including the Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery, which is the oldest and most significant Jewish cemetery in the world. Visitors can explore the tombs of prominent figures like rabbinical scholars and religious leaders.
For Christians, the Mount of Olives holds great religious importance as it is believed to be the place where Jesus ascended to heaven. The Chapel of the Ascension is a popular pilgrimage site, where visitors can see the imprint of Jesus' foot on a rock. The Garden of Gethsemane, located at the foot of the Mount of Olives, is another significant Christian site where Jesus is said to have prayed before his crucifixion.
In addition to its religious sites, the Mount of Olives also offers serene and picturesque landscapes. Visitors can take leisurely walks along the scenic pathways, enjoying the stunning views of the city and the surrounding landscape. The hill is also home to ancient olive trees from which it draws its name.
To visit the Mount of Olives, it is recommended to dress modestly and respect the religious importance of the area. Comfortable shoes are a must, as there are several steps and steep paths to navigate. Visitors can reach the Mount of Olives by foot, car, or public transportation. There are also guided tours available that provide insightful information about the sites and their historical significance.
Overall, the Mount of Olives is a unique and significant destination in Jerusalem that offers a blend of history, spirituality, and natural beauty. It provides a memorable experience for travelers seeking to explore the rich cultural heritage of the city.

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Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial - Top attractions in Jerusalem -5

Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial, located in Jerusalem, Israel, is one of the most powerful and important attractions in the country. Established in 1953, it is dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust and honoring its victims.
Visiting Yad Vashem allows you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the tragic events that took place during World War II. The memorial complex features various poignant exhibits, including the Holocaust History Museum, the Hall of Names, and the Children's Memorial.
The Holocaust History Museum provides a detailed narrative of the Holocaust, showcasing authentic artifacts, documents, and personal stories. It offers a chronological account of the Nazi regime's rise to power, the persecution and murder of millions of Jews and other victims, and the post-war rehabilitation efforts.
The Hall of Names serves as a memorial for the six million Jewish victims. It displays a collection of over two million names, photographs, and personal details of those who perished in the Holocaust. This moving tribute ensures that the individuals are never forgotten and that their stories are preserved for future generations.
The Children's Memorial is a particularly emotional space, with its dark, mirrored room filled with the sound of names being read out. This memorial is a tribute to the approximately 1.5 million children who were murdered during the Holocaust.
As the world's leading Holocaust memorial site, Yad Vashem also hosts research and educational programs, enabling visitors to delve deeper into the history and legacy of the Holocaust. The site offers guided tours, audio guides, and informative exhibitions, ensuring visitors can fully engage with and comprehend the enormity of this historic tragedy.
Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial is a must-visit attraction in Jerusalem for individuals seeking to pay their respects, learn about the Holocaust, and honor the memory of the victims. It is an essential destination for both tourists and those interested in history and human rights.

Israel Museum - Top attractions in Jerusalem -6

The Israel Museum, located in Jerusalem, is one of the top attractions in the city and offers a captivating experience for visitors. Founded in 1965, it is the largest cultural institution in Israel and houses an extensive collection of artworks and artifacts that span thousands of years.
One of the highlights of the Israel Museum is the Shrine of the Book, which is dedicated to the preservation and exhibition of the Dead Sea Scrolls. These ancient manuscripts, discovered in nearby caves, contain some of the oldest known copies of the Hebrew Bible and provide valuable insights into Jewish history and culture.
Another must-see section is the Archaeology Wing, where you can explore the rich history of the region through a vast collection of archaeological artifacts. From ancient pottery and jewelry to sculptures and ancient coins, the exhibits offer a fascinating glimpse into the civilizations that once flourished in the area.
Art enthusiasts will appreciate the Fine Arts Wing, which features an impressive collection of European, modern, and contemporary art. From works by renowned artists such as Picasso and Chagall to contemporary Israeli artists, the museum offers a diverse range of artistic styles and periods.
The museum also has a beautiful outdoor Sculpture Garden, where you can relax and enjoy a stroll amongst an array of stunning sculptures and installations. The garden provides a peaceful and picturesque setting for visitors to unwind and admire the artwork.
In addition to its permanent collections, the Israel Museum hosts temporary exhibitions that cover various topics, ensuring that there is always something new and exciting to discover.
Visiting the Israel Museum is an enriching experience that offers a comprehensive overview of the history, culture, and art of Israel and the wider region. With its world-class collections and stunning architecture, it is a must-visit attraction for anyone traveling to Jerusalem.


Mahane Yehuda Market - Top attractions in Jerusalem -7

Located in the heart of Jerusalem, Mahane Yehuda Market is one of the city's most popular tourist attractions. This bustling market offers a sensory overload with its vibrant atmosphere, diverse aromas, and colorful displays of fruits, vegetables, spices, and other local produce.
Known as "The Shuk" by locals, Mahane Yehuda Market showcases the rich culinary and cultural heritage of Jerusalem. The market is not only a haven for food lovers, but it also offers a unique shopping experience with a wide range of stalls selling everything from fresh fish and meat to clothing, jewelry, and traditional Middle Eastern crafts.
Visitors can stroll through the narrow alleyways of the market, immersing themselves in the authentic sights, sounds, and flavors of Jerusalem. With numerous cafes, bakeries, and restaurants, it is an ideal place to indulge in traditional Israeli cuisine or enjoy a refreshing drink while watching the lively street scenes.
In recent years, Mahane Yehuda Market has also become a hub for trendy bars, making it a popular destination for nightlife enthusiasts. The market comes alive during the evenings and weekends, with live performances, street art, and a vibrant energy that is hard to replicate.
Additionally, Mahane Yehuda Market hosts various festivals and events throughout the year, ranging from music concerts to food tastings and cultural celebrations. These events offer a glimpse into the diverse and inclusive spirit of Jerusalem.
For those seeking an authentic and vibrant experience in Jerusalem, a visit to Mahane Yehuda Market is a must. Its unique blend of history, culture, and gastronomy provides an unforgettable journey for travelers of all ages.

Tower of David - Top attractions in Jerusalem -8

The Tower of David, also known as the Jerusalem Citadel, is one of the top attractions in Jerusalem, Israel. Situated near the Jaffa Gate, this historic fortress offers visitors a glimpse into the city's rich history and remarkable panoramic views.
Built during the 2nd century BCE, the Tower of David has been a crucial defensive structure for centuries. Today, it houses the Tower of David Museum, which takes visitors on a journey through Jerusalem's past. The museum showcases the city's significant archaeological finds and features immersive exhibits that bring the history to life.
While exploring the Tower of David, visitors have the opportunity to ascend the ancient watchtower and enjoy breathtaking views of the Old City, Mount Zion, and the surrounding landscapes. The observation deck also provides a captivating perspective of Jerusalem's diverse architectural styles and religious sites.
The Tower of David is a remarkable site to visit both during the day and in the evening. In the evening, the tower becomes a magical backdrop for the Night Spectacular, a mesmerizing sound and light show that tells the story of Jerusalem's history through innovative technology.
Whether you are a history enthusiast, an architecture lover, or simply seeking stunning views of Jerusalem, the Tower of David is a must-visit site. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this iconic attraction and gain deeper insights into the captivating past of one of the world's most historic cities.

Mount Zion - Top attractions in Jerusalem -9

Mount Zion, located in Jerusalem, Israel, is a significant and must-visit attraction for tourists. This historic hill is brimming with religious, cultural, and historical importance, making it one of the top attractions in Jerusalem.
One of the key highlights of Mount Zion is the revered King David's Tomb, believed to be the final resting place of the biblical King David. Visitors can explore the ancient stone chamber and witness vibrant prayer services that take place here daily.
Another prominent religious site on Mount Zion is the Room of the Last Supper, where Jesus is believed to have shared his last meal with his disciples before his crucifixion. This sacred and serene room is adorned with beautiful artwork and is open for visitors to marvel at its spiritual significance.
Aside from religious landmarks, Mount Zion is home to numerous cultural and historical landmarks as well. The Dormition Abbey, a stunning church with a unique blend of architectural styles, stands as an important pilgrimage site for Christians. The Abbey's crypt is said to be the resting place of the Virgin Mary.
Visitors to Mount Zion can also explore the picturesque and tranquil gardens outside the abbey, offering breathtaking panoramic views of Jerusalem's Old City.
With its rich historical and religious significance, Mount Zion is a top attraction for tourists visiting Jerusalem. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a religious pilgrim, or simply a traveler seeking to immerse yourself in the unique heritage of the region, Mount Zion is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Ein Karem - Top attractions in Jerusalem -10

Ein Karem is a picturesque and historic neighborhood located on the outskirts of Jerusalem, Israel. Known as the traditional birthplace of John the Baptist, it is a popular destination for tourists and pilgrims alike.
Visitors to Ein Karem will be enchanted by its quaint stone houses, narrow winding streets, and beautiful gardens. The neighborhood is rich in history and charm, with a mix of religious landmarks, art galleries, and charming cafes.
One of the main attractions in Ein Karem is the Church of the Visitation, which is built on the site where Mary, the mother of Jesus, is believed to have visited her cousin Elizabeth. The church features stunning architecture and beautiful artwork, making it a must-visit destination for religious and history enthusiasts.
Another popular attraction in Ein Karem is the Church of St. John the Baptist. This church is said to be the birthplace of John the Baptist, and visitors can explore its ornate interior and learn about the life and legacy of this important biblical figure.
Aside from its religious significance, Ein Karem is also known for its artistic community. The neighborhood is home to a number of art galleries and studios, showcasing the works of local artists. Visitors can wander through these galleries, admire the artwork, and even purchase unique souvenirs.
In addition to its cultural and religious attractions, Ein Karem offers beautiful natural scenery. The neighborhood is surrounded by green hills and valleys, providing opportunities for hiking and enjoying the outdoors.
Overall, Ein Karem is a charming and historically significant neighborhood in Jerusalem that offers a unique blend of religious, cultural, and natural attractions. Whether you are interested in history, art, or simply want to soak in the peaceful ambiance, Ein Karem is a must-visit destination in Jerusalem, Israel.

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