
Lomé - 10 attractions to visit!

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In this page we give all the tourist information about Lomé and we present the 10 top places to visit. With full description and recommendation about these top 10 attractions, you will be able to organize the perfect trip to Lomé!

Top 10 attractions to visit in Lomé and around

General info
1. Togo National Museum
2. Grand Marche (Lomé Central Market)
3. Independence Monument
4. Lomé Cathedral
5. Akodesséwa Fetish Market
6. Lome Beach
7. Togo National Museum of Arts and Crafts
8. Marché des Féticheurs (Fetish Market)
9. Monument de L'independence (Independence Monument)
10. Lomé Grand Market (Marche des Nanas Benz)

A trip to Lomé

Lomé, the capital city of Togo, is a vibrant and captivating destination for tourists seeking an immersive African experience. Nestled along the Gulf of Guinea, Lomé combines a rich cultural heritage with a laid-back atmosphere and stunning natural beauty.
One of the top attractions in Lomé is its gorgeous beaches. Whether you're looking to relax and soak up the sun or engage in thrilling water sports, Lomé offers a picturesque coastline with pristine sandy shores. Don't miss a visit to the popular Lomé Beach and enjoy the refreshing turquoise waters and stunning sunsets.
For history enthusiasts, the National Museum of Togo is a must-visit. Located in the heart of the city, this museum showcases a unique collection of traditional artifacts, offering insights into the local culture and history.
Discover the bustling Grand Marché, a lively market where you can immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and scents of Togolese everyday life. Browse through an array of vibrant textiles, handicrafts, and local delicacies, and be sure to practice your bargaining skills! Lomé also boasts a rich artistic scene, with numerous art galleries and cultural centers to explore. The Palais de Lomé art museum, housed in a former colonial palace, showcases contemporary African art and hosts rotating exhibitions that provide a glimpse into the region's diverse artistry.
To experience the spiritual side of Lomé, pay a visit to the awe-inspiring Grand Mosque. This architectural marvel is a testament to the city's strong Islamic identity and offers a peaceful retreat for contemplation.
As the gateway to Togo, Lomé is also an ideal starting point for exploring the country's breathtaking landscapes. Take a day trip to the picturesque Togoville, a historic town on the shores of Lake Togo, or venture further to visit the lush forests, waterfalls, and wildlife reserves that dot the Togolese countryside.
With its captivating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, Lomé offers a truly enriching travel experience for those seeking to discover the best of Togo. Plan your visit to Lomé today and uncover the hidden gems of this enchanting African capital.
You can find even more info about Lomé in this other page, not just about what to visit, but also when to go, what to eat, which events to see and more! But now, here are the top 10 tourist attractions to visit at Lomé.

Travelling to Lomé and around: discovering Togo

Togo National Museum - Top attractions in Lomé -1

The Togo National Museum, located in Lomé, is one of the top tourist attractions in Togo. This museum offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage of the country.
The museum features a diverse collection of artifacts, including traditional masks, sculptures, pottery, and textiles. These exhibits provide a fascinating insight into the traditional way of life and customs of the Togolese people.
Visitors can also learn about the country's history through the museum's collection of archaeological finds and colonial-era artifacts. The exhibits display the influence of various civilizations that have shaped Togo's history, such as the Ewe, Moba, and Kabye tribes.
One of the highlights of the Togo National Museum is the gallery dedicated to voodoo. Voodoo is deeply rooted in Togolese culture, and this section showcases ritual objects, charms, and other artifacts associated with voodoo practices. It offers a unique opportunity for visitors to understand the beliefs and traditions of this spiritual practice.
The museum's knowledgeable guides are available to provide insights and answer any questions visitors may have. They can offer a deeper understanding of the exhibits and provide cultural context to enhance the overall experience.
The Togo National Museum also hosts temporary exhibitions that showcase contemporary Togolese art, providing visitors with a glimpse into the country's vibrant art scene.
Overall, a visit to the Togo National Museum in Lomé promises to be an enriching and educational experience, allowing visitors to engage with Togo's cultural and historical heritage.

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Grand Marche (Lomé Central Market) - Top attractions in Lomé -2

Grand Marche, also known as Lomé Central Market, is one of the top attractions in Lomé, the capital city of Togo. This bustling market is a vibrant hub of commerce and culture, offering visitors a unique and authentic shopping experience.
Situated in the heart of Lomé, Grand Marche is a must-visit destination for tourists looking to explore the local flavors, traditions, and crafts of Togo. The market is a labyrinth of narrow streets and alleyways, filled with thousands of stalls selling a wide range of products.
Visitors to Grand Marche can browse through a variety of goods, including traditional African fabrics, handmade jewelry, wood-carvings, artwork, souvenirs, and much more. The market is also a great place to purchase fresh produce, spices, and local food products, giving travelers a taste of the vibrant Togolese cuisine.
Navigating the busy market may seem overwhelming, but it provides a unique opportunity to interact with friendly locals and immerse oneself in the lively atmosphere of Lomé. Bargaining is a common practice in Grand Marche, so don't hesitate to negotiate prices and strike a good deal.
To fully experience Grand Marche, it is recommended to visit in the morning when the market is at its busiest and most lively. However, be prepared for crowds and keep an eye on your belongings to ensure a safe and pleasant shopping experience.
Due to its central location, Grand Marche is easily accessible from various parts of Lomé. Visitors can choose to walk, take a taxi, or use public transportation to reach the market.
In conclusion, the Grand Marche in Lomé is an essential destination for travelers seeking an authentic and vibrant shopping experience in Togo. From traditional crafts to local delicacies, this bustling market provides a window into the rich cultural heritage of the country.

Independence Monument - Top attractions in Lomé -3

The Independence Monument is a significant landmark and one of the top attractions in Lomé, the capital city of Togo. Located in the heart of the city, this monument holds great historical and cultural importance to the country.
The Independence Monument was erected to commemorate Togo's independence from French colonial rule, which was achieved on April 27th, 1960. It symbolizes the country's liberation and sovereignty, making it an essential site for both locals and tourists.
Standing tall at about 60 meters, the monument is an impressive architectural masterpiece. The central bronze statue depicts a triumphant woman holding the Togolese flag, signifying freedom and liberation. Surrounding the monument, there are beautiful gardens and manicured lawns, offering a peaceful and serene atmosphere for visitors.
Tourists visiting the Independence Monument can take a leisurely stroll around the grounds, enjoying the meticulously maintained gardens and taking in the breathtaking views. Many visitors also choose to take photographs with the monument as a backdrop, capturing memorable moments of their trip.
As the monument is located in the heart of Lomé, visitors can conveniently explore other nearby attractions. The bustling Grand Marche, the National Museum of Togo, and the beautiful Lomé Cathedral are all within a short distance from the Independence Monument, making it an ideal starting point for exploring the city.
In conclusion, the Independence Monument is a must-visit attraction in Lomé, Togo. With its historical significance and impressive architecture, it offers a unique insight into the country's struggle for independence. Visitors can enjoy the serene surroundings and explore other nearby attractions, making it a memorable experience for anyone exploring Lomé.

Lomé Cathedral - Top attractions in Lomé -4

Lomé Cathedral, also known as Notre-Dame du Lac, is a prominent religious landmark located in the heart of Lomé, the capital city of Togo. As one of the top attractions in Lomé, this magnificent cathedral draws both locals and tourists alike with its mesmerizing architecture and historical significance.
Constructed in the early 20th century, Lomé Cathedral stands as a testament to the city's rich cultural heritage. Its striking façade showcases a blend of European and local architectural styles, creating a visually stunning sight that is worth exploring.
Visitors to Lomé Cathedral can admire the intricate details of the building, featuring beautiful stained glass windows, towering spires, and ornate sculptures. The interior of the cathedral is equally impressive, with a grand altar and a serene atmosphere that invites visitors to reflect and find tranquility.
Aside from its architectural beauty, Lomé Cathedral serves as an important religious center for the Catholic community in Lomé. It hosts regular services and religious ceremonies, providing an opportunity for visitors to observe and participate in the local religious customs.
The cathedral's central location offers easy access to other popular attractions in Lomé. Visitors can explore nearby markets, such as the bustling Grand Marché, or take a leisurely stroll along the picturesque waterfront, enjoying the fresh sea breeze.
Whether you are a religious traveler seeking spiritual solace or simply an architecture enthusiast intrigued by historical gems, Lomé Cathedral is a must-visit destination in Lomé. Immerse yourself in the city's rich cultural tapestry and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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Akodesséwa Fetish Market - Top attractions in Lomé -5

The Akodesséwa Fetish Market is one of the top attractions in Lomé, Togo. Located near the city center, this unique market offers visitors a glimpse into the world of traditional African spirituality and voodoo beliefs.
What sets the Akodesséwa Fetish Market apart is its wide array of items associated with voodoo practices. For those with an interest in the occult or a curiosity about voodoo, this market is a must-visit destination. The market is filled with stalls selling various items used in voodoo rituals such as animal skulls, bones, feathers, herbs, and talismans. A visit to the market offers a fascinating insight into the spiritual practices of the local people.
Visitors to the market can also find a range of traditional African artifacts and handicrafts, including wooden masks, textiles, and jewelry. These unique souvenirs make for great gifts and mementos of your trip to Lomé.
While visiting the Akodesséwa Fetish Market, it is important to be respectful of the voodoo practitioners and their beliefs. It is recommended to consult with a local guide who can provide cultural context and help navigate the market.
Overall, the Akodesséwa Fetish Market is a captivating destination for those interested in exploring the mystical side of Togolese culture. Its diverse selection of voodoo-related items, along with traditional African handicrafts, makes it an intriguing place to visit while in Lomé.

Lome Beach - Top attractions in Lomé -6

Lomé, the vibrant capital city of Togo, is not only known for its rich history and culture but also for its beautiful beaches. Among the top attractions in Lomé, Lomé Beach stands out as a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.
Lomé Beach, located along the Gulf of Guinea, offers visitors a picturesque setting with its pristine golden sands and crystal-clear waters. The beach stretches for miles, providing ample space for visitors to relax, sunbathe, and enjoy various beach activities.
One of the main reasons why Lomé Beach is a favorite among tourists is its lively and vibrant atmosphere. Throughout the year, the beachfront is bustling with activity, with locals and vendors selling an array of crafts, souvenirs, and delicious street food. Visitors can immerse themselves in the local culture and experience the vibrant atmosphere while enjoying the beach.
Water sports enthusiasts will be pleased to find a range of activities available at Lomé Beach. Various water sports such as swimming, jet skiing, and sailing are offered, providing ample opportunities for adventure and fun. The calm and warm waters make it suitable for both beginners and experienced water sports enthusiasts.
For those seeking a more tranquil experience, Lomé Beach also offers secluded areas where visitors can find peace and solitude. Whether you simply want to soak up the sun, read a book, or take a leisurely stroll along the shore, Lomé Beach has something to offer for everyone.
Visitors to Lomé are advised to take certain precautions while visiting Lomé Beach, such as avoiding swimming in areas without lifeguards, practicing sun safety, and heeding local advice. It is also recommended to visit during the day or in the presence of other visitors to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
In conclusion, Lomé Beach is undoubtedly one of the top attractions in Lomé, Togo. With its beautiful scenery, vibrant atmosphere, and a range of activities to enjoy, it offers visitors an unforgettable beach experience. Whether you are a water sports enthusiast or simply looking to relax, Lomé Beach is a must-visit destination during your time in Lomé.


Togo National Museum of Arts and Crafts - Top attractions in Lomé -7

The Togo National Museum of Arts and Crafts in Lomé is one of the top attractions in the city. Located in the heart of the capital, this museum offers a unique and immersive experience for visitors interested in Togolese culture and craftsmanship.
The museum showcases a diverse collection of traditional Togolese art, including sculptures, masks, textiles, and pottery. Visitors can explore different galleries and admire the exquisite craftsmanship displayed in each piece. The museum also frequently hosts temporary exhibitions that highlight specific aspects of Togolese culture, allowing visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the country's artistic heritage.
In addition to the artworks, the Togo National Museum of Arts and Crafts offers interactive displays that allow visitors to learn more about the cultural significance of each piece and the techniques used in their creation. Visitors can also participate in workshops and demonstrations, where they can try their hand at traditional crafts under the guidance of skilled artisans.
The museum's location in Lomé makes it easily accessible to tourists. It is situated near other popular attractions, such as the Grand Marché (the central market) and Independence Square, allowing visitors to conveniently explore multiple attractions in one trip. Additionally, the museum is just a short distance from the coastline, offering visitors the opportunity to combine their cultural experience with some relaxing time by the beach.
When planning a visit to the Togo National Museum of Arts and Crafts, it is advisable to check the museum's opening hours and any admission fees beforehand. Guided tours are available in multiple languages, ensuring that visitors can fully appreciate the artworks and the stories behind them.
Overall, the Togo National Museum of Arts and Crafts in Lomé is a must-visit attraction for those interested in Togolese culture and craftsmanship. It offers a comprehensive insight into the country's artistic heritage and provides an interactive and educational experience for all visitors.

Marché des Féticheurs (Fetish Market) - Top attractions in Lomé -8

The Marché des Féticheurs (Fetish Market) is one of the top attractions in Lomé, Togo. Located in the heart of the city, this vibrant market is a unique cultural experience for visitors.
The Fetish Market offers an intriguing insight into the traditional spiritual practices of the local people. Here, you will find a wide variety of intriguing items, including animal skulls, bones, feathers, potions, herbs, and talismans. These are believed to possess spiritual powers and are used in traditional rituals and ceremonies.
Visiting the Marché des Féticheurs is like stepping into a world of ancient traditions and mysticism. The market is bustling with shoppers, vendors, and traditional healers who offer their services to those seeking spiritual guidance or remedies for ailments. You can witness the vendors engaging in lively negotiations and learn about the significance of various items.
While exploring the market, it is important to be respectful of the cultural practices and beliefs of the local community. Ask for permission before taking photographs and be mindful of your interactions with the vendors.
The Marché des Féticheurs is not just a place for shopping; it is also an opportunity to learn about the rich history and culture of Togo. A visit to this unique attraction gives you a deeper understanding of the spiritual beliefs and practices of the people of Lomé.
In conclusion, the Marché des Féticheurs is a must-visit attraction when in Lomé, Togo. Immerse yourself in the local culture, witness traditional rituals, and explore the intriguing items for sale. It is an experience that will leave you with lasting memories and a greater appreciation for the diverse spiritual practices in Togo.

Monument de L'independence (Independence Monument) - Top attractions in Lomé -9

The Monument de L'independence, also known as the Independence Monument, is one of the must-visit attractions in Lomé, Togo. This iconic monument holds great historical significance as it symbolizes Togo's independence from colonial rule.
Located in the heart of Lomé, the Independence Monument stands tall and proud, showcasing the country's resilience and freedom. It was erected in 1977 to commemorate Togo's liberation from French colonization, which took place on April 27, 1960.
The monument comprises a massive granite column with a golden statue of a woman at the top. The woman represents the freedom and aspirations of the Togolese people. Surrounding the monument are meticulously landscaped gardens with vibrant flowers and well-maintained pathways, providing a serene atmosphere for visitors.
Tourists can visit the monument and take memorable photos with the gleaming gold statue as a backdrop. The surrounding gardens offer a tranquil place to relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. The monument is also well-lit at night, creating a captivating sight for visitors.
For history enthusiasts, a visit to the Independence Monument offers a glimpse into the struggle and triumph of Togo's independence. It serves as a reminder of the country's rich heritage and the sacrifices made by its people for freedom.
Visitors to Lomé should not miss the opportunity to explore the Independence Monument and witness firsthand the historical legacy it represents.

Lomé Grand Market (Marche des Nanas Benz) - Top attractions in Lomé -10

Lomé, the capital city of Togo, is home to several top attractions that offer visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the local culture and experience the beauty of the city. One such attraction is the Lomé Grand Market, also known as Marche des Nanas Benz.
The Lomé Grand Market is a vibrant and bustling marketplace that offers a unique shopping experience for both locals and tourists. Here, you can find a wide array of goods, from food and clothing to traditional crafts and souvenirs. It is one of the largest markets in West Africa and a must-visit destination for anyone interested in experiencing the lively atmosphere of a traditional African market.
The market is famous for its colorful fabrics known as "pagnes," which are an integral part of Togolese culture. You can find a vast collection of pagnes with different designs and patterns, making them perfect for purchasing as a memento of your trip or for creating your own African-inspired clothing.
Apart from the textiles, the Lomé Grand Market also offers an abundance of fresh produce, including fruits, vegetables, and spices. Exploring the food section of the market is a great way to sample the local cuisine and interact with the friendly Togolese vendors.
Additionally, the Marche des Nanas Benz is an opportunity to observe the Nanas Benz, the influential Togolese women traders who have made a significant impact on the market's development. These successful businesswomen have shaped the market's identity and play a crucial role in the local economy.
Visiting the Lomé Grand Market provides an authentic cultural experience and an opportunity to engage with the local community. It is advisable to arrive early in the morning to avoid the crowds and make the most of your visit.
Overall, the Lomé Grand Market is a must-see attraction in Lomé, Togo, offering a taste of the vibrant local culture, delicious food, and unique shopping experience. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this bustling marketplace during your visit to Lomé.

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