Ambon - Discovering Indonesia

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Travelling to Ambon

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Ambon, a pretty good destination in Indonesia (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Ambon and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Ambon, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Indonesia, here's everything to know about Ambon for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Ambon

Ambon is a city located on Ambon Island in Indonesia, and it is also the capital of Maluku province. The Ambon Island is part of the Maluku Islands, which are also known as the "Spice Islands" for their historical importance as a major producers of spices such as nutmeg, mace and cloves. The city has a population of approximately 330,000 people and it is known for its beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, lush forests, and rich cultural heritage. Ambon has a tropical climate with warm temperatures throughout the year, and it is a popular destination for tourists looking for natural beauty and cultural experiences in Indonesia.

Travelling to Ambon and around: discovering Indonesia

What to visit in Ambon

Sure, here are some top tourist attractions in Ambon, Indonesia along with some information about each: 1. Natsepa Beach - This is a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and relaxing on Ambon Island. The water is clear and inviting, and there are plenty of shady spots to rest in.
2. Pintu Kota Beach - This stunning white-sand beach has clear blue water that's perfect for swimming and snorkeling. Visitors can also enjoy beautiful views of Ambon Bay and nearby mountains.
3. Karang Panjang Beach - This beach is a great place to go surfing and catch some waves. The sand is black and the water can be rough, but it's a fun spot for adventurous travelers.
4. Ambon City Tour - Visitors can take a walking tour of Ambon City, which is home to several historic colonial-era buildings and a bustling market. Highlights include the Siwalima Museum and the World Peace Gong.
5. Manusela National Park - This beautiful park covers over 180,000 hectares and is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including birds, deer, and monkeys. Visitors can hike through the rainforest and explore waterfalls and natural pools.
6. Salahutu Village - This small, traditional village is famous for its colorful and intricately carved house fronts. Visitors can also learn about local customs and traditions, including the practice of nutmeg farming.
7. Liang Beach - This picturesque beach is known for its clear water and colorful coral reefs. Visitors can go snorkeling or scuba diving to explore the underwater world and see an abundance of sea life.
8. Tulehu Waterfall - This scenic waterfall is located in the Tulehu region of Ambon Island. Visitors can hike through the forest and swim in the crystal clear water beneath the falls.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Indonesia, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Ambon

The best time to visit Ambon is between May and September, during the dry season when the weather is sunny and the temperatures are warm but not too hot. From October to April, the region experiences the wet season, with higher chances of rain and occasional typhoons. However, travel during the wet season can still be enjoyable as the region offers lush vegetation, beautiful waterfalls, and cultural festivals.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Ambon

There are several ways to get to Ambon, Indonesia: 1. By Air: You can take a flight to Ambon by booking a ticket on any major airline that operates in Indonesia. The airport in Ambon is called Pattimura International Airport and it is well-connected to other cities in Indonesia.
2. By Sea: You can also take a ferry to Ambon from nearby islands such as Seram, Banda, and Wetar. There are several ferry services that operate in the region, and they offer both economy and luxury ferry services.
3. By Private Transport: You can also hire a private car or motorbike and travel to Ambon by road. This is a popular option for tourists who wish to explore more of the region's natural beauty and local culture.
Keep in mind that depending on your location and mode of transport, travel times and costs can vary significantly, so it's always best to do some research and plan ahead to make the most of your trip to Ambon.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Ambon, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Ambon

Ambon is a tropical paradise located in the eastern part of Indonesia, with a unique culinary scene that features a blend of various cultures. Here are some typical foods from Ambon that you should try: 1. Papeda - Papeda is a starchy porridge made from sago flour mixed with water. It is usually served with spicy fish or vegetable soup and is a staple food in Ambon.
2. Woku - Woku is a spicy and savory dish made from fish or chicken cooked in a mixture of herbs and spices, including lemongrass, lime leaves, and chili. It is usually served with rice or papeda.
3. Kapurung - Kapurung is a traditional dish from Ambon made with grated cassava, coconut milk, and a variety of other ingredients such as fish, meat, or vegetables. It is usually served on special occasions.
4. Sagu Keju - Sagu Keju is a popular street food in Ambon made from sago flour mixed with cheese and grilled over charcoal. It has a crispy texture on the outside and soft, cheesy filling on the inside.
5. Ikan Kuah Kuning - Ikan Kuah Kuning is a yellow fish soup made with turmeric, lemongrass, lime leaves, and other herbs and spices. It is usually served with white rice and is a popular dish in Ambon.
6. Nasi Goreng Kremes - Nasi Goreng Kremes is a fried rice dish that's crispy and flavorful. It's flavored with spices, and sometimes, bits of chicken or shrimp. The dish is usually topped with crispy fried shallots, giving it a crunchy texture.
7. Kue Lapis Ambon - Kue Lapis Ambon is a traditional Indonesian cake made from coconut milk, eggs, and a variety of other ingredients like pandan leaves or vanilla. It has a unique texture with a yellowish color resembling a bee's honeycomb and has a sweet flavor that's perfect for dessert or a snack.
These are just a few of the typical foods from Ambon, but there are a lot of other dishes and snacks you can explore while you're there. Enjoy your culinary journey in Ambon!
You can find general info about typical foods in Indonesia here.

Is Ambon an expensive destination for tourists?

Compared to other tourist destinations in Indonesia, Ambon may be considered slightly more expensive because it is not as popular among tourists as Bali or Jakarta. However, the cost of traveling and staying in Ambon can vary depending on the time of year, the type of accommodation, and the activities you plan to do. It's best to research and compare prices to find the best deals and travel during the off-season if you're on a budget. Additionally, some activities in Ambon, such as diving or snorkeling, may have additional fees.

Where to find accomodation in Ambon

The best areas to find accommodation in Ambon, Indonesia are: 1. Kota Ambon: This central district is the most convenient location to stay for visitors since it has a lot of options for dining, shopping, and entertainment.
2. Sirimau: This area offers a more residential feel with properties facing the sea, making it a perfect location to relax and enjoy beautiful views.
3. Lateri: This region is better for those looking for a more tranquil and secluded area. It has a vast natural environment, perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking and exploring.
Overall, it depends on what the visitor wants to do and see in Ambon, but these three areas are well-located and offer excellent options for accommodation.
You can check hotel prices at Ambon here:

Is Ambon a safe destination for tourists?

Ambon, like many places in Indonesia, has a relatively low crime rate, and tourists are generally safe when visiting the city. However, it's always wise to exercise caution and take precautions to ensure your safety. It's recommended that you stay aware of your surroundings, avoid walking alone at night, and keep your valuables secure. It's also a good idea to research any areas to avoid before venturing out in the city.
Overall, if you use common sense and stay alert, you can enjoy a safe and memorable trip to Ambon.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Indonesia here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Ambon.

What type of travelers will enjoy Ambon the most?

Ambon, Indonesia, has something to offer for different types of travelers. It's a place where travelers can enjoy the beauty of nature, learn about local culture and history, and relax on stunning beaches. Couples looking for a romantic getaway will enjoy Ambon's charming beaches and natural landscapes. The city is also home to several historical sites that can be explored for a more cultural experience. Young people looking for adventure can go scuba diving, snorkeling, and explore the surrounding areas. There are several water sports activities to enjoy in Ambon, which makes it a great destination for adventurous travelers. Families can also have a good time in Ambon, as the city offers several kid-friendly activities such as beach activities and hiking. Parents can also indulge in the cultural offerings of the city, while still making sure their children are entertained. Overall, Ambon is an excellent location where different types of travelers can enjoy their journey and get the most out of their experience.

How to get around Ambon

The most common mode of transportation in Ambon is by ojek (motorcycle taxi) or by angkot (public minibus). Taxis are also available but can be more expensive. Renting a car or motorbike is also an option, although it may be better to hire a local driver who knows the roads well. Additionally, the city also has bicycles for rent, a good option for exploring nearby areas.

What to see around Ambon

Here are some suggestions for nice day trips from Ambon, Indonesia: 1. Sawai Village: This village is known for its natural beauty, clear blue waters, and traditional houses built on stilts over the sea.
2. Hukurila Cave: This cave is located in the mountains and has stunning rock formations and underground pools.
3. Liang Beach: Liang Beach is famous for its crystal clear water and wild monkeys roaming around the area.
4. Siwalima Museum: The Siwalima Museum is the best place to learn about Ambon's history, culture, and people.
5. Batu Kapal Beach: This is a scenic beach with a rock formation that looks like a ship's bow.
6. Natsepa Beach: Natsepa Beach is a popular beach destination with white sands, clear blue waters, and water sports activities.
7. Namalatu Beach: Namalatu Beach boasts a beautiful bay surrounded by cliffs and mangroves.
I hope these suggestions help you plan your day trips from Ambon!
For every travel information about Indonesia you can click here.

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