Sukabumi - Discovering Indonesia

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Travelling to Sukabumi

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Sukabumi, a pretty good destination in Indonesia (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Sukabumi and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Sukabumi, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Indonesia, here's everything to know about Sukabumi for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Sukabumi

Sukabumi is a city located in the West Java province of Indonesia. It is situated approximately 100 kilometers southeast of Jakarta and has a population of around 300,000 people. The city is known for its beautiful beaches, hot springs, and waterfalls. There are also several historical and cultural landmarks in Sukabumi, including the Sanghyang Tikoro and Ciptagelar villages, as well as the Cangkuang Temple. The local economy in Sukabumi is primarily driven by agriculture, with rice, tea, and rubber being the top crops grown in the area. Overall, Sukabumi is a great place to visit for those interested in experiencing the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Indonesia.

Travelling to Sukabumi and around: discovering Indonesia

What to visit in Sukabumi

1. Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park: Known for its stunning view of the sunrise and sunset, it's home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. You can go trekking, bird watching, and camping in the park.
2. Cimaja Beach: It is a popular spot for surfers with its consistent waves and laid-back atmosphere. It's an ideal place for relaxing by the beach and watching the beautiful sunset.
3. Curug Cikaso Waterfall: Located in the middle of the forest, it is a magnificent group of three waterfalls that cascades into a beautiful turquoise pool. You can swim, picnic and take pictures.
4. Taman Nasional Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Halimun Salak: It's a tropical forest with a rich variety of rare flora and fauna including Javan gibbons, leopards, and the Javan eagle. You can take a hiking or trekking tour to experience the beauty of the place.
5. Kawah Ratu: Known for its scenic beauty, it is a volcanic crater located in the foothills of Mount Salak. You can hike to the top and see the stunning view of the surrounding mountains and crater lake.
6. Cagar Alam Pangandaran: Home to various species of animals, including the Javan langur, macaques, and deer. It's an ideal place for camping and trekking and to explore the jungle's beauty.
7. Gunung Padang Megalithic Site: It's an ancient megalithic site that is believed to be the oldest and largest in Southeast Asia. The site was discovered in 1914 and is thought to date back to the pre-historic era.
8. Puncak Darajat: It is best known for its hot springs, where you can relax and soak in the warm water. You can also do camping and trekking in the surrounding hills and enjoy the scenic views.
9. Taman Wisata Matahari: It is a recreational park with a variety of fun activities such as a wave pool, mini zoo, butterfly garden, and a water park. It's an ideal place for family vacation and picnic.
10. Situ Gunung Suspension Bridge: It's a popular attraction among tourists, and it's the longest suspension bridge in Southeast Asia. The bridge is located in the lush greenery of Situ Gunung Lake and offers a stunning view of the surrounding landscape.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Indonesia, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Sukabumi

The best time to go on holiday to Sukabumi is during the dry season, which lasts from around May to October. During this time you can expect comfortable temperatures, plenty of sunshine, and less chance of rainfall. The wet season in Sukabumi runs from November to April, and during this time the region experiences heavy rainfall which could put a dampener on your holiday plans. It is worth noting that Sukabumi is a popular destination for surfing, and the best waves tend to occur during the wet season.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Sukabumi

Here are some options to get to Sukabumi, Indonesia: 1. By train - You can take a train from Jakarta to Sukabumi. The journey takes about 2-3 hours, depending on the type of train. You can check train schedules and book tickets on the official website of Kereta Api Indonesia (
2. By bus - There are several bus companies that operate from Jakarta to Sukabumi. The journey takes about 3-4 hours, depending on traffic. You can enquire at the bus station or book tickets online through travel booking websites such as or Traveloka.
3. By car - If you have a car or rented one, you can drive from Jakarta to Sukabumi. The journey takes about 2-3 hours, depending on traffic. You can also hire a private car with a driver from Jakarta to Sukabumi.
4. By taxi - You can also take a taxi from Jakarta to Sukabumi, but it can be relatively expensive. It's best to book a taxi through a ride-hailing app like Gojek or Grab.
I hope this information helps you in planning your trip to Sukabumi.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Sukabumi, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Sukabumi

Sure, here are some typical foods of Sukabumi with a short description for each of them: 1. Nasi Liwet - Steamed rice cooked with coconut milk and pandan leaves served with fried chicken, omelet, and tempeh.
2. Botok Tahu - Tofu mixed with grated coconut, herbs, and spices, wrapped in a banana leaf and steamed until cooked.
3. Sayur Asem - A sour vegetable soup made with tamarind, vegetables, and meat or fish.
4. Keripik Tempe - A crispy snack made from thinly sliced tempeh, deep-fried until golden brown.
5. Ayam Goreng - Fried chicken that is often marinated in a mixture of herbs and spices, then battered and deep-fried until golden brown.
6. Pecel - A traditional Indonesian salad made from mixed vegetables such as green beans, cucumber, and cabbage, served with a spicy peanut sauce.
7. Soto Ayam - A traditional chicken soup with rice cakes and vegetables seasoned with turmeric and lemongrass.
8. Karedok - Similar to Gado-Gado, but the vegetables are not boiled. The raw vegetables consist of cabbage, cucumber, long beans, kacang panjang, and bean sprouts. Chopped peanut sauce is poured over the vegetable salad.
9. Lalapan - A platter of raw or blanched vegetables served with sambal, and fried chicken or fish.
10. Gepuk - A traditional Sundanese dish, beef is boiled until tender, and then cooked with herbs and spices until it absorbed until the meat. It usually served with steamed rice and sambal.
You can find general info about typical foods in Indonesia here.

Is Sukabumi an expensive destination for tourists?

Sukabumi, compared to other popular tourist destinations in Indonesia, is generally considered as a budget-friendly destination. Prices for food, accommodation and transportation are relatively affordable. However, prices can vary depending on the season, the type of accommodation and the activities you want to do. It is recommended to compare prices and book in advance to get the best deals possible.

Where to find accomodation in Sukabumi

The best areas to find accommodation in Sukabumi include: 1. City Center: This is where you'll find many hotels and guesthouses. It's also close to many attractions, restaurants, and shops.
2. Cikidang: This is a scenic area with lots of natural beauty. It's popular for outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and water sports.
3. Pacet: This is another scenic area with hot springs and a variety of resorts.
4. Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park: This is a must-see destination for nature lovers, and there are several lodges and campsites within the park.
Keep in mind that Sukabumi is a relatively small city, so wherever you choose to stay, you should be able to easily access all the major attractions.
You can check hotel prices at Sukabumi here:

Is Sukabumi a safe destination for tourists?

Sukabumi, Indonesia is generally a safe place for tourists. However, as with any travel destination, it is important to take necessary precautions to ensure your safety. Some tips for staying safe in Sukabumi include: 1. Stay vigilant: Keep an eye on your belongings and surroundings at all times.
2. Avoid isolated areas at night: Stick to well-lit and busy areas when walking around at night.
3. Be cautious with strangers: Do not accept drinks or food from strangers, and be wary if someone approaches you with an overly friendly demeanor.
4. Follow local laws and customs: Respect the local culture and traditions, and be aware of any laws or regulations that may be different from your home country.
5. Use reputable transportation: Choose well-known and licensed taxi or ride-sharing services to ensure your safety during transportation.
Overall, Sukabumi is considered a safe destination for tourists, and by taking these precautions, you can enjoy your trip with peace of mind.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Indonesia here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Sukabumi.

What type of travelers will enjoy Sukabumi the most?

Sukabumi, Indonesia offers a variety of activities that can cater to different types of travelers. Couples looking for a romantic getaway can enjoy the scenic beauty of the beaches, waterfalls, and mountains, take romantic strolls along the riverside and enjoy each other's company in a peaceful and serene environment.
Young people looking for fun can engage in adventurous activities such as surfing, river rafting, trekking, and camping. There are also some nightlife spots in Sukabumi where the younger crowd can enjoy themselves.
Families can enjoy Sukabumi's natural beauty and explore the city's cultural heritage by visiting temples and museums. Children can also engage in fun activities such as swimming, surfing, and canoeing.
Overall, Sukabumi, Indonesia, can be enjoyed by travelers of all ages, preferences and tastes.

How to get around Sukabumi

In Sukabumi, there are several modes of transportation that you can use to move around the city, depending on your preference and destination. These include: 1. Ojek (motorcycle taxi): This is a popular mode of transportation in Sukabumi, where you can find these riders waiting on the roadside to take you to your destination.
2. Angkot (public minibus): This is a cheap and convenient way to move around Sukabumi. Angkots travel on predetermined routes, and you can simply hail them down and pay the fare.
3. Private car/taxi: You can hire a private car or taxi to take you around the city. This mode of transportation allows you to be more flexible with your itinerary and is great for families or groups.
4. Becak (rickshaw): This is a traditional mode of transportation that is still used in Sukabumi. It's a three-wheeled pedal-powered vehicle that can be found in some areas of the city.
5. Walking: If you prefer to explore the city on foot, Sukabumi has many sidewalks and pedestrian-friendly areas that allow you to take in the scenery and culture at your own pace.

What to see around Sukabumi

Sure, here are some nice places you can visit in a day trip from Sukabumi: 1. Citarik River: A beautiful river with clean, cold water and lush greenery surrounding it. You can enjoy rafting, swimming, tubing, or just relaxing by the riverbank.
2. Gunung Padang Megalithic Site: An ancient site that is believed to be older than the pyramids in Egypt. You can see the megaliths and various stone structures.
3. Ujung Genteng: A secluded beach with clear blue water and soft white sands. You can watch turtles lay eggs or hatch and release back into the ocean.
4. Cikaso Waterfall: A beautiful three-tiered waterfall surrounded by lush green forests. You can take a swim or just enjoy the serenity of the falls.
5. Situ Gunung Suspension Bridge: A suspension bridge that offers stunning views of Situ Gunung Lake and the surrounding mountains.
I hope these suggestions help in planning your day trip from Sukabumi!
For every travel information about Indonesia you can click here.

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