Karakol - Discovering Kyrgyzstan

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Travelling to Karakol

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Karakol, a pretty good destination in Kyrgyzstan (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Karakol and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Karakol, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Kyrgyzstan, here's everything to know about Karakol for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Karakol

Karakol is a city located in northeastern Kyrgyzstan, near the eastern tip of Lake Issyk-Kul. It is the administrative center of Issyk-Kul Region and an important tourist destination in Kyrgyzstan. The city has a population of around 75,000 people and is situated at an altitude of 1,760 meters above sea level. Karakol is known for its stunning natural beauty, including the nearby Tian Shan mountains and the mesmerizing alpine scenery. The city also boasts several cultural and historical attractions, including the Dungan Mosque and the Przhevalsky Museum. Karakol is an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts, with opportunities for hiking, skiing, and horseback riding in the surrounding area.

Travelling to Karakol and around: discovering Kyrgyzstan

What to visit in Karakol

Sure, here are some of the tourist attractions in Karakol, Kyrgyzstan: 1. Issyk-Kul Lake - This is the second-largest alpine lake in the world and a popular destination for swimming, sunbathing, and boating. The lake is surrounded by beautiful mountains and is known for its blue-green color.
2. Karakol Ski Resort - A popular winter destination located in the mountains near Karakol. The resort offers skiing, snowboarding, and other winter sports.
3. Karakol Animal Market - This market is a traditional bazaar where locals come to buy and sell livestock such as cows, sheep, horses, and camel. It is a unique cultural experience and one of the oldest bazaars in Central Asia.
4. Jety-Oguz Valley - This is a beautiful valley located near Karakol. The valley is famous for its red rock formations and is a popular spot for hiking, horseback riding, and camping.
5. Dungan Mosque - A unique mosque built in the Chinese style by the Dungan people, a Muslim minority group in Kyrgyzstan. The mosque is made entirely out of wood and has no nails or metal parts.
6. Karakol Historical Museum - This museum houses exhibits on the history and culture of the Karakol region. It has displays on traditional Kyrgyz crafts, archaeology, and local wildlife.
7. Przhevalsky Museum - A museum dedicated to the life and work of the Russian explorer Nikolay Przhevalsky, who traveled extensively in Central Asia in the 19th century. The museum has exhibits on his expeditions and his collections of flora and fauna from the region.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Kyrgyzstan, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Karakol.

When to go on holiday to Karakol

The best time to visit Karakol in Kyrgyzstan is during the summer months from June to September when the weather is warm and dry, and the tourist season is in full swing. During this time, you can enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, trekking, horse-riding, and camping. Additionally, during summer, many traditional festivals are held in the region. However, if you are interested in winter activities like skiing and snowboarding, the best time to visit would be in January and February when the snowfall is heaviest. Keep in mind that the temperature can drop below freezing during winter, so proper clothing and gear are essential.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Karakol

There are several ways to get to Karakol, Kyrgyzstan, depending on your starting point. 1. By air: The closest airport is in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. From there, you can take a domestic flight to Karakol Airport.
2. By bus: There are several buses that operate between Bishkek and Karakol, which takes around 6-7 hours. 3. By shared taxi or marshrutka: Shared taxis and minivans (marshrutkas) are the most popular way to travel in Kyrgyzstan. You can easily find a shared taxi or marshrutka from Bishkek to Karakol, which takes around 5-6 hours. 4. By private car: Another option is to hire a private car or taxi from Bishkek to Karakol, which takes around 5-6 hours.
Once you reach Karakol, you can explore its natural and historical attractions, such as the Issyk-Kul lake, Terskey Ala-Too range, Przhevalsky Museum, and the Dungan Mosque.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Karakol, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Karakol

Sure, here are some typical foods of Karakol, Kyrgyzstan: 1. Beshbarmak: This dish consists of boiled meat (usually lamb or beef) served on a bed of wide, flat noodles. It is often served with a broth and onion sauce and is considered the national dish of Kyrgyzstan.
2. Lagman: This is a noodle dish that is similar to Chinese-style noodles. The noodles are made from wheat flour and are typically topped with a meat and vegetable sauce.
3. Manti: These are dumplings that are often stuffed with ground lamb or beef and onions. They are usually steamed and served with a yogurt or sour cream dipping sauce.
4. Shashlik: This is a type of shish kebab made from marinated chunks of meat (typically lamb or beef) that are grilled on skewers. It is often served with flatbread and a side salad.
5. Kuurdak: This is a hearty meat and potato stew that is made from the leftover meat and organs of lamb or beef. It is often served with bread and pickled onions.
6. Samsa: These are savory pastries that are stuffed with meat, onions, and sometimes other vegetables like peppers or potatoes. They are often baked in a clay oven and make a tasty snack.
7. Ashlyam-Fu: This is a cold soup made from a thickened broth of vinegar and wheat flour. It usually features thin noodles and is topped with julienned carrots, radishes, and cucumbers.
I hope that helps!
You can find general info about typical foods in Kyrgyzstan here.

Is Karakol an expensive destination for tourists?

Karakol, located in eastern Kyrgyzstan, is generally considered a relatively affordable destination for tourists compared to other popular tourist destinations around the world. However, prices can vary depending on the time of year you visit, your accommodation preferences, and activities you plan to participate in.
In general, budget accommodation options such as hostels and guesthouses can be found in Karakol for as little as $10-$20 per night. Mid-range hotels will typically cost between $30-$50 per night, while luxury hotels can range from $70-$100+ per night.
Food is also relatively affordable in Karakol, with local restaurants and street food vendors serving up hearty meals for $5-$10. If you prefer western-style cafes and restaurants, prices may be slightly higher.
As for activities, entry fees to national parks and natural attractions are generally affordable, with most costing around $5 to $10 per person. However, guided tours and adventure activities such as hiking and skiing may be more expensive.
Overall, while Karakol is not the cheapest destination in Kyrgyzstan, it is still considered relatively affordable compared to other tourist destinations around the world.

Where to find accomodation in Karakol

To visit Karakol, Kyrgyzstan, it is best to find accommodation in the city center near the Karakol Dungan Mosque and the Holy Trinity Cathedral. This area provides easy access to local restaurants, markets, and transportation hubs. Another great option is to stay near the Karakol ski resort, which is located 9 kilometers outside of the city center. Lastly, for those interested in a more adventurous experience, there are several yurt camps located in the surrounding mountains that offer traditional Kyrgyz hospitality and outdoor activities.
You can check hotel prices at Karakol here:

Is Karakol a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Karakol is considered a safe place for tourists. However, it's always advisable to take normal safety precautions such as carrying a copy of your passport, avoiding isolated areas at night, and being careful with your belongings in crowded areas. Additionally, it's recommended to stay up-to-date on any travel advisories issued by your home country's government.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Kyrgyzstan here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Karakol.

What type of travelers will enjoy Karakol the most?

Karakol in Kyrgyzstan can be a great travel destination for all kinds of travelers. However, it particularly appeals to adventure travelers, nature lovers, and outdoor enthusiasts. If you are passionate about trekking, hiking, camping, horseback riding, and skiing, then Karakol can be your paradise. Couples who love outdoor activities and want to explore the mountains together can explore the area on horseback, take a dip in Issyk-Kul Lake, and relax in one of the many hot springs in the area.
Young people looking for fun can also enjoy the vibrant nightlife in Karakol, especially during the high season when the town hosts various festivals and events.
Families can also have a great time in Karakol, taking advantage of the hiking trails, boat cruises on Issyk-Kul Lake, and skiing opportunities during the winter months. Overall, Karakol is a versatile destination that can offer a range of activities and experiences for travelers of all ages and interests.

How to get around Karakol

In Karakol, Kyrgyzstan, you can use various modes of transportation such as taxis, marshrutkas (shared vans or minibuses), and buses to move around the city and its surrounding regions. There are also bike rentals available for those who prefer to bike around the area. However, the availability and convenience of these options may depend on factors such as time and location, so it's best to plan ahead before embarking on any journey.

What to see around Karakol

Certainly! Here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Karakol, Kyrgyzstan: 1. Issyk-Kul Lake - Located just a short distance from Karakol, Issyk-Kul Lake is one of the largest alpine lakes in the world, and the second largest saline lake after the Caspian Sea. You can enjoy swimming or just relax on the beach.
2. Jety-Oguz Canyon - This stunning red and ochre-colored canyon is famous for its unique rock formations, such as the "Seven Bulls" and "Broken Heart" formations. You can hike, explore or even go horse riding in the canyon.
3. Altyn Arashan - This hot spring resort nestled in the Terskey Ala-Too Mountains is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. Soak in the therapeutic hot springs, take a dip in the cool river, or indulge in a traditional Kyrgyz lunch.
4. Skazka Canyon - Also known as Fairytale Canyon, it's a fantastic place to explore unique natural formations and stunning landscapes. You can enjoy a scenic walk among the sandstone ridges with majestic views of the Terskey Ala-Too Mountains.
5. Karakol National Park - Covering around 129,000 hectares, the park is home to diverse flora and fauna, including snow leopards, ibexes, and brown bears. You can hike, trek or explore the park's stunning sceneries including valleys, waterfalls and glaciers.
6. Barskoon Waterfalls - Situated about an hour's drive from Karakol, you can visit stunning Barskoon Waterfalls that cascade down a height of around 25 meters. You can take a dip in the refreshing pools and enjoy a picnic in the beautiful surroundings.
I hope this helps and have a great trip!
For every travel information about Kyrgyzstan you can click here.

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