Karkara - Discovering Kyrgyzstan

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Travelling to Karkara

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Karkara, a pretty good destination in Kyrgyzstan (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Karkara and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Karkara, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Kyrgyzstan, here's everything to know about Karkara for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Karkara

Karkara is a valley located in the Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan, at an altitude of 1,655 meters above sea level. It is home to a number of scenic mountains, natural hot springs, and beautiful landscapes. The valley is a popular base for trekkers and mountaineers who venture into the nearby Tien Shan mountains, including the famous peaks of Khan Tengri and Pobeda. The area also offers opportunities for skiing, horseback riding, and exploring the region's cultural heritage. The closest city to Karkara is Karakol, which is approximately 40 kilometers away.

Travelling to Karkara and around: discovering Kyrgyzstan

What to visit in Karkara

Karkara is a beautiful region in Kyrgyzstan, surrounded by panoramic views and fascinating landmarks. Here are some of the popular tourist attractions in Karkara and some information about them: 1. Issyk-Kul Lake: The Issyk-Kul Lake is the seventh deepest lake in the world and is considered the most impressive natural attraction in Karkara. The lake is about 118 miles long and 37 miles wide. The lake is famous for its crystal-clear waters and is a popular spot for swimming, boating, and fishing.
2. Karakol: Karakol is a historic city located in Karkara. It is known for its beautiful architecture, museums, and bazaars. The city's main attraction is the Holy Trinity Cathedral, which is a stunning Russian Orthodox church built-in 1872.
3. Altyn Arashan Hot Springs: Altyn Arashan Hot Springs is located in the Altyn Arashan valley about 14 miles southeast of Karakol. The hot springs are located in a remote area and can be reached by hiking or horse riding through the valley. The hot springs are known for their healing properties, and visitors can relax in the natural pools amidst the picturesque surroundings.
4. Jyrgalan: Jyrgalan is a picturesque village located about 50 miles east of Karakol. The village is surrounded by snow-capped mountains and is known for its trekking and hiking trails. Visitors can explore the nearby valleys and mountains on foot or by horseback.
5. Skazka Canyon: Skazka Canyon is a unique geological formation located near Issyk-Kul Lake. The canyon is known for its distinctive rock formations that resemble various shapes and figures. Visitors can explore the canyon and trek through its unusual formations.
6. Barskoon Waterfall: Barskoon Waterfall is a stunning waterfall located about 60 miles southwest of Karakol. The waterfall is about 60 meters high and is surrounded by lush greenery. Visitors can hike to the waterfall and enjoy a picnic amidst the serene surroundings.
These are just some of the popular tourist attractions in Karkara. Kyrgyzstan is full of beautiful natural and cultural attractions, and Karkara is no exception.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Kyrgyzstan, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Karkara.

When to go on holiday to Karkara

The best time to visit Karkara, Kyrgyzstan is during the summer months of June to August when the weather is pleasant and the temperatures are mild. During this time, you can enjoy outdoor activities such as trekking, hiking, and camping. The average temperature during these months ranges from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius, and the days are long and sunny. However, be prepared for occasional rain and thunderstorms. If you are interested in winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding, then the months of December to February are the best time to visit Karkara.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Karkara

Karkara is a small village located in Naryn Province, Kyrgyzstan. There are a few options to reach Karkara: 1. By air: The nearest airport to Karkara is the Manas International Airport in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. From there, you can take a taxi or a bus to Naryn city and then to Karkara.
2. By road: There are several bus companies that operate from Bishkek to Naryn city. Alternatively, you can hire a taxi or a private car to get to Karkara.
3. By tour: Many tour operators offer a package to Karkara, which includes transportation and accommodation. This can be a convenient option as they take care of all the arrangements.
It's worth noting that the road to Karkara can be challenging, especially during the winter months when there is snowfall. Make sure to check the weather conditions before embarking on your journey.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Karkara, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Karkara

Karkara is a small village in Kyrgyzstan, and the people of this region have a unique and delicious cuisine. Here are some of the typical foods of Karkara with short descriptions: 1. Beshbarmak: Beshbarmak is a traditional dish made of boiled meat (usually lamb or beef) and served on top of boiled noodles. It is also topped with onions and sometimes potatoes.
2. Lagman: Lagman is a hearty noodle soup that is popular in Karkara. It is made with beef or lamb broth and includes hand-pulled noodles, vegetables, and meat.
3. Samsa: Samsa is a baked pastry that is filled with meat, onions, and sometimes potatoes. It's a popular snack or appetizer in Karkara.
4. Kymyz: Kymyz is a fermented mare's milk that is popular in Kyrgyzstan. It has a slightly sour taste and is said to have many health benefits.
5. Manti: Manti are steamed dumplings that are filled with meat (usually lamb or beef) and onions. They can be served with sour cream or other sauces.
6. Shorpo: Shorpo is a hearty soup that is made with lamb or beef broth and includes potatoes, carrots, onions, and sometimes other vegetables.
7. Kuurdak: Kuurdak is a dish made of fried meat (usually lamb or beef) with potatoes and onions. It's a simple but satisfying meal.
These are just a few of the typical foods of Karkara, but there are many other delicious dishes to try in this region of Kyrgyzstan.
You can find general info about typical foods in Kyrgyzstan here.

Is Karkara an expensive destination for tourists?

Compared to other popular tourist destinations in Kyrgyzstan, Karkara can be considered relatively expensive. This is mostly due to its location and the fact that it is mainly accessed by helicopter, which can be a costly mode of transportation. Additionally, the cost of accommodations, food, and other tourist activities may also be higher in Karkara compared to other places in Kyrgyzstan. However, the ultimate cost of a trip will depend on factors such as the time of year, the length of the trip, and the type of activities and accommodations chosen.

Where to find accomodation in Karkara

The best areas to find accommodation to visit Karkara in Kyrgyzstan are Karakol and the surrounding areas, as well as the nearby resort town of Cholpon-Ata. These areas offer a range of accommodation options including hotels, guesthouses and homestays to suit different budgets and preferences. Additionally, they are well located for access to Karkara Valley and other nearby attractions such as Lake Issyk-Kul and the Tien Shan Mountains.
You can check hotel prices at Karkara here:

Is Karkara a safe destination for tourists?

Karkara, Kyrgyzstan is a relatively safe place for tourists, with a low crime rate and friendly locals. However, like anywhere else, visitors should take basic precautions to ensure their safety, such as watching their belongings, avoiding walking alone at night in unfamiliar areas and staying aware of their surroundings. Additionally, it's recommended to travel with a licensed tour guide or reputable travel company who can provide local knowledge and support throughout your trip.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Kyrgyzstan here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Karkara.

What type of travelers will enjoy Karkara the most?

Karkara valley in Kyrgyzstan is suitable for all types of travelers who love adventurous trips. The valley offers breathtaking landscapes and a range of interesting activities, such as trekking, hiking, and skiing. Couples looking for unique and romantic getaways will appreciate the picturesque views of Karkara and can enjoy horseback riding and camping together in nature. Young travelers seeking fun and adventure will find plenty of options like off-road tours, rock climbing, and paragliding. Families with children can visit a local yurt and experience the traditional nomadic way of living, as well as enjoying beautiful summer meadows and tranquil forests. Overall, Karkara offers something for every type of traveler, making it an ideal destination for those who love outdoor activities and nature.

How to get around Karkara

In Karkara, one can use various modes of transportation to move around such as taxis, shared taxis, mini-buses, and rental cars. However, the most common and convenient way to travel around Karkara is by taxi or shared taxi. Taxis in Karkara do not have meters, so it is best to negotiate the fare before getting in. Shared taxis are a cost-effective way to travel around Karkara, and they usually run on set routes between towns and cities. Mini-buses are another option to travel around Karkara, but they can be overcrowded and uncomfortable. Rental cars are also available, but it is essential to have a valid license and take caution when driving on the often-rough roads.

What to see around Karkara

Sure, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Karkara in Kyrgyzstan: 1. Altyn-Arashan: A beautiful valley surrounded by mountains, with hot springs and scenic views.
2. Issyk Kul Lake: A stunning lake located in the mountains, known for its crystal-clear waters.
3. Karakol: A charming town with a beautiful mosque, a bazaar, and impressive snow-capped mountains in the background.
4. Jeti Oguz: A unique rock formation that resembles seven bulls, with beautiful valleys and trekking trails surrounding it.
5. Cholpon-Ata: A resort town located on the northern shore of Issyk Kul Lake known for its sandy beaches, water sports, and cultural attractions.
6. Barskoon Waterfalls: A set of stunning waterfalls located in the Barskoon valley with beautiful natural surroundings.
7. Skazka Canyon: A unique canyon with colorful rock formations resembling fairy tale characters.
These are just a few of the many beautiful places you can visit in Kyrgyzstan. Do you need more information about any of these destinations?
For every travel information about Kyrgyzstan you can click here.

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