Moyobamba - Discovering Peru

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Travelling to Moyobamba

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Moyobamba, a pretty good destination in Peru (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Moyobamba and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Moyobamba, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Peru, here's everything to know about Moyobamba for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Moyobamba

Moyobamba is a city located in the Amazon region of Peru, specifically in the San Martín region. It has a subtropical climate and is surrounded by lush vegetation, making it a popular destination for nature lovers and adventurers. Moyobamba is also known for its hot springs, waterfalls, and medicinal plants. The city has a rich cultural heritage, with a mix of indigenous, European, and Afro-Peruvian influences. Its cuisine is also unique and delicious, featuring local ingredients and traditional dishes. Overall, Moyobamba is a great place to explore the beauty and diversity of the Amazon region of Peru.

Travelling to Moyobamba and around: discovering Peru

What to visit in Moyobamba

Moyobamba is a beautiful city located in the San Martin region of Peru, known for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Here are some of the top tourist attractions in Moyobamba: 1. Jardín de las Orquídeas (Garden of Orchids) This beautiful garden is home to a variety of orchids, including some rare and exotic species. Visitors can take a guided tour to learn about the different types of orchids and their cultivation.
2. Laguna del Tigre (Tiger Lake) This picturesque lake is located in the heart of Moyobamba and is a popular spot for fishing and boating. Visitors can also take a walk around the lake and enjoy the scenic views of the surrounding landscape.
3. Cascadas de Ahuashiyacu (Ahuashiyacu Waterfalls) These stunning waterfalls are located just outside of Moyobamba and are surrounded by lush vegetation and a rich diversity of flora and fauna. Visitors can take a dip in the cool, refreshing waters or simply relax and enjoy the scenery.
4. Museo Arqueológico y Etnográfico Joaquín Ocampo Lozano (Joaquín Ocampo Lozano Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum) This museum houses a collection of artifacts and exhibits related to the cultural heritage of the San Martin region, including ceramics, textiles, and other artifacts from pre-Columbian times.
5. El Mirador Alto Mayo (Alto Mayo Viewpoint) This scenic viewpoint offers breathtaking views of the Alto Mayo Valley and the surrounding Andean mountains. Visitors can take a hike to the top and enjoy the stunning landscape from a bird's eye view.
6. Plaza de Armas (Main Square) This historic square is the heart of Moyobamba and is surrounded by some of the city's most iconic landmarks, including the Cathedral of Santa Catalina and various colonial-era buildings.
7. Cerro Escalera National Park This beautiful national park is located just outside of Moyobamba and is home to a stunning variety of flora and fauna, including monkeys, birds, and various species of orchids. Visitors can take a hike through the park's various trails and enjoy the beauty of the Amazon rainforest.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Peru, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Moyobamba.

When to go on holiday to Moyobamba

The best time to visit Moyobamba is during its dry season, which lasts from May to September. During this time the weather is usually sunny and warm during the day, with cooler temperatures at night. This season is perfect for outdoor activities and exploring the natural beauty of the region, including the famous orchids that can be seen in August and September. However, keep in mind that Moyobamba is a hot and humid place, so make sure to bring light clothing and keep hydrated.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Moyobamba

Moyobamba is a city located in the department of San Martin, Peru. Here are the ways to get there: 1. By plane: The nearest airport to Moyobamba is Cad. FAP Guillermo del Castillo Paredes Airport in Tarapoto. From there, you can take a bus or hire a taxi to reach Moyobamba.
2. By bus: There are several bus companies that operate from major cities in Peru to Moyobamba. The distance between Lima and Moyobamba is approximately 860 kilometers and it takes around 24 hours by bus.
3. By car: You can drive to Moyobamba from Tarapoto, which is approximately 50 kilometers away by road. The road is paved and in good condition.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you need more information.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Moyobamba, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Moyobamba

Sure, here's a list of typical foods from Moyobamba, Peru: 1. Picante de cuy: This is a traditional Peruvian dish made with guinea pig (cuy) that has been marinated and then cooked in a spicy sauce made from peanuts, chilies, and other spices.
2. Juanes: These are triangular parcels of rice and chicken that are wrapped in banana leaves and steamed. They are a popular street food in Moyobamba.
3. Tacacho con cecina: This dish features mashed green bananas that have been fried and then served with strips of salted and smoked pork (cecina).
4. Caldo de gallina: This is a hearty soup made from chicken, potatoes, and other vegetables. It is often served with rice and aji (spicy sauce).
5. Inchicapi: This is a creamy soup that is made with peanuts, yucca, and a variety of herbs and spices. It is sometimes served with chicken or fish.
6. Churros: These fried dough pastries are a popular treat in Moyobamba and beyond. They are often dusted with cinnamon sugar and served with a sweet dipping sauce.
7. Mazamorra: This is a sweet pudding made from purple corn that has been cooked with cinnamon, cloves, and sugar. It is often served with a scoop of ice cream. 8. Patarashca: This dish is made with fish that has been marinated in lime juice, wrapped in banana leaves, and then grilled over an open flame. It is often served with yucca or plantains. I hope you find this list helpful!
You can find general info about typical foods in Peru here.

Is Moyobamba an expensive destination for tourists?

Moyobamba is not considered to be an expensive destination compared to other popular tourist destinations in Peru. However, costs may vary depending on the type of accommodation, transportation, and activities you choose. Generally, you can find comfortable budget accommodations for around $20-30 per night, and meals in local restaurants or markets can be quite affordable as well. Transport within the city and to nearby attractions is typically inexpensive. Overall, Moyobamba can be a very accessible and affordable destination for travelers on a budget.

Where to find accomodation in Moyobamba

Moyobamba is a city located in the Amazonian region of northern Peru. The best areas to find accommodation for visiting Moyobamba are the city center and the surrounding areas. These areas offer easy access to the main attractions of the city, such as the San Francisco de Asis church, the Jardín Botánico de Moyobamba (Botanical Garden), and the surrounding natural areas, such as the Rioja Valley and the Rio Abiseo National Park. Additionally, there are several budget-friendly options available in the city center as well as more upscale hotels in the surrounding areas.
You can check hotel prices at Moyobamba here:

Is Moyobamba a safe destination for tourists?

Moyobamba is considered a safe place for tourists, with a relatively low crime rate. However, as with any destination, it's always important to take common sense precautions to ensure your safety and security. Here are some tips to stay safe in Moyobamba: 1. Choose reputable accommodations and transportation providers.
2. Avoid walking alone at night, especially in poorly lit areas.
3. Keep your valuables secure, and do not carry large amounts of cash.
4. Be aware of your surroundings and stay alert to any suspicious activity.
5. Respect local customs and be courteous to locals. By following these tips, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Moyobamba.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Peru here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Moyobamba.

What type of travelers will enjoy Moyobamba the most?

Moyobamba, also known as the "City of Orchids", is a city in northern Peru that offers a variety of experiences for different types of travelers. Couples and families who enjoy nature and eco-tourism will appreciate Moyobamba's lush rainforest landscape. There are several nature reserves in the area, such as the Tingana Reserve and the Abra Patricia Reserve, where visitors can go hiking, bird watching, and explore. The various waterfalls in the area, such as the Ahuashiyacu Waterfall, are also popular tourist attractions. For young people looking for adventure and excitement, the city offers activities such as rafting, mountain biking, and zip-lining. There are also many charming restaurants and cafes for all types of travelers to enjoy. Overall, Moyobamba is a great destination for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and explore the natural beauty of northern Peru.

How to get around Moyobamba

Moyobamba, a city located in northern Peru, offers various means of transportation for getting around. The most common forms of transportation in Moyobamba include taxis, mototaxis, and public buses. Taxis are usually more expensive but are typically safer and more comfortable. Mototaxis are more affordable, but they are less comfortable and aren't as safe as taxis. Public buses are the most economical option and cover almost all areas of the city. However, they can be crowded, and the schedule may not be reliable. Depending on your budget and preferences, you can choose the most suitable mode of transportation for your trip to Moyobamba.

What to see around Moyobamba

Sure, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Moyobamba (Peru): 1. Ahuashiyacu Falls - These beautiful waterfalls are located just 12 km from Moyobamba and are a popular destination for nature lovers.
2. Tio Yacu Ecological Reserve - This nature reserve is home to a variety of wildlife, including monkeys, birds, and butterflies, and offers hiking and birdwatching opportunities.
3. Rioja - This charming town is located about 35 km from Moyobamba and is known for its colonial architecture and beautiful plaza.
4. Catarata de Chinata - This stunning waterfall is located about 45 km from Moyobamba and can be reached by a challenging hike through the forest.
5. La Cumbre viewpoint - Located just 5 km from Moyobamba, this viewpoint offers panoramic views of the city and the surrounding mountains.
For every travel information about Peru you can click here.

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