Saran - Discovering Kazakhstan

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Travelling to Saran

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Saran, a pretty good destination in Kazakhstan (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Saran and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Saran, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Kazakhstan, here's everything to know about Saran for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Saran

Saran is a small town located in the Karaganda Region of Kazakhstan. It has a population of around 38,000 people and is known for its mining industry. The town has a rich history and was founded in the early 19th century as a settlement for workers in the nearby mines. Saran is situated along the Karaganda- Almaty highway and is a popular stop for travelers making the journey between these two major cities. The town offers visitors a glimpse into the lives of the local people and their unique culture, as well as access to nearby natural attractions such as the Karaganda Steppe and Lake Balkhash.

Travelling to Saran and around: discovering Kazakhstan

What to visit in Saran

Saran is a small town in Kazakhstan which has a lot to offer to tourists. Here are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Saran: 1. Tole Bi Mausoleum: This is the mausoleum of prominent Kazakh poet and thinker Tole Bi. It is an important historical and cultural monument that attracts many visitors.
2. Auezov Drama Theater: This theater is named after the famous Kazakh writer Mukhtar Auezov. It is known for its excellent performances and beautiful architecture.
3. Charyn Canyon: This natural wonder is located about 200 kilometers from Saran, but it is definitely worth the trip. The canyon is known for its beautiful rock formations, steep cliffs, and vibrant colors.
4. Nasreddin Hodja Memorial Complex: This is a memorial complex dedicated to Nasreddin Hodja, a legendary figure in Central Asian folklore. The complex includes a mosque, a museum, and a park.
5. Shokan Valikhanov Museum: This museum is dedicated to Shokan Valikhanov, a famous Kazakh scholar, ethnographer, and traveler. The museum contains exhibits on his life, work, and travels.
6. Zhosaly Museum of Local History: This museum showcases the history and culture of the Saran region. It includes exhibitions on traditional Kazakh life, local industries, and the town's role in regional history.
7. Saran Central Mosque: This beautiful mosque is one of the largest in the region. It is known for its distinctive architecture and intricate design. Visitors can take a guided tour of the mosque and learn about its history and significance.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Kazakhstan, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Saran

The best time to visit Saran in Kazakhstan is during the summer months from June to August when the temperatures are mild and pleasant. The average temperature during this time is around 20-25°C, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities. However, if you plan to visit during the winter months, be prepared for bitterly cold temperatures as low as -20°C. So, it is best to visit Saran during the summer months for a more enjoyable holiday experience.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Saran

Saran is a city in Kazakhstan located approximately 130 kilometers southeast of the capital, Nur-Sultan. The most convenient way to get to Saran is by taking a domestic flight to Astana (now Nur-Sultan) and then a bus or taxi to Saran. Here are the steps to get to Saran from Nur-Sultan: 1. Book a domestic flight from Astana (now Nur-Sultan) to Karaganda, which is the closest major city to Saran. You can find flights with the following airlines: Air Astana, SCAT Airlines, and Bek Air.
2. Once you arrive in Karaganda, you can take a taxi or a bus to Saran. The trip takes approximately 2-3 hours by car and 4 hours by bus.
Another option is to take a train from Nur-Sultan or Almaty to Karaganda and then take a taxi or bus to Saran. The train journey takes approximately 4-5 hours from Nur-Sultan and 10-12 hours from Almaty. Keep in mind that traveling by road in Kazakhstan can be challenging due to poorly maintained roads and long distances between cities, so it's recommended to hire a local driver or use public transportation to avoid any potential issues.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Saran, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Saran

Here are some of the typical foods of Saran in Kazakhstan: 1. Beshbarmak - This is a national dish of Kazakhstan and is often served during special occasions. It consists of boiled meat (usually beef or lamb) with homemade noodles and onion sauce. 2. Kuyrdak - This is a hearty dish which is made from lamb or beef liver, heart and kidney. The meat is cooked with onions and a variety of seasonings until it's tender. 3. Manty - These are steamed dumplings stuffed with meat (usually beef or lamb) and onions. They are often served with sour cream or yogurt. 4. Shashlik - This is a popular dish, especially during summer months. It's made by marinating chunks of meat (usually lamb or beef) in vinegar, onions, and spices, then grilling them on a skewer. 5. Lagman - This is a spicy noodle soup with vegetables and meat. It's a hearty and filling dish that is perfect for cold weather. 6. Baursaki - These are small doughnuts which are deep-fried and coated in sugar. They are often served as a snack or dessert with tea or coffee. I hope that helps in planning your food itinerary for Saran!
You can find general info about typical foods in Kazakhstan here.

Is Saran an expensive destination for tourists?

Saran is a small city located in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan. As with most smaller cities in Kazakhstan, the cost of living in Saran is generally lower than in larger cities like Almaty or Astana. However, for tourists, the cost of traveling to Saran may be higher due to the limited availability of tourist services and accommodations. Some expenses travelers may encounter in Saran include transportation (taxis or rental cars), accommodations (hotels or guesthouses), food, and activities. These can vary in cost depending on your preferences and budget.
In general, Saran may not be considered an expensive destination compared to other popular tourist destinations. However, it's always a good idea to research and plan your budget ahead of time to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable trip.

Where to find accomodation in Saran

In Saran, the best areas to find accommodation are usually within the city center or close to tourist attractions like Saran Archaeological Museum and Andasay Lake. There are also some good options near major highways and transportation hubs, such as Saran Railway Station. Additionally, many travelers opt to stay at guest houses or homestays in nearby villages to experience local culture and traditions.
You can check hotel prices at Saran here:

Is Saran a safe destination for tourists?

Saran is generally considered a safe place for tourists, with low levels of crime and violence. However, as with any destination, it is still important to take standard safety precautions, such as staying aware of your surroundings, keeping valuable belongings secure, and avoiding unlit or unfamiliar areas at night. It is also advisable to check your government's travel advisory or consult with a local travel agency for any potential issues or security concerns in the area.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Kazakhstan here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Saran.

What type of travelers will enjoy Saran the most?

Saran, Kazakhstan may not be the first destination that comes to mind when planning a trip, but there are plenty of things to see and do for different types of travelers.
Couples may enjoy exploring the scenic Saran Canyon and taking a romantic horseback ride through the countryside. They can also visit the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, a beautiful ancient structure that is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Young people looking for fun can indulge in outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and camping in the nearby hills. Saran also has a number of cultural events throughout the year, including traditional dance performances and music festivals.
Families with children can visit the Saran Zoo, which features a variety of exotic animals such as tigers, lions, and bears. There are also several parks and recreational areas in the city where families can enjoy picnics and outdoor games.
Overall, Saran is a great destination for travelers who love nature, history, and outdoor adventure.

How to get around Saran

The most common forms of transportation in Saran, Kazakhstan are buses, taxis, and personal vehicles. Buses are an affordable and reliable option for traveling around the city, with frequent routes and stops. Taxis can also be easily found and hired, either through taxi stands or by calling a dispatch service. For those who prefer more flexibility, renting a private car is also an option. However, be aware that traffic in Saran can be heavy and chaotic, so it is important to exercise caution and follow traffic rules.

What to see around Saran

Certainly! Here are some great day trip options from Saran, Kazakhstan: 1. Korgalzhyn State Nature Reserve: This protected area is located approximately 70 km from Saran and is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, including many species of birds.
2. Lake Balkhash: This large lake is located about 100 km from Saran and is a popular destination for boating, swimming, and fishing. Visitors can also explore nearby wetlands and hike in the surrounding hills.
3. Ozerny Canyon: This scenic canyon is located about 50 km to the west of Saran and offers visitors the opportunity to hike, picnic, and swim in the nearby river.
4. Karaganda: This city is located about 170 km from Saran and offers visitors a variety of museums, shops, and restaurants, as well as several parks and cultural attractions.
5. Zhezkazgan: This town is located about 120 km from Saran and is known for its rich mining history and scenic surroundings. Visitors can tour local mines and learn about the town's heritage at the local museum.
For every travel information about Kazakhstan you can click here.

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