
Palmyra - 10 attractions to visit!

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In this page we give all the tourist information about Palmyra and we present the 10 top places to visit. With full description and recommendation about these top 10 attractions, you will be able to organize the perfect trip to Palmyra!

Top 10 attractions to visit in Palmyra and around

General info
1. Palmyra Archaeological Site
2. Temple of Bel
3. Arch of Triumph
4. Palmyra Museum
5. Temple of Baalshamin
6. Zenobia Baths
7. Valley of the Tombs
8. Palmyra Tetrapylon
9. The Great Colonnade
10. Campsite of Diocletian

A trip to Palmyra

Palmyra, located in Syria, is renowned for its rich historical and archaeological significance, making it a top tourism destination in the Middle East. Home to stunning UNESCO World Heritage Sites, this ancient city attracts visitors with its well-preserved ruins and captivating desert landscapes. The most famous attraction is the monumental Roman-era colonnade, stretching over a kilometer long and showcasing the grandeur of Palmyra's glorious past. Other notable landmarks include the Temple of Baal, the Roman Theater, and the ancient necropolis. Wander through the streets and witness the striking fusion of Greek, Roman, and Persian architectural influences. Travelers with a keen interest in history and culture will be fascinated by Palmyra's rich heritage. However, due to ongoing conflicts and the unpredictable security situation, it is strongly advised to consult with the appropriate authorities and travel agencies before planning any trips to Palmyra in order to ensure safety.
You can find even more info about Palmyra in this other page, not just about what to visit, but also when to go, what to eat, which events to see and more! But now, here are the top 10 tourist attractions to visit at Palmyra.

Travelling to Palmyra and around: discovering Syria

Palmyra Archaeological Site - Top attractions in Palmyra -1

Palmyra Archaeological Site is an ancient city located in Palmyra, Syria, that dates back to the second millennium BC. This impressive UNESCO World Heritage Site is one of the most important archaeological sites in the country and a must-visit for history enthusiasts.
The main attraction of Palmyra Archaeological Site is the magnificent ruins of the once glorious city. Visitors can explore the well-preserved Roman columns, arches, temples, and the iconic Bel Temple. The ruins showcase the rich classical architecture and reveal the significance of Palmyra as an important trade hub along the Silk Road.
One of the highlights of the site is the Grand Colonnade, an impressive mile-long street lined with columns that stretches through the heart of the ancient city. Walking along this ancient road provides a unique glimpse into the vibrant past of Palmyra.
The Palmyra Museum, located nearby, houses a collection of artifacts discovered from the archaeological site. It offers a deeper insight into the city's history, with displays showcasing ancient sculptures, pottery, jewelry, and inscriptions.
To fully appreciate the beauty and grandeur of Palmyra Archaeological Site, it's recommended to visit during sunrise or sunset. The soft golden light casts a mesmerizing glow on the ruins, creating a truly magical atmosphere.
It is important to note that due to the ongoing conflict in Syria, there may be travel restrictions and safety concerns in the area. It's essential to stay updated on the current situation and follow any travel advisories issued by your government before planning a trip to Palmyra.
While Palmyra Archaeological Site continues to face challenges and the need for restoration, its historical significance and unique beauty make it a destination worth preserving and visiting.

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Temple of Bel - Top attractions in Palmyra -2

The Temple of Bel is one of the main tourist attractions in Palmyra, Syria. It is an ancient temple dedicated to the Mesopotamian god Bel, also known as Ba'al. The temple was built in the 1st century AD and was one of the most important religious sites in the region during the Roman era.
The Temple of Bel is known for its impressive architecture, featuring grand colonnades, intricate stone carvings, and a large courtyard. The main entrance of the temple leads to a sanctuary area with well-preserved stone reliefs depicting various mythical scenes and deities.
Visitors can explore the temple grounds and admire the remnants of the monumental columns that once adorned the structure. The temple offers stunning views of the surrounding desert landscape, providing a unique and picturesque backdrop for photography enthusiasts.
Due to the ongoing conflicts in Syria, the Temple of Bel has suffered significant damage over the years. However, restoration efforts have been initiated to preserve and protect this iconic archaeological site.
It is advisable to check travel advisories and security conditions before visiting Palmyra and make sure to follow any necessary precautions. Tourists are recommended to hire local guides or join guided tours to ensure their safety and gain better insight into the historical and cultural significance of the Temple of Bel.

Arch of Triumph - Top attractions in Palmyra -3

The Arch of Triumph in Palmyra, Syria, is one of the most famous and iconic attractions in the country. Also known as the Monumental Arch or the Triumphal Arch, it is located at the entrance of the ancient city of Palmyra and stands as a testament to the impressive architectural and cultural history of the region.
Constructed in the 3rd century AD, the Arch of Triumph was built to commemorate the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus and his victories in the East, as well as to mark the grand entrance to the city. The arch stands at an impressive height of 20 meters and is adorned with intricate carvings and decorative elements, showcasing the mastery of Roman architectural craftsmanship.
Unfortunately, the Arch of Triumph has suffered significant damage due to the ongoing conflicts in Syria. The original structure has been severely compromised, with parts of the arch collapsing and being destroyed. However, efforts are being made to restore and preserve what remains of this historic monument, highlighting its importance in the cultural heritage of Palmyra.
Visitors to Palmyra can still witness the sheer grandeur and historical significance of the Arch of Triumph, despite its current state. It serves as a solemn reminder of the impact of war on cultural sites and the importance of preserving the world's historical treasures.
Please note: Due to the volatile situation in Syria, it is crucial to check current travel advisories and safety guidelines before planning a visit to Palmyra. It is also recommended to engage the services of experienced local guides for up-to-date information and to ensure a safe and informative visit to this extraordinary archaeological site.

Palmyra Museum - Top attractions in Palmyra -4

Palmyra Museum is a must-visit attraction in Palmyra, Syria. Located in the heart of the city, this museum is known for its impressive collection of artifacts and exhibits that showcase the rich history and cultural heritage of the region.
The museum houses a vast collection of archaeological findings from the ancient city of Palmyra. Visitors can admire sculptures, statues, and reliefs that once adorned the temples and buildings of this magnificent city. The displays also include intricate jewelry, pottery, and everyday objects that provide a glimpse into the daily lives of the people who inhabited Palmyra centuries ago.
One of the highlights of the museum is the famous funerary busts, known as the "Palmyrene funerary portraits." These lifelike sculptures depict individuals from different social classes and reveal the artistic skills of the ancient Palmyrene craftsmen.
In addition to its permanent collection, the Palmyra Museum often hosts temporary exhibitions that focus on specific aspects of Palmyra's history. These exhibitions offer visitors a chance to delve deeper into the city's past and gain a better understanding of its significance.
The museum provides informative signage and labels in multiple languages, making it accessible to international visitors. Knowledgeable guides are also available to offer insights and answer any questions you may have.
Visiting the Palmyra Museum is a truly enriching experience, allowing you to immerse yourself in the ancient wonders of Palmyra. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this cultural treasure and witness firsthand the extraordinary heritage of the region.

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Temple of Baalshamin - Top attractions in Palmyra -5

The Temple of Baalshamin is one of the top attractions in Palmyra, Syria. It is an ancient religious site dedicated to the Canaanite god Baalshamin, who was worshipped by the people of Palmyra during the Roman period.
Built in the 2nd century AD, the Temple of Baalshamin showcases the remarkable architectural skills and craftsmanship of the ancient Palmyrene civilization. The temple features a Corinthian-style façade with ornate columns and intricate carvings, which are still partially intact despite the damage caused by conflicts in recent years.
Visitors to Palmyra can explore the ruins of the Temple of Baalshamin and marvel at its grandeur. Although not fully restored, the remains of the temple provide a fascinating glimpse into the rich history and cultural heritage of the region.
In addition to its historical significance, the temple's location in the heart of Palmyra offers stunning views of the surrounding desert landscape. It is a popular spot for photography enthusiasts and history lovers alike.
However, it is important to note that due to the ongoing conflict in Syria, travel to Palmyra and other parts of the country may not be safe. Before planning a visit, it is recommended to check the latest travel advisories and consult with official sources for the most up-to-date information on the situation.

Zenobia Baths - Top attractions in Palmyra -6

The Zenobia Baths in Palmyra, Syria are one of the top attractions in this ancient desert city. These well-preserved Roman baths hold immense historical and cultural significance, making them a must-visit for any traveler.
These baths were built in the 3rd century AD and were named after Queen Zenobia, a prominent ruler of the Palmyrene Empire. The Zenobia Baths were an essential part of Roman social life, serving as a communal gathering place for citizens to relax and socialize.
Visitors to the Zenobia Baths can explore the various sections, including the frigidarium (cold room), tepidarium (warm room), and caldarium (hot room). Admire the intricate mosaic floors, decorative columns, and the detailed architectural design that exemplify the Roman craftsmanship.
In addition to the baths themselves, the site also includes the Nympheum, a beautiful fountain dedicated to the water nymphs. Surrounding the baths are the ruins of the ancient city of Palmyra, showcasing the city's past glory.
However, due to the ongoing conflict in Syria, it is crucial to prioritize your safety and check the latest travel advisories before planning a visit to Palmyra.


Valley of the Tombs - Top attractions in Palmyra -7

The Valley of the Tombs is one of the top attractions in Palmyra, Syria. Located just outside the ancient city, this archaeological site is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. It is a vast necropolis that contains numerous tombs, burial chambers, and mausoleums dating back to the Roman era.
The Valley of the Tombs is known for its unique funerary architecture and intricate detailing. The tombs are carved into the rocky mountainside, showcasing the skills and artistry of the ancient Palmyrenes. Visitors can explore the various tombs, each with its own distinct design and decoration.
One of the highlights of the Valley of the Tombs is the Tower of Elahbel, a towering mausoleum with a distinctive cone-shaped roof. This awe-inspiring structure offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, making it a popular spot for photographers.
In addition to the impressive tombs, the Valley is surrounded by picturesque desert scenery, adding to its allure. Visitors can take a leisurely walk through the rocky terrain and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere while soaking in the rich historical significance of the site.
It is important to note that due to the ongoing conflict in Syria, travel to Palmyra and the Valley of the Tombs is highly discouraged. It is essential to prioritize safety and consider the advice of international travel advisories before planning a visit to this area.

Palmyra Tetrapylon - Top attractions in Palmyra -8

The Palmyra Tetrapylon is one of the top attractions in Palmyra, Syria. Located in the ancient city of Palmyra, this impressive monument is a must-visit for history enthusiasts and architecture lovers.
The Tetrapylon was originally built in the 3rd century AD during the Roman period and served as a grand entrance arch to the main colonnaded street of Palmyra. It was a symbol of the city's prosperity and importance as a trading hub.
The structure consists of four rounded towers connected by colonnades, forming a cross-shaped layout. Each tower is adorned with intricate carvings and decorative details, showcasing the skilled craftsmanship of the time. The monumental archways create an awe-inspiring sight, giving visitors a glimpse into the grandeur of ancient Palmyra.
Unfortunately, due to the ongoing civil war, the Palmyra Tetrapylon and the entire site of Palmyra have been heavily affected by destruction and looting. However, recent reports suggest that the Tetrapylon has been partially restored, and efforts are being made to preserve and reconstruct this remarkable historical site.
Visitors to Palmyra should be cautious and stay updated on the current security situation before planning a visit. It is advised to check with local authorities or travel advisories for the latest information and guidance.
In conclusion, the Palmyra Tetrapylon is a significant historical monument that offers a glimpse into the ancient city's architectural and cultural heritage. However, due to the ongoing conflict in Syria, it is crucial to prioritize safety when considering a visit to Palmyra.

The Great Colonnade - Top attractions in Palmyra -9

The Great Colonnade is one of the top attractions in Palmyra, Syria. This historical site is a must-visit for tourists interested in ancient history and architecture. Located in the heart of the ancient city, the Great Colonnade is a breathtaking showcase of Palmyra's rich heritage.
Spanning approximately 1.2 kilometers, the Great Colonnade was built during the reign of Roman Emperor Septimius Severus in the 3rd century AD. It served as the main street of Palmyra, linking the Temple of Bel to the Monumental Arch. Today, visitors can walk along this monumental colonnade, marveling at its impressive Corinthian columns and intricate architectural details.
The Great Colonnade offers a unique glimpse into the ancient city's grandeur. As you wander along the street, you'll notice the remnants of ancient shops, homes, and public buildings, providing insights into the daily lives of Palmyra's inhabitants. Admire the well-preserved columns, some reaching heights of 11 meters, and imagine the bustling atmosphere of this once-thriving trade hub.
It is important to note that due to the ongoing conflict in Syria, access to Palmyra and its attractions may be restricted or limited. Before planning a trip, ensure to check the latest travel advisories and conditions in the area.
In conclusion, The Great Colonnade stands as a testament to Palmyra's ancient splendor and is a must-see attraction for history enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in the architectural wonders of this monumental street and experience the grandeur of an ancient city that has captivated visitors for centuries.
(Note: It is vital to keep in mind the current conflict situation in Syria and advise tourists to check the latest travel advisories and conditions in the area before planning a visit to Palmyra.)

Campsite of Diocletian - Top attractions in Palmyra -10

The Campsite of Diocletian is one of the top attractions in Palmyra, Syria. Located in the heart of this ancient city, the campsite offers visitors a unique glimpse into the historical significance and natural beauty of the area.
This campsite is named after the Roman Emperor Diocletian, who ruled during the late 3rd and early 4th centuries. It is believed that the campsite was used as a military base during the Roman occupation of Palmyra.
Visitors to the Campsite of Diocletian can explore the remains of a Roman fortress, which includes the remains of barracks, a bathhouse, and various defensive structures. The site offers a fascinating insight into the military history of the region.
In addition to its historical importance, the campsite is surrounded by breathtaking natural scenery. The desert landscape provides a stunning backdrop, and visitors can take advantage of hiking and camping opportunities in the nearby Palmyra Oasis.
It is important to note that due to the ongoing conflict in Syria, travel to Palmyra may be restricted or unsafe. Before planning a visit to the Campsite of Diocletian, it is essential to check the latest travel advisories and ensure that it is safe to visit the region.
For those brave enough to explore this ancient city and witness its historical and natural wonders, the Campsite of Diocletian is a must-visit attraction in Palmyra, Syria.

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