La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Bacoli and the submerged bay park

Underwater Roman ruins, beaches, lakes and panoramas
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Bacoli is certainly not visited by tourists as much as the Amalfi Coast or Pompeii, but contains some of the most interesting attractions of Campania, starting from the submerged bay archaeological park that alone is worth the trip.

Parco archeologico sommerso di Baia
A statue in the submerged archaeological park of bay
The municipality of Bacoli is located in the Campi Flegrei area, immediately north of Naples and in front of the island of Procida. His small territory is very varied and particular, formed over time by volcanic phenomena, bradishism and telluric movements. Just think that here there are ponds, long beaches, strange cliffs, the imposing misenable boss and various caves ... in short, enough for a holiday that is anything but boring.
Panorama da Capo Miseno su Bacoli
Panorama from Capo Miseno on the lakes and the coast of Bacoli
The area is full of Roman ruins, such an abundance of a millenary walls that almost get used to it. With a lot of variety of beauties, I start from what amazed me more: the submerged archaeological park of bay (as you will have understood). This is an area of Roman ruins much more extensive than Pompeii who in the centuries is sinked under the sea.
Parco archeologico sommerso di Baia
Ancient floors and Roman walls
Obviously the ruins are not well preserved like those on the surface, but everything is really impressive, between the walls of ancient Roman villas, pieces of mosaics, marbles, bricks and statues.
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
Parco archeologico sommerso di Baia
Snorkeling a bay with a Roman statue
Baia is a fraction of Bacoli presenting a port, some beach and beautiful sea houses. To visit the submerged archaeological site you need to participate in an excursion with one of the companies that organize sub/snorkeling trips (find them on the port or in the street immediately behind). The ruins are at 4 meters deep, so the cylinders are not actually necessary, but to appreciate the Roman remains you need to know how to go to the bottom in apnea (since the water is quite turbid and from the surface you can see little).
Parco archeologico sommerso di Baia
A Roman mosaic on the backdrop
Know that if you go without authorization between the buoys that protect the park you risk serious penalties! We visited the villa of the nymphao (cost 25 euros per person for snorkeling) and as seen from the photos deserves!

The submerged statues are reproductions of the Roman ones that are preserved in a museum in the area, but in the middle of the walls of two thousand years ago it did not take enthusiasm.
Parco archeologico sommerso di Baia
New and ancient houses in front of the submerged archaeological park of bay
In addition to the submerged park of bay, there are other wonders in the municipality of Bacoli, which can be visited without throwing themselves into the sea. A very interesting archaeological site is that of Cuma, where there is also the long tunnel recognized as the Atro della Sibilla Cumana (the famous oracle spoke to Ulysses). Here the ruins also offer beautiful views.
Sito archeologico di Cuma Sito archeologico di Cuma
The Archaeological Site of Cuma, with the most panoramic Roman ruins of Bacoli and the Sibilla Cumana's anthers
The large mirror of water is Lake Fusaro, where the Casina Vanvitelliana is located.
Il lago Fusaro e la Casina Vanvitelliana
Lake Fusaro and Casina Vanvitelliana
Interesting is also the Lake of Averno, around which you can stroll and on which the Temple of Apollo stands out (and there are also long caves left to abandonment).
Lago d'Averno, Bacoli
Panorama on Lake Averno
Returning to bay, we must also admire its imposing Aragonese castle, overlooking the sea.
Castello Aragonese, Bacoli
Aragonese castle
Along the coast between the castle of Baia and Capo Miseno there are various beaches and some stretches of cliffs, including the small pen island, full of caves. In the bay behind the Penna island there is the port of Bacoli; Behind, there is the Miseno lake. The most popular beaches are those on the other side, which give south (towards Procida), rich in bars, restaurants and establishments.
lago Miseno, Bacoli
The most popular beaches of Bacoli, its port and the Miseno lake
The top view is that from the already mentioned Capo Miseno, a rangible driving for narrow streets to the lighthouse and then parking in no parking (and walking a little on a path reported to reach the panoramic point, perfect at sunset).
Faro Capo Miseno, Bacoli
The headlight of Capo Miseno and Capri in the background
From here in addition to Bacoli and its lively beaches you can also admire Procida and Capri (and Ischia, partly hidden by Procida).

I said everything? Obviously not! Because if from the archaeological park of Baia is considered a circumference of just 5 km of ray, other wonders touch.
Terme romane di Baia
Ah, I forgot, in Baia there are also the ruins of ancient Roman baths
Very close to Bacoli/Baia there is in fact the municipality of Pozzuoli, which is a beautiful city, with ancient houses, Roman ruins and a picturesque historic center (where you eat very well!).
Terme romane di Baia
A Roman temple in the middle of Pozzuoli
Nearby there are some of the strangest manifestations of the Volcanism of Flegrei Fields. One is the New Monte, a volcano suddenly formed in 1538 following an eruption that destroyed a village. The other is the sulphatara, with its strange sulfur fumes.
Solfatara di Pozzuoli
Pozzuoli sulphatara
Unfortunately the sulphatara is closed, following a tragic accident for a few years ago, when a family was swallowed by a hole in the boiling volcanic ground. You can admire sulphatara from above, from a public road.
apart from this conclusion a bit sad, in the small territory of Bacoli there are therefore real wonders! The area is worth a weekend but also a longer holiday.

Found Here other recommended trips in Campania and various travel information on the region. Good vacation!

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