La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Scario and the Inish Coast

A spectacular trip among the beaches of Cilento
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

If you like long wild beaches stretched under imposing cliffs, the Inspreshow Coast, in Cilento, is the right place for you: indeed, I can only advise you on a trip to KAYAK and SUD like the one we did, starting from Scario.

Spiaggia Carcarella, Scario
Beach near Scario, on the Infresk Coast
We are obviously in Campania, in the province of Salerno, in the southern part of the beautiful Cilento. Scario is a cute sea village which is the ideal starting point for this excursion (the alternative is Marina di Camerota, furthest in the car and would say more tourist).
Spiaggia della Sciabica
Sciabian beach
The beaches of the Insugghi Coast are generally reached by sea, but some can also get trekking. In fact, if a holiday in Cilento in summer is vinewillably ocalized on the activities at sea, given the typical hot, in other seasons you can instead dedicate the journey to discover the escrusiological itineraries, improving great satisfactions.
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
as a starting point we have chosen the beach of the Tragara di Scario (where it is impossible to park legally: the Tickets Retail Schedules reach a maximum of two hours, so if one wants to be more need to hope to cross The auxiliary of traffic; I solved by putting the car along a road in the woods). With our sup inflatables we have circumnavigated Punta Garliano and the Porticello beach, we paid around the spinosa peak cliffs and we arrived so at the first deserted beach, that of Molara, after 1.6 km of sup.
Spiaggia della Molara sulla costa degli Infreschi
Molara beach
Deserted in a way of saying, because it can be reached quite easily on foot and is coarsed by the boats. Also, although the canoeists and stand-up-paddle-hoists are very few, the most fascinating wild beaches in high season are assaulted by tourist boats of Scario and Marina di Camerota, which carry in abundant tourists. For this reason, I recommend the late afternoon hours and early morning to enjoy the best of the Infresks Coast.
Spiaggia Carcarella, Scario
Carcarella beach
After the beach of Molara there are some marine caves, other cliffs impressive with strange shapes, until after less than 1 km you arrive at the water cave beach, small but charming thanks to the nearby cave. Even the water cave beach can be reached via a path, but is a longer hiking itinerary than the Molara beach and therefore is uncrowded.

Another low kilometer in kayak/sup/boat/swimming and you reach the beautiful beach of the carcarella, with another nearby cave. Continuing under increasingly impressive cliffs you arrive at the twin beaches, two small beaches of bowls separated by a rocky tower.
Grotta nella costa degli Infreschi
One of the most impressive caves in the Inspreshi Coast
Nearby there is also a gigantic cave, to be admired with amazement, which obviously can adapt to be appreciated with a canoe or sup rather than an excursion by boat. Water throughout the area is very clear, especially in the morning, and very hot in summer.
Spiaggia dei Gabbiani, Infreschi
Seagull beach, a few kilometers from Scario
After the twin beaches, the coast becomes an irresistible alternation of deserted beaches that can be reached only by sea and short but impressive stretches of a cliff: it is in order of the seagull beach, the beaches of the lapiadda and the trawl, the beach of the laven (or Resim) and the beach of the French (or Marcellino). The latter is the only one that can also be reached with a path that descends into the woods behind the beach (while the others are all overlooked by imposing rocks that sometimes cause some landlords).
Spiaggia della Resima, Infreschi
Resim beach
In all, between the beach of the Tragara to Scario and the French beach there are 7 kilometers and a half well enjoyed, ideal for a sup or kayak trip. (We, took from the wind while we were in sup, we biveaved on the carcarella beach, which allowed us to enjoy cliffs and chiled beaches in absolute peace be in the evening and the beautiful next morning, when at least until 10 was all quiet ).

All the beaches are with bowls, some are reached by boats and partly protected by buoyak files to keep boats away.
Cala degli Infreschi
Cala degli Infreschi, almost halfway between Scario and Marina di Camerota
Continuing towards Marina di Camerota, a KM after the French beach you get to Cala degli Insules, a large rocky bay that makes a natural harbor for the boats that spend the night at anchor. In this beautiful natural scenery also opens up the profound cave of the Insugghi.
Grotta degli Infreschi
Grotta degli Infreschi
We've finished our Super Ride here and returned. If we had continued for another 5 km we would have arrived instead to Marina di Camerota, also passing through Cala Bianca, which with its beach of white Sassetti, crystal clear water, the forest behind and the rock cliffs alongside is undoubtedly between The most beautiful beaters in the area.
There is little else to say ... you have to act !! And go to travel the Insensa Coast, in Cilento, with a Kayak or a Stand Up Paddle.

Found Here other recommended trips in Campania and Various Travel information on the region. Good vacation!

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