La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

The nature of Jordan

The Wadi Rum desert, the canyons, the Dead Sea and the Red Sea
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

The nature of Jordan

The Jordanian landscapes have little green, but there is no lack of beauty, indeed. The main destinations of a travel itinerary in the Nature of Jordan are 4: Dana's reserve, the Dead Sea, the Wadi Rum desert and the Red Sea. Between a trekking and a dip, you can also make canyoning in the Wadi Mujib. ( Find here all the information about the Jordan ).
The southern end of Jordan presents an outlet on the Red Sea with a few kilometers of coast. The city of Aqaba is not particularly attractive and the nearby industries are even less, but underwater nature gives show, between corals and colored fish.

Coralli del Mar Rosso, Giordania
The corals of the Jordanian part of the Red Sea
Snorkeling coi pesci del Mar Rosso
Snorkeling with Red Sea fish

Moving north, the Wadi Rum desert is met. Sandy flats surrounded by red mountains are spectacular, ideal for a jeep or dromedary itinerary. Even the story has passed by here through the deeds of the Heroic (and complicated) Lawrence of Arabia. You can sleep in the desert in one of the tendata camps, admiring the stars in what will surely be the most peaceful night of the trip.
Wadi Rum, Giordania Wadi Rum, Giordania
Wadi rum: red colors and free spaces ... even if you can't say that in the desert there is no dog!
Wadi Rum, Giordania Wadi Rum, Giordania
In the Wadi Rum desert there are several stretched fields reachable in Jeep on sandy slopes
To the north of the Wadi Rum desert, the travel itinerary continues with the Dana Reserve, the most fascinating Natural Park of Jordan, with beautiful trekking possibilities. The landscape has canyons, rocks with strange shapes and lively colors, and even some tree and shrub that, for Jordanian standards, means lots of vegetation.
Dana's natural park you can continue the travel itinerary to the north towards the Dead Sea and the nearby Wadi Mujib park.
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
The Dead Sea is located 390 meters below sea level: the deepest depression of the terrestrial crust. Its salty, hot and viscous waters float great, burn wounds and itches in indexable places. The sludge of the Dead Sea will leave you the smooth skin like baby.
In the Wadi Mujib park, instead, it is possible to do canyoning (from spring to autumn) in a spectacular throat traveled by a river.
Riserva di Dana, Giordania
Reserve of Dana, Central Jordan
Riserva di Dana, Giordania
Reserve of Dana, Central Jordan
Canyoning nel Wadi Mujib, Giordania Canyoning nel Wadi Mujib, Giordania
The red canyon of the Wadi Mujib, where you can go torrent
Mar Morto, Giordania Canyoning nel Wadi Mujib, Giordania
From a bath in the Dead Sea, Giordana shore, to a dip in the Wadi Mujib
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