Dire Dawa - Discovering Ethiopia

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Travelling to Dire Dawa

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Dire Dawa, a pretty good destination in Ethiopia (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Dire Dawa and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Dire Dawa, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Ethiopia, here's everything to know about Dire Dawa for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Dire Dawa

Dire Dawa is a city located in the Eastern part of Ethiopia. It is the second-largest city in the country after the capital city, Addis Ababa. The city is known for being a major commercial center and hub for the eastern part of Ethiopia. It has a diverse population and culture due to its location near the border of Somalia and the presence of many international companies. Dire Dawa also serves as a gateway to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Harar and is a popular destination for travelers exploring the eastern region of Ethiopia.

Travelling to Dire Dawa and around: discovering Ethiopia

What to visit in Dire Dawa

Sure, here are some top tourist attractions in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia and a brief about each one: 1. Kezira City Park - This park is located in the heart of Dire Dawa. Visitors can enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and beautiful scenery provided by the trees, flowers, and ponds of the park.
2. Railway Museum - This museum was once a train station and has now been converted into a museum dedicated to the history of the railway in Ethiopia. It has displays showing the impact of the railway on the country's development.
3. Chat Market - Dire Dawa is famous for its chat, a mildly addictive plant that is chewed for recreational purposes. The Chat Market is the biggest chat market in Ethiopia, where visitors can head to get an insight into the daily life of the locals.
4. Ethnographic Museum - This museum houses a collection of artifacts from the Harari people of Ethiopia and provides visitors with insight into the culture of their traditions and customs.
5. Dire Dawa Market - This market is a bustling center of commerce that offers a broad array of goods, including spices, jewelry, food, clothing, and herbs. 6. Harlaa Archaeological Site - This site has rich history, stretching back to the pre-historic times, where visitors can learn about the ancient civilization of the Harlaa People.
7. Sof Omar Cave - This beautiful and mysterious cave is a unique attraction in Ethiopia, known for its incredible natural formations and bat colonies. Visitors can take guided tours or hike through the cave’s intricate pathways.
8. Sheikh Hussein Shrine - This Islamic shrine located in the town of Bale Robe was built in the 13th century to honor Sheikh Husen, a religious leader who played a key role in spreading Islam in Ethiopia. It is considered a sacred site by the Ethiopian Muslim community.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Ethiopia, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Dire Dawa.

When to go on holiday to Dire Dawa

The best time to visit Dire Dawa is during the dry season, which typically runs from October to March. During this time, temperatures are comfortable and rainfall is minimal, making it easy to explore the city's attractions without getting soaked. The wet season, which runs from April to September, can be unpredictable and heavy rainfall may result in floods and road closures. That being said, Dire Dawa can be visited throughout the year, but it is important to pack accordingly and prepare for the weather conditions.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Dire Dawa

There are a few options for getting to Dire Dawa: 1. By air: You can take a flight to Dire Dawa International Airport. Ethiopian Airlines offers direct flights from Addis Ababa to Dire Dawa.
2. By bus: You can take a bus from Addis Ababa to Dire Dawa. The journey takes around 9-10 hours and buses are available from the bus station in Addis Ababa.
3. By train: The Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway runs through Dire Dawa. You can take the train from Addis Ababa to Dire Dawa which takes around 9 hours. I hope this information helps!
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Dire Dawa, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Dire Dawa

Here are some typical foods of Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, along with a short description for each of them: 1) Injera: Injera is a famous Ethiopian flatbread made from fermented teff flour and water. It is very soft and spongy and is served with almost every Ethiopian meal. 2) Kitfo: Kitfo is a traditional Ethiopian dish made of minced raw beef mixed with spices. It's usually served with injera and seasoned butter. 3) Doro Wat: Doro Wat is a spicy chicken stew that is a staple of Ethiopian cuisine. It's made with a blend of spices and served with injera. 4) Tibs: Tibs is a dish made of sautéed meat (usually beef or lamb) mixed with vegetables and spices. It can be served with injera or rice. 5) Ayeb: Ayeb is a type of Ethiopian cheese that is made from cottage cheese and seasoned with spices. It's often eaten with injera or bread.
You can find general info about typical foods in Ethiopia here.

Is Dire Dawa an expensive destination for tourists?

Dire Dawa is generally considered to be a fairly affordable destination for travelers, especially compared to other popular tourist destinations in Ethiopia. However, the cost of your trip will depend on a variety of factors including your travel style, the time of year you visit, and the specific activities you participate in.
Accommodation in Dire Dawa can range from budget guesthouses to mid-range and upscale hotels. Food in local restaurants is generally affordable, but prices for international cuisine can be higher. Transportation costs in the city are reasonable, with taxis and public transportation available at low prices.
Overall, while Dire Dawa is not as cheap as some other African destinations, it is still relatively affordable for travelers on a budget.

Where to find accomodation in Dire Dawa

When visiting Dire Dawa, it is best to look for accommodations in the central part of the city. The Kezira area is a popular location for hotels and guesthouses, as it is close to the main bus station and the train station. The Ras Hotel area, located near the city center, is also a great option for accommodations. Additionally, there are hotels and guesthouses in the nearby village of Harar, which is only a short distance from Dire Dawa and is a popular tourist destination.
You can check hotel prices at Dire Dawa here:

Is Dire Dawa a safe destination for tourists?

Dire Dawa is considered to be a relatively safe place for tourists, but as with any destination, it is important to take basic precautions to ensure your personal safety and well-being. It is recommended to avoid traveling alone at night and to stay in well-lit and populated areas. It is also advised to be aware of pickpockets and to avoid carrying large sums of cash or valuables. Additionally, it is recommended to check for any travel advisories or warnings issued by your home country's government before traveling.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Ethiopia here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Dire Dawa.

What type of travelers will enjoy Dire Dawa the most?

Dire Dawa, Ethiopia is a great place for a variety of travelers. Couples who are interested in exploring unique cultures, food, and nature will enjoy Dire Dawa as it is a vibrant city with plenty of things to do in the day and night. They can visit traditional markets, try the local cuisine including the "Vinegar Coffee" unique to the region, and go hiking in the nearby mountains. Young people looking for fun will certainly love the energetic city nightlife, with its numerous clubs, bars, and live music events. Families can experience the cultural and historical significance of the region, including the train museum, the archaeological site of Harlaa, and the historic downtown area. It’s worth mentioning that the city also has a beautiful zoo and amusement park that families can visit.
So, to summarize, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, has something special for everyone - couples, young people, and families will all find interesting things to see and do in the city.

How to get around Dire Dawa

The most common forms of transportation in Dire Dawa are taxis and buses. Taxis can be found throughout the city, and are generally affordable and convenient for short trips. Buses are also a popular option for longer journeys, with a number of public bus routes connecting Dire Dawa to other cities and towns in the region. It's also possible to rent a car, but this is generally more expensive and may not be necessary for most travelers.

What to see around Dire Dawa

Certainly! Here are some nice places you could visit in a day trip from Dire Dawa, Ethiopia: 1. Harar: Located about 55 km from Dire Dawa, Harar is a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its old town, narrow alleyways, and traditional houses that date back to the 16th century. Harar also has many mosques and colorful markets to visit and explore.
2. Qaféna: Located about 60 km from Dire Dawa, Qaféna is an area with lush green forests and hills that offer beautiful views. You can also visit natural hot springs in the area.
3. Awash National Park: Located about 200 km from Dire Dawa, Awash National Park is a great place to go on a wildlife safari. The park is home to giraffes, baboons, gazelles, and many species of birds.
4. Babille Elephant Sanctuary: Located about 75 km from Dire Dawa, Babille Elephant Sanctuary is a protected area that is home to over 300 elephants. Visitors can go on guided tours to see and learn about these majestic animals.
5. Lake Basaka: Located about 80 km from Dire Dawa, Lake Basaka is a beautiful natural lake surrounded by mountains. Visitors can hike in the mountains, swim in the lake, and enjoy the scenic views.
I hope you find these suggestions helpful!
For every travel information about Ethiopia you can click here.

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