Metu - Discovering Ethiopia

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Travelling to Metu

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Metu, a pretty good destination in Ethiopia (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Metu and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Metu, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Ethiopia, here's everything to know about Metu for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Metu

Metu is a town located in southwestern Ethiopia, in the Oromia Region. It is situated at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level and has a population of approximately 40,000 people. The town is known for its diverse ethnic and religious communities, with the majority of the population being from the Oromo ethnic group and Muslim religion. Metu is also an important market center for coffee, sorghum, maize, and other crops grown in the surrounding areas. It has a mild climate and is surrounded by lush green forests, making it a popular destination for ecotourism and outdoor activities.

Travelling to Metu and around: discovering Ethiopia

What to visit in Metu

Unfortunately, Metu is not typically considered a major tourist destination. However, there are a few sights and attractions that visitors can enjoy: 1. Metu University: The town is home to a notable university, which offers tours of its campus and facilities.
2. Metu Forest: The town is located near a large forested area that is great for scenic hikes and nature walks.
3. Local Markets: Metu has a few local markets where visitors can shop for traditional Ethiopian handicrafts, apparel, and spices.
4. Coffee Farms: Ethiopia is renowned around the world for its coffee, and Metu is home to several coffee farms where visitors can see the coffee-making process and sample some of the local brews.
5. Cultural Events: Throughout the year, Metu hosts several cultural festivals and events that celebrate Ethiopian traditions and customs.
It's worth noting that Metu is primarily a rural town, and visitors looking for a more urban or traditional tourist experience may wish to explore larger cities like Addis Ababa or Bahir Dar.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Ethiopia, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Metu

The best time to visit Metu is during the dry season, which runs from October to March. During this time, the weather is generally sunny and warm with little to no rainfall, making it ideal for outdoor activities like hiking and sightseeing. However, it's important to note that the temperatures can drop significantly at night, so make sure to bring warm clothing. If you are planning to visit during the rainy season (April to September), prepare for muddy roads and frequent rainfall, but also lush vegetation and thriving wildlife.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Metu

To get to Metu, Ethiopia, you can take a flight to Jimma or Bedele Airport, both of which are located about 2-3 hours away from Metu by car. Ethiopian Airlines operates flights to Jimma and Bedele from Addis Ababa, which is the main airport in Ethiopia. Once you arrive at Jimma or Bedele Airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to Metu. It is also possible to drive to Metu from Addis Ababa, but the journey can take anywhere from 12 to 16 hours depending on the route and traffic.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Metu, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Metu

Metu is a town located in southwestern Ethiopia, which is known for its unique blend of cultural and culinary heritage. Here are some typical foods of Metu with a short description for each of them: 1. Dabo Kolo: It is a crunchy and spicy snack made by deep-frying small balls of wheat dough along with spices like cumin and turmeric. It is a popular snack in Metu and is often served with hot tea.
2. Kitfo: It is a traditional Ethiopian dish made with minced beef mixed with spices like chili powder, cumin, and garlic. Kitfo is often served raw or lightly cooked and served with injera, a traditional Ethiopian flatbread.
3. Injera: It is a soft and spongy flatbread made from teff flour and is the staple food of Ethiopia. Injera acts as both a plate and a utensil, and it is essential in many Ethiopian dishes. 4. Tibs: It is a popular dish that is made by sauteing chunks of beef or lamb with spices like paprika, garlic, and ginger. Tibs is served with injera or bread and is a common dish in Metu's restaurants.
5. Pizza: It may seem strange, but pizza is a popular dish in Metu, especially among the younger generation. The pizza in this region is typically cooked with bread dough topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and a variety of toppings like chicken, beef, or vegetables. 6. Coffee: Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, so it is no surprise that coffee is an integral part of the culture in Metu. Coffee is often served with popcorn or bread, and it is a traditional way to invite guests into the home. These are some of the typical foods of Metu. They showcase the blending of traditional Ethiopian cuisine with modern-day dishes and flavors.
You can find general info about typical foods in Ethiopia here.

Is Metu an expensive destination for tourists?

Metu, Ethiopia is not a popular tourist destination and therefore, may not offer a lot of tourist facilities and amenities, which can make it a bit challenging to travel there. However, in terms of expenses, it may be considered relatively affordable compared to big cities or popular tourist destinations. Accommodation and food costs may be reasonable. Nevertheless, costs might vary depending on the traveler's preferences, travel style, and duration of stay. It's always advisable to do some research and planning to determine an estimated budget for a trip to Metu, Ethiopia.

Where to find accomodation in Metu

Metu is a town located in the western part of Ethiopia and is known for its lush green landscape and the surrounding Oromia forests. There are a few options for accommodations in the area. That being said, most of the accommodations are located in the town center. Some popular areas to find accommodations to visit Metu in Ethiopia are: 1. Metu town center: There are many hotels and lodges in the town center that offer basic amenities such as clean rooms, good food, and Wi-Fi facilities.
2. Oromia forests: If you're interested in experiencing the natural beauty of Metu, you can book accommodation in the surrounding forests. These accommodations range from safari tents to eco-lodges that offer a unique and breathtaking view of the wildlife and the forest.
3. Bure town: Bure is another small town located near Metu that offers a few options for accommodation including guest houses and small hotels.
Regardless of where you choose to stay, make sure to book in advance to ensure that you have the best options available and a comfortable trip to Metu.
You can check hotel prices at Metu here:

Is Metu a safe destination for tourists?

Metu is generally considered a safe place for tourists to visit. However, as with any destination, it is always important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings. As a foreign tourist, it is always best to travel with a local guide or in a group, especially when visiting remote areas. It is also advisable to take necessary health precautions, such as getting vaccinated against infectious diseases. Additionally, it is always a good idea to check the latest travel advisories and news updates before planning your trip to Metu or any other destination in Ethiopia.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Ethiopia here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Metu.

What type of travelers will enjoy Metu the most?

Metu, Ethiopia is a unique destination that caters to different types of travelers. It's an ideal place for couples, young people looking for fun, and families alike. Here are some reasons why: - Couples will enjoy the natural beauty of the area, the lovely waterfalls, and the serene environment which creates a perfect romantic getaway.
- Young people looking for fun will enjoy hiking to different waterfalls, exploring the surrounding forests, and participating in various cultural events such as the annual Metu Festivals.
- Families can take advantage of versatile activities in the local area that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. These may include visiting the local wildlife reserve, exploring Metu's museums, and experiencing the local culture. Overall, Metu, Ethiopia is an excellent destination for anyone looking for an experience filled with adventure, history, and natural beauty.

How to get around Metu

In Metu, the most common forms of transportation are buses, taxis (both shared and private), and motorbikes. Buses are the most affordable mode of transportation, although they can be crowded and uncomfortable for long distances. Taxis can be a bit more expensive but offer a more comfortable and convenient way to get around the city. Motorbikes, also known as "bajajs," are a popular option for short trips or when traveling alone. It is important to note that road conditions in Metu can be rough, so it is essential to take caution while traveling.

What to see around Metu

Here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Metu: 1. Bedele: This town is located about 40 km from Metu and is known for its coffee plantations and lush green landscapes.
2. Bonga: Bonga is a town located about 70 km from Metu and is known for its coffee museum. There are also several waterfalls and hiking trails around Bonga.
3. Wush Wush: Wush Wush is a beautiful waterfall located about 60 km from Metu. It is a perfect spot for picnicking and swimming.
4. Jimma: Jimma is a larger city located about 160 km from Metu. It is known for its coffee plantations and is also home to the Jimma University.
5. Tomaro: Tomaro is a small town located about 60 km from Metu. It is known for its hot springs and natural beauty.
For every travel information about Ethiopia you can click here.

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