La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Zatta and pigsty on the trails

Along the Ligurian Apennines, sea view!
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

On this page we write about two nearby and equally panoramic mountains of the Ligurian Apennines: Monte Pccile and Monte Zatta; These are comfortable and fascinating paths both with snow and without, with beautiful views of the sea and the hinterland.
Both peaks can be climbed starting from the pace of the biscia, reachable by car in just 40 minutes from the motorway exit of blackboard. For Monte Zatta, however, it is more comfortable starting from the Bocca Pass, also just 45 minutes from Chiavari and blackboard.

Monte Porcile
The summit of Mount Pccile and the Ligurian Sea
We begin to describe the itinerary for Monte Porcile, here told in the version with snowshoes (but the path is the same even without snow). Lowest we talk about the tank.
To reach the piglet you park at the pace of the biscia, at a fairly broad slargo, where there is also a small church. From here he starts walking along a dirt road, overcoming a bar. We proceed in falsopiano in a beautiful wood, you will soon earn beautiful views of the pyramid of Monte Pccile.
Monte Porcile
The forest path between the pace of the biscia and the Monte Porcile
When you exit the woods, you are in front of the imposing summit. From here, the climb is beautiful steep !! You can face it by focusing directly to the top, following the crest that leaves in front of the dirt road, or turning left and going back along the longest, but less steep, path.
Monte Porcile
At the beginning of the climb to Monte Porcile
With snowshoes we opted to follow the crest. Here it is a question of traveling the most of the 350 meters of height difference that separate the pace of the biscia from the top of Monte Pccile. This is also the most panoramic part of the itinerary, with the views of Monte Zatta, Mount Ramaceto and many other peaks of the Ligurian Apennines.
Monte Porcile
Along the slope of Monte Porcile, with the ridge of the tank behind and that of the ramaceto on the backdrop on the left
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
On top, the view is amazing !! The name pigsty certainly does not make the beauty of the place. You can admire the Ligurian Apennines east, up to Tuscany.
Monte Porcile
Panorama from Mount Pccile to the east, on the Ligurian-Tuscan Apennines
The peninsulas of Sestri Levante and Portofino on the sea are noted, and, in the background, beyond the Ligurian Sea, the maritime Alps are also appreciated on the days.
Monte Porcile
The summit cross of Monte Pccile

The descent takes place on the same itinerary, along the northern face of the piglet, for those who also want skiing! In all, from the pace of the biscia to the piglet tops are 5 kilometers of walking, and as many for the return: keep account of at least 3-4 hours for the excursion, more when it sinks into the snow (which anyway is a fairly enough event Rare).
Monte Porcile
Skiing at sunset down from the snowy pigsty
Let's move on to Monte Zatta. As anticipated, you can start from the pace of the biscia, in a beautiful itinerary of about 6 km (12 between roundings) and 500 meters of height difference which is close to Mount Chiippozzo and Monte Coppello and rises to the crest up to 1400 meters of the Zatta.
For a shorter route, you can start from the Passo del Bocco, where you park at about 1000 meters of altitude at a slarg in front of the bush pond. This is the northern slope, more shady, but also where it is more likely to find snow in winter.
Monte Zatta
The tank begget at sunrise
From here you can make a ring path. The peaks of the tank is actually a long ridge (where he passes the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri), so you can go up for example towards the top of the Monte Zatta di Levante, take the ridge passing through the central zatta to Monte Zatta di West, and from here to resend towards the Bocca Pass.
Monte Zatta
The ridge of Monte Zatta, from east to west, with the Ligurian sea background
For this purpose we start along a comfortable dirt road and follow the clear signs that then take the A10 path into the phagpet. After 2.8 km you reach Monte Zatta di Levante, the highest point of the crest.

Here you divert to the right, and walking in part in the crest and partly among the trees immediately below, you arrive at the central zatta and then to the eastern zatta. The views are exceptional, even on the Ligurian Sea: the Portofino promontory is noted.
Monte Zatta
Monte Zatta crest
The descent occurs along the High Via dei Monti Liguri. You can also pass to the great abandoned building of the devout colony, a former meeting for boys on vacation.
Colonia Devoto
Devout colony
We return to the parking lot after a total of seven miles and a half walking and about 450 meters in altitude. Recommended excursion! Especially for those who, like us, is taken by the unensy desire to go to breakfast on the top of the tank in the middle of winter!
When there is no snow, the winter landscape is sad, but in spring and summer, With the green of leaves and meadows, or even at the beginning of autumn, with the Foliage, this itinerary is still very pleasant. In short, with or without snow, visit Zatta, Porcile and all the Ligurian Apennines, which always gives joys.
good trips !!

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