La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Predore and Lake Iseo

The overview of walking up to high tip
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

neglecting Lake Iseo when it comes to the great lakes of Northern Italy is a sin, and the high-pointed punto path is a great example of the beauty of this area! Lake Iseo is smaller than Lake Maggiore, Lake Lugano, that of Como and Garda, but has many beautiful views and largest lake island.
Predore is a village on the coast Western of Lake Iseo, in the province of Bergamo.

Predore e il lago d'Iseo
Predore and Lake Iseo
It parks in the village and go up among the alleys (you can even arrive by car to the aqueduct building, but the risk is to get stuck in a narrow!). The first goal is the sanctuary of the Madonna della Neve, at 288 meters above sea level, and therefore about 100 meters above Predore and the lake. To get there, we must first follow a steep road on which only Jeep and Panda pass.
Predore e il lago d'Iseo
The narrow road that rises from the sorrow and a beautiful view on the southern part of Lake Iseo
From the road, a staircase is clearly indicated by the signs, which in the same direction also indicate the paths 733 and 734, or those that will allow us to fulfill our hiking itinerary with panoramas on all Lake Iseo.
Predore, sentiero sul lago d'Iseo
The staircase rises from the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Neve

The view from the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Neve on Predore and Lake Iseo is spectacular. On the opposite bank of the lake we note the swamp of the bog bogs of the saw: a marsh between the Prealps is obviously a rarity that is the original background for most of the panoramas admired along the path.
Santuario della Madonna della Neve, Predore
View from the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Neve on Lake Iseo
From the sanctuary you still go up, meeting some bombs: so we decide to follow the path 734 that goes directly to the high tip, keeping 733 for the return. You can obviously also do the opposite.
Vigneti sul lago d'Iseo
Vineyards on Lake Iseo along the high tip trail
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
following the itinerary 734 The trek is more savory, forwarding into the woods on a clear, steep and well-signaled path. The climb among the centillin trees the views, which occasionally open, in particular at a lawn on which there are some cages, a hunt for hunters (but in the whole area there is no hunting) and, halfway November, many drum bats (big umbrella mushrooms).
After a last stretch in the woods, you arrive at Punta Alta, 953 meters above sea level, and a new panorama opens up.
Punta Alta, sul lago d'Iseo
High tip panorama on the central part of Lake Iseo and Mount Isola
In all, from high-pointed highlight there are about 770 meters in altitude, which can be followed in a couple of hours or even less if you don't suffer the steep paths. The high point arrival is exceptional because, after admiring the southern part of Lake Iseo along all the trekking, the view opens up the view of the central and northern part of the lake. At the center stands the mountain island, the largest lake island in Italy. To the north, instead the lake creeps between the Prealps.

Punta Alta, sul lago d'Iseo
The top of high tip and views on the northern part of Lake Iseo
At high tip a table and wooden benches allow you to make a comfortable picnic. To go down, you can opt to follow the panoramic horn route, taking path 707 that goes towards the lake east. This path is less reported, but it is easy to intuit because it passes everything in the ridge, among trees on which a reassuring sign "prohibition of hunting" is often nailed.
The high tip descent stops when you meet a path instead " Horizontal ": here turn right because it is the 733 hiking itinerary, which proceeding in the coast returns to Predore.
Sentiero del Corno sul lago d'Iseo
The panoramic path of the Horn of Predore on Lake Iseo
This stretch of path is evident and above all very panoramic and reports in less than an hour to the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Neve and then in Predore. There is a truly beautiful trip, with demanding slopes but for the simple and comfortable rest (Predore is an hour from Milan). Have fun!
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