La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Snowshoeing at the Cima Gardiola

A nice winter trekking in the maritime Alps
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

The trekking on the snow, in the beautiful sunny days, offer landscapes that have nothing to envy to the summer hiking itineraries, indeed! The Cima Gardiola, in the Maritime Alps, is a splendid destination for a snowshoeing.

Sul sentiero verso la Cima Gardiola, Alpi Marittime
On the path to the Cima Gardiola
To reach the Cima Gardiola, (mountain not far from the Artesina ski resort) The starting point is the Certosa di Pesio. Leaving the trail along this characteristic and impressive historic building is a fascinating start.
La Certosa di Pesio è il punto di partenza verso la Cima Gardiola, Alpi Marittime
The Certosa di Pesio is the starting point towards the Cima Gardiola

From the Certosa di Pesio, we go into a forest whose reddish fronds, in December, are particularly beautiful.
Sentiero per la Cima Gardiola, Alpi Marittime
The path to the Cima Gardiola leaves in a beautiful wood
A characteristic of this trekking is that the path is well signposted and you are not likely to get lost, what is obvious in winter, when the snow covers the paths and makes everything uniform. Furthermore, on weekends you will certainly find tracks, because the hiking itinerary for the Cima Gardiola in winter is beaten by snailing lovers as those of ski mountaineering.
Sentiero per la Cima Gardiola, Alpi Marittime
Going up, the trees spread to disappear
Once the path comes out of the woods, the view can range on the arch of mountains around and, going up, on all the Western Alps.
Con le ciaspole verso la Cima Gardiola, Alpi Marittime
With snowshoes to the Cima Gardiola
Approaching the summit the landscape becomes a high mountain, even if the Cima Gardiola comes "just" at 1889 meters. The view from the highest point repays of the 1000 meters of height difference.
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
Panorama dalla Cima Gardiola, Alpi Marittime
The panorama from the Cima Gardiola also touches the Monviso
After the snowfall, the ski descent here gives very great satisfaction, but even with snowshoes you can throw you in crazy racing hopping on the snow.
Discesa nella neve dalla Cima Gardiola
Descent in the snow from the Cima Gardiola
In general, this trip is a fantastic solution for a snowshoe on well-marked trails and with panoramas that give great satisfaction, so ... good trip !!
always in the maritime Alps, even more spectacular is the Trekking from Monesi to Monte Saccarello , passable in both summer and snow and offering amazing views.

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