La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

The path to Mount Mao

Walking over Spotorno and Bergeggi
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

The spotfoot to Monte Mao offers splendid views of the Ligurian coast and, in particular, on Chipo Noli and the Bergeggi islet. We describe this relatively short route here, but still training, since it rises from the beach of Spotorno to the 440 meters of share of the panoramic top of Mount Mao.

Vista su Spotorno dal Monte Mao
View of the beaches of Spotorno from the path that goes up to Mount Mao
The path begins in the eastern part of Spotorno, a town in the province of Savona characterized by long beaches and a small historic center surrounded by modern condominiums too bulky. You can indeed leave literally from the beach: once you go through the walk to the sea and the Aurelia, possibly exploiting a underpass to avoid risking life, you can go and take Via Antica Romana, which climbs steeply among the houses in the hills. At one point the road becomes a dirt road that enters the woods.
Spiaggia di Spotorno
The beach of Spotorno with the islet of Bergeggi in the background
After a few minutes you go out of the woods and there is a crossroads: o Continue along the dirt road on the coast, or turn left onto the steep path of the ridge of Mount Mao, indicated by a sign. In both cases, the itinerary is very sunny! For the climb I recommend the steep path, but it doesn't change much. Thus starts walking in the middle of the fragrant Mediterranean scrub, with splendid sea views.
Sentiero Spotorno Monte Mao
Spotorno and Cape Noli seen from the path that rises straight to Mount Mao

The itinerary continues in the ridge, without many twists, in the midst of thyme, flowers and various shrubs, with increasingly high views. The summit looks there, but never arrives.
Sentiero Spotorno Monte Mao
Walking towards the summit of Mount Mao
After 370 meters of height difference from the beach (and about 250 from the bivium mentioned a little while ago), you arrive at a panoramic hill, which is not yet Mount Mao. From here the views of Bergeggi's islet and the Ligurian coast are open. Count an hour of walking to get here (but it depends a lot on the degree of training, since they are only two kilometers, but a lot of steep).
Sentiero Spotorno Monte Mao
The Bergeggi islet seen from the ridge of Mount Mao
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
a last effort and in about ten minutes you reach the 440 meters of altitude of Mount Mao, from which you can admire the crest traveled, the Ligurian Sea, Spotorno, Chief Noli and Bergeggi. This is not the only path to get there, as I will write soon, and there are also several itineraries for mountain bike enthusiasts.
Panorama dal Monte Mao
Panorama from Mount Mao
By turning the look more to the east, you can notice the only not too beautiful part of this part of Liguria: the industrial areas of Vado and Savona, after which you can see cells, Varazze and Arenzano.
Panorama dal Monte Mao
The Vado industries and the coast around Savona views from Mount Mao
For the descent you can opt for the paths to the east, but those who have time can also continue the adventure continuing along the itineraries towards Monte (which do not still add a lot to the views, and are more suitable for bikers). The paths to the east (Savona side, to speak) are different, one more direct and others who make hairpin. The result is the same: you descend towards Bergeggi, with views on the islet more and more closely.
Panorama dal Monte Mao su Bergeggi
The Bergeggi islet seen from the paths coming down from Mount Mao

Wanting you can continue east and the coast of the ginestrians, over Bergeggi, which is very built. It's worth it if you want to get to Bergeggi beach and visit his Famous Grotta, which we described here . But here we describe the shorter and simple option: when the downhill path crosses a convenient path on the coast, we take it and we head again towards Spotorno.
Sentiero Monte Mao Spotorno
Trail on the coast of Mount Mao
To better clarify the itinerary, here is the map of the ring path that we have accomplished in about 3 hours including various breaks to admire the views.
Mappa sentiero Monte Mao Spotorno
Map of the itinerary between Spotorno and Mount Mao
The coast path towards Spotorno then becomes a dirt road (what we had abandoned at the beginning of the trip to take the steep climb to the crest of Mount Mao). It is a very comfortable road and with the "usual" beautiful views of the sea, with many of maritime pines in the foreground.
Sentiero Monte Mao Spotorno Sentiero Bergeggi Spotorno
The road on the coast of Mount Mao and other views from the path between Bergeggi and Spotorno!
In short, it is a short but great satisfaction trip! On this site, it is described Here all the network of coastal paths of the Liguria , with countless wonderful itineraries, including, in the west, the very close and more spectacular Path from Varigotti to Noli , and this excursion Among the woods and the Grotte di Finale Ligure .

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