La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

The paths of Capo Noli

A trek with top views on the Ligurian Riviera
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

The rocky Chief Noli presents extraordinarily scenic paths that represent an exception in the beautiful Ligurian Riviera di Ponente. The coast west of Genoa is in fact rich in beaches and small headlands, but only between Noli and Varigotti the impressive cliffs, Mediterranean vegetation and top views can rival those of Levante Liguria.

Panorama da Capo Noli
A panorama on spotorno, bergeggi and the Ligurian Riviera from Capo Noli
Here we are to present this easy itinerary, known as the pilgrim path, starting in this case from Varigotti. In all, it is 6 km of walking and about 250 meters in altitude, which become a little bit more if you take some deviations (very recommended) towards some panoramic points and towards the Falsari Grotto (also called brigands).
Sentiero a Varigotti
The departure of the trail from Varigotti
This is the map made with the app, which is free and always recommend for your trekking. The journey time of just over three hours obviously is just an estimate: you can do a faster pace, but you can also lose a long time to admire views, take pictures, picnics and relax on the beach: in short, consider the path Varigotti - Noli a day trip, if you take it calmly, but you need much less if you are in a hurry.
Mappa dei sentieri di Capo Noli
Map, travel time and height difference time Varigotti - Noli
Just started from Varigotti there is the possibility of deviating towards Punta Crena and the eponymous beach set among his rocks, reachable with a steep descent. Going up instead on the comfortable main path you entered the Mediterranean scrub and you can admire peak from above.
Punta Crena e Varigotti
Punta deli and Varigotti
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
Among other things, I want to emphasize that we visited Chief Noli also by canoeing and that this method is equally spectacular! Read Here of the final kayak trip - Varigotti - Noli - Bergeggi .
Returning to the path, a first very short detour right to the Church of San Lorenzo , in stone and with a splendid view of the sea.
Chiesa di San Lorenzo, Capo Noli
Church of San Lorenzo
We return to the main path and after a few meters there is facing the Australian mausoleum, a strange set of colorful dedications that recall Giuseppe Cerisola, called the Australian, which bravely saved the lives of people in difficulty in the sea.
Chiesa di San Lorenzo, Capo Noli
The Australian mausoleum
We are still at the beginning of the route, which as you can see is already full of points of interest: you continue to climb up to another splendid panoramic point, which allows you to admire the cliffs of Chief Noli and the underlying Malpasso Beach. Here in the middle of the Mediterranean scrub you can notice rosemary plants, if you want to cook something good in the evening.
Capo Noli
Panorama on the cliffs of Capo Noli and, below, the beach of Malpasso
The path proceeds on the coast, among the vegetation, touching other panoramic points and an ancient sighting tower. On the Monte di Capo Noli, the highest point of the route there are remains of a military station and a fenced area with antennas and a carabinieri building.
Capo Noli
A stretch of the trail in the middle of typical vegetation
The area reserved for carabinieri is obviously accessible, but looking at the gate you can see that on the left there is a narrow path that runs along the fence. Before continuing with the main itinerary, I recommend taking this short detour that proceeds in the middle of the dense vegetation. After a while you are ticked at the top of the rocky head of Noli.
Capo Noli
Cliffs and beaches of Cape Noli
Looking westwards - that is, towards Varigotti - you can admire the cliffs and beaches of Capo Noli. In the distance you can see the Ligurian coast towards Albenga and Imperia and on clear days you can admire the maritime Alps.
Instead, eastwards, here is the wonderful panorama of Noli, Spotorno, the islet of Bergeggi and, further there, The Genoese coast.
Capo Noli
A paraglider over Noli, with spotorno and the islet of Bergeggi in the background

You can then go back to your steps and the path back to being a comfortable dirt road that descends to hairpin bends towards Noli. A crossroads, at some point, allows to follow a short shortcut, and a subsequent junction indicated by the signs instead gives the possibility of taking the very direct for Noli or to stretch slightly towards the Church of Santa Margherita and the Briganti cave. Obviously, opt for this second option.
Grotta dei Briganti a Capo Noli
The cave of brigands, or falsaries
The large cave of brigands, also called falsaries, is in fact a very original and impressive panoramic balcony on the Ligurian Sea. To get there there is a small detour, marked by the sign that descends towards the sea. After the cave you can go down to the state road, but it is convenient to go back and continue on the main path towards the church of Santa Margherita and the buildings around.
Eremo del Capitano Albertis
The promontory on which the Hermitage of Captain Albertis stands
The Hermitage of Captain Albertis is an abandoned house, which might seem horrible in the picture, but it is fascinating to enter a hermitage abandoned by a hundred years ago. Nearby there are a tower, a bunker, the church of Santa Margherita and some spectacular panoramas overlooking the sea.
Eremo del Capitano Albertis
The hermitage of Captain Albertis
At this point it has almost arrived to Noli! The last stretch of route proceeds on the coast in vegetation, with beautiful views of the sea and other ruins of ancient churches and turrets. Arrival to Noli allows you to admire the historic center of this beautiful medieval village and enjoying its beautiful beach. The Loggia of the Nolish Republic reminds us that yes, Noli represented the center of a very small maritime republic.
Loggia della Repubblica Nolese
The Lodge of the Nolese Republic
From Noli you can take a convenient bus that every half hour follows the state road on the coast and in a few minutes allows you to return to Varigotti. As an alternative you can obviously walk on the paths of Capo Noli, cutting the head and avoiding the panoramic deviations to make faster. In any case, it's a fantastic trip! Good walks!
ah, and if you love the paths on the sea in the Liguria di Ponente, spotorno and bergeggi are very close, as well as Finale Ligure , its walls and its great caves , while more to the west you can try the itinerary between The beautiful Cervo and Andora .
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