La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno


A wild island, a paradise for the Caribbean trekking
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

Travel itinerary in Dominica

Dominica is not the typical Caribbean island. A holiday in Dominica means immersing yourself in nature, where the wild beauty of the interior compensates for the lack of white sand beaches (and, however, the coast is also splendid).
For an independent travel itinerary in Dominica, it is important Rent a car, unless you want to serve public transport to then do so much trekking. In fact, the Waitukubuli Trail trail, about 200km, which runs throughout the island from north to south is a dream destination for hiking lovers. You will boast and you will get there (the interior is quite rainy even in the dry season, which goes from December to May), but you will be rewarded by unique landscapes.

Sentiero del Boiling Lake, Dominica
Trait of trail to the famous Boiling Lake, in the interior of Dominica
Another feature of Dominica to be taken into account for a vacation on this tropical island is the kindness of his (a few) inhabitants. Seventy thousand people live in Dominica, the villages are traditional, to the good, and people will smile at you and give directions if you need it (the spoken language is English, even if with Creole intonation). Don't expect services from Europe: here is everything very rustic.
Soufrière, Dominica
SOUFRIÈRE, on the south-western coast

Dominica's coasts

The beaches of Dominica lack the white sand, but they deserve the journey. The east coast, exposed to the Atlantic waves, is wild, full of sargasses (floating algae) and unsuitable to take a swim, but it is also beautiful.

Costa orientale di Dominica
Oriental coast of Dominica
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
to swim, snorkel and sunbathe, it is better to take advantage of the calm of the west coast, where the water is often very clear. One of the most tourist beaches is Meru Beach, very characteristic apart from the days when cruise ships arrive at Roseau and then bring tourists here.
Meru beach, Dominica
The Meru beach on the west coast of Dominica
For snorkeling, the best places are located in the southwestern part of Dominica, which also offers the most beautiful sea landscapes that you will meet during your vacation on the island.
Champagne Beach's seabeds feature beautiful corals, Many fish (including numerous aguglies) and, above all, of hot springs in the subsoil. From the bottom of the sea you will see the bubbles emerge, a unique show to admire with mask and snorkel.
Champagne beach, Dominica
Champagne Beach submarine hot springs
Champagne beach, Dominica
The cliffs near Champagne Beach, under which snorkeling
(Ah, potete Find all the holiday photos here ). Immediately south of Champagne Beach, there is the picturesque village of Soufrière, from which the large bay closed by Scott's Head begins.
Scott's Head, Dominica
Scott's Head crystal clear water, with soufrière cliffs in the background
In Scott's Head there is a characteristic fishing village, really a paradise not only to snorkel, but also to take photographs.
Scott's Head, Dominica Scott's Head, Dominica
The characteristic fishing village of Scott's Head

Waterfalls, Terme and Dominica Trails

The interior of Dominica is covered by a thick tropical forest, but it is also full of attractions: waterfalls, natural spas, volcanic fumaroli, puddles where dive. The main destinations are easily reachable from the capital Roseau (the island, however, it is quite small so everything is within reach, despite the winding roads).

Trafalgar Falls, Dominica
Le Trafalgar Falls, spectacular waterfalls in the forest
The Falls Trafalgars are within easy walking distance (two minutes walk from the parking lot) and truly spectacular. Twenty minutes by car from the Trafalgar waterfalls there is Topito Gorge, a gorge in the jungle to swim up to a small waterfall. Tituo gorge leaves an open-mouthed for the intensity of the green from which it is surrounded (the photo does not make enough).
Titou Gorge, Dominica
Tituent gorge, a narrow throat in the tropical forest
From the tituo gorge the famous path to the Boiling Lake (boiling lake), which I described in detail here . This trekking itinerary is often the first destination for passionate travelers of hiking, thanks to the greenery of landscapes, but also to the particular colors of the Desolation Valley and its fumaroles.
Desolation Valley, verso il Boiling Lake, Dominica
Walking in the Desolation Valley along the Boiling Lake trail
It is not an easy to follow path and many advise you to use a guide (I did it solo and survived without particular problems, but prudence is a must). Surely the Boiling Lake Trail is a challenging path: 6 hours between return, with steep climbs and muddy descents. The arrival at Boiling Lake, the second largest boiling lake in the world, is of great satisfaction.

Boiling Lake, Dominica
Boiling Lake, destination for excursion
Another attraction of the interior of Dominica are the pools of water in the forest. The Emerald Pool maybe is a bit overrated, but it deserves a short visit and, why not, even a dip.
Emerald Pool, Dominica
The picturesque Emerald Pool, where you can swim under the waterfall
Even more enjoyuriose are the natural spas of Wotten Waven, with water reaching temperatures up to 40 degrees, in which to relax maybe after a nice walk.
Spa naturale a Wotten Waven, Dominica
Natural Spa at Wotten Waven

Roseau and other destinations

The capital of Dominica is Roseau, which has about 15,000 inhabitants and is really one of the lowest profile capitals I know. And yet, it's really picturesque, friendly, nice. The market is very characteristic, and even if on Sunday night there are no more than three restaurants open, some inhabitants are always willing to have a chat.

Roseau, Dominica
Roseau is the capital of Dominica
The houses of Roseau are mostly wood, of bright colors, but there are also old stone buildings, such as the Church.
Roseau, Dominica
Church of Roseau
Very characteristic, with colored wooden buildings, they are all the villages of Dominica. For example, I loved this Wotten Waven school.
Scuola a Wotten Waven, Dominica
School in Wotten Waven
To the north, Portsmouth Bay is renowned as a mooring for those traveling by sailing. The village is quite disconsooned, but in the surroundings there are some magnificent natural parks.
The beauty of Dominica, however, is to travel freely, on foot and with rental cars, looking for wonders of nature. For example, a double rainbow in the jungle.
Arcobaleno vicino a Wotten Waven, Dominica
Rainbow in the tropical forest

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