La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

The paths of Torbole and Brione

Trenches and strong on the Garda
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

Between Riva del Garda and Torbole stands Monte Brione, from a particular form and on which you can hike on a very panoramic path that passes through the strong Garda and the middle battery. Another interesting trekking (both landscaped and historically) behind Torbole is the Bus of Captains.

Nago-Torbole, starting point for the Path of the Busa dei Capitani
On this page we describe these two itineraries (but we also have pages dedicated to neighbors Ponale path e Monte altissimo ).
Let's start with Monte Brione. If you start from Torbole, you can skirt the lake along the pedestrian and cycle route to Riva del Garda. While Nago-Torbole is a kilometer "in the hinterland", Torbole has beautiful beaches on the lake, in summer full of bathers and windsurfers.
Torbole vista dal sentiero per il monte Brione
Torbole seen from the path to Monte Brione
It is particularly walking along the beach Lido di Arco (the most obvious one in the photo above, perhaps the most beautiful of Torbole and certainly the least windy one, because it is backed up from Monte Brione) and you arrive at Forte San Nicolò (always walking in the plan) . From this small ledge on the lake you can admire Riva del Garda. Here a well-indicated staircase rises to the strong Garda, the middle battery and Monte Brione.
Il Forte San Nicolò tra Riva del Garda e Torbole
The Fort San Nicolò between Riva del Garda and Torbole
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
The trail rises in the middle of the forest, giving beautiful beautiful views of the lake. Thus you arrive at the strong Garda, which can be admired from the outside, while the interior is accessible for a fee.
Il Forte Garda
The strong Garda
The itinerary continues by giving beautiful panoramas to a peak; He also passes alongside an olive grove, symbol of the particular climate of this part of Trentino. Monte Brione is tight and long, very particular with its asimetric form: gets up in the middle of the plain giving on the northern shore of Lake Garda. The plywood side Torbole is a vertical rocky wall, while the shore side slope of Garda is a delicate trees.
Uliveti sul Monte Brione
Olive groves on Monte Brione

Going up again on the comfortable path the middle battery is met, at a share of about 300 meters above Lake Garda (which in turn is just 65 meters above sea level, although surrounded by imperious mountains). To get to the middle battery, hold about 45 minutes from Forte San Nicolò (just over 2 km) and 1 hour and a quarter from Torbole or from Riva del Garda Centro (4 km throughout).
La Batteria di Mezzo sul Monte Brione
The middle battery on Monte Brione
Here you are practically at the top (Monte Brione is just 376 meters above sea level, but the views give the idea of being much higher). Further ahead you can get under the antennas, but what interest us are the beautiful views that can be admired even along the descent route, which takes place along the same itinerary.
Panorama sul lago di Garda dal Monte Brione
Panorama on Lake Garda from Monte Brione
In short, it is a short and great satisfaction trip, ideal for those who have three free hours and want to leave on foot from Torbole or Riva del Garda, without needing to use other means.

Equally interesting and only slightly more uncomfortable is the path of the holly captains, on the wooded mountain that overlooks Nago-Torbole, from which you enjoy beautiful views of Lake Garda (who boredom, eh: D).
Prato con vista sul lago di Garda
Meadow with view
The departure is from the car park Coel, to Nago. Here an obvious path is teared up for a steep rocky coast. A small deviation leads to a first panoramic trench.
Trincea con vista sul lago di Garda
Trench overlooking Lake Garda
The characteristic of the captains Bus is precisely the large amount of buildings dating back to the First World War and the name of the path derives from two bas-reliefs representing the Emperor Francesco Giuseppe and the Archduke Carlo d'Habsburg, of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
continuing along the way, you enter the castagneto of Nago.
Il castagneto di Nago-Torbole
The Nago-Torbole Castagneto
On this hill, several itineraries are interchanged, to be followed in search of the most beautiful corners, going then to join the paths of Monte Corno. First, however, other buildings and a natural cave are also included, used as a refuge.
Grotta sulla Busa dei Capitani
Grotta along the path of the captains Bus
One of the most fascinating points is the one from Stützpunkt Perlone, a gallery in the rock that served a sighting on the valley. It must be said that the indications on the bei-held paths are bad and do not mention the Stützpunkt Perlone, so you have to look for it wandering a little random (we didn't find it!). On the other hand, we came across other trenches, monuments to the very hard life at the time of the war.
Vista sul Garda da una trincea sopra Torbole
View on the garda from a trench over Torbole along the trails
Even to return to Nago there are several possibilities. The path we followed took us to an olive grove under the rocky wall, a beautiful conclusion of this itinerary.
Uliveto dietro Nago-Torbole, sul Garda
Olive grove behind nago-torbole
In all, you can also spend a whole day to wander through the paths of the Bus of Captains and Monte Corno, but a few hours a few hours can be enough to explore the area: the attraction mentioned are a few km walking (often in Ascent) from Nago. Good trips to Torbole, then !!

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