La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Between Musteretto and Bonassola ...

... and the SCA beach trail
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

Panoramas on the Ligurian and sea Riviera, always green vegetation, paths up to the feet of impressive red cliffs: here are some trekking routes to scream between Bonassola, Montobaretto and the beach of SCA.

The village of Montaretto
As a starting point you can opt for Bonassola, to which you can comfortably arrive by train, or for Montotaretto, reachable by car. Alternatively, it is also vicinassima framura with its station. Musteretto is located at 250 meters of altitude, on the side of a green hillside sea view. In a half-hour trail from MontaRetto you can get to the itinerary that combines Framura and Bonassola.
Sentiero Montaretto Bonassola
The view from the path between Montotetto and Framura
Since the path between Framura and Bonassola We have already spoken here , I describe three interesting deviations: at the beach of SCA, the waterfall and the one for montotetto.
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
As already described in the other page, starting from Bonassola, you can follow the small road that takes up beyond the cemetery, or you can follow the path that goes to the jump of the hare. In both cases it converges soon to a junction with signs and a small house. Here, on the right, the path to Montatetto rises.
Sentiero Montaretto Bonassola
In the woods along the path between Montaretto and Bonassola
The route is short (a half-hour) and passes among woods and evergreen Mediterranean scrub. We have wonderful views of Bonassola and Framura here.
Sentiero Montaretto Bonassola
Panorama on Bonassola
You arrive on a dirt road and then to the soccer field and the primissime and houses of Montaretto. Here we note another path that descends into the woods and that is the fastest connection between Musteretto and Framura. In the small mountain you can admire the ancient houses and beautiful views.

Let's go back instead (at the crossroads on the path from Bonassola). Here you can continue for a few tens of meters to Framura and thus encounters a detour to the left towards the beach of SCA.
Sentiero Sca Bonassola
The descent to the beach of SCA
He descends first on the road between Mirti and Barbieroli and then on a narrow path in the woods. The beach of SCA has no sand, but rocks, stones and only a stretch of bowls. However, water and landscapes are amazing, which justifies the 500 meters, but with 100 meters of height difference of this deviation.
Sentiero Sca Bonassola
The sea at the beach of SCA
The view from the beach gives on the red cliffs that go towards Framura: the Baietta di SCA is one of the strokes of the most beautiful coast of Liguria.

Sentiero Sca Bonassola
Panorama from the beach of SCA
Return to the main path and continue towards Framura for about half an hour, until a wooden bridge is met over a stream. Here you can leave the route route and walk downhill along the stream, towards the sea. It is a recommended route only to skilled hikers, experts and with good life insurance.
Sentiero Montaretto Framura
Walking along the stream
Also, this descent is feasible only if the soil is dry enough and the low stream. After various balance and some inevitable situated, you reach the mouth of the stream, a real cascade. Here the view is splendid and with a little attention you can disrespect the cliff until you dive into the sea (we talk about climbing, here, and no more hiking!).
Sentiero Montaretto Framura
The waterfall of the stream throwing into the sea
It's a goat place, and in fact they often see them. You can then return to the Bridge and:
- Return to Bonassola, finding early on the left the forest path that rises to Montaretto;
- Or continue on the main path towards Framura, meeting a splendid panoramic point;
- Or go back to Bonassola and the jump of the hare.
This area not far from the Cinque Terre is full of short and wonderful paths - Find out about the other pages of the site.
Cartina dei sentieri attorno a Bonassola
This Google Maps map can help locate the path :) by clicking on all the photos and maps
This itinerary is one of the many trails between Genoa and Tuscany, all paths and all described to this Page on trekking in Liguria . To travel the whole Riviera da Ovest to the east, before arriving in the Framura-Bonassola-Levanto , the previous stage is the one between DEIVA in Framura , while the next itinerary leads to Levanto, Punta Mesco and Monterosso . From Bonassola also The path for the panoramic monte rossola .
good trips!

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