La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

On the paths of Bonassola

A panoramic trekking towards Monte Rossola
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

We have already described Bonassola through two splendid itineraries on the sea, those who connect it with Framura and Levanto on the paths or with the Cyclopedonal in the old train galleries . Instead, the path to Monte Rossola rises between the hills behind Bonassola, all over the sea but providing spectacular views of the coast, as well as on the hinterland to the Apuan Alps.

Monte Rossola e Levanto
The cross on the Monte Rossola with in the Levanto background lapped by the waves
Monte Rossola is a bit on the watershed between Levanto and Bonassola and can be reached by both. We recommend this itinerary starting from Bonassola, without prejudice to that you can safely vary at least in part the path.
Going up on the roads behind Bonassola, towards the village of San Giorgio, you have suffered beautiful views of the sea.
Sentiero tra Bonassola e San Giorgio
Going up from Bonassola to San Giorgio
The first part of the route takes place on a short stretch of paved road and then on a comfortable path, the same that goes towards Montobaretto . It is imbining in the countryside, with bucchicus views of nature, until you can see a cascade and, nearby, a bridge, at which the signs indicate from a jump side and on the other, crossing the jumper, San Giorgio .
Sentiero tra Bonassola e San Giorgio
The hills behind Bonassola
The small town of San Giorgio is located at 283 meters of altitude and is reached after an hour of convenient path. It passes between its houses and go up again on a wide trail, until you arrive on the provincial road, to go for a short stretch around the Marble quarries of Bonassola, a special one of the territory we didn't know. The large blocks of red marble are valuable and sold worldwide.
Cave di marmo di Bonassola
Bonassola marble quarries
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
An abandoned the road to a bend when a dirt road starts towards the collar step and Monte Rossola. It is immersed in an increasingly hilly nature, admiring the green around and for a short stretch almost forgetting about the sea (this hiking itinerary allows you to immerse yourself in the double nature of Liguria, close between sea and mountains).
Tra Bonassola e il Monte Rossola
Between Bonassola and the Passo Collar
The dirt road then becomes a beautiful path in the green that begins to rise more steeply towards the summit of Monte Rossola, to which you arrive after about two hours (quietly) of Walk from San Giorgio. Before arriving on the top of the red, already from the ridge, you have wonderful views over the entire coast. For example, the village of Montotretto is noted immersed in the green over Bonassola and then the different headlands (Punta Baffe, Punta Manara and farther portofino).
Montaretto dal Monte Rossola
Monsteretto on the coast in the green and in the background the beautiful headlands on the Ligurian Sea
Looking towards the hinterland, instead, you notice the round top of Monte Gottero (I think at least!), Where in winter it's easy there is a bit of snow. When you arrive at the top of Monte Rossola the view is 360 degrees and, in particular, allows you to admire the bay of Levanto from above.
Levanto dal Monte Rossola
The Bay of Levanto and Punta Mesco seen from Monte Rossola

Wanting to make a ring path, the descent takes place on the side towards the sea of Monte Rossola, after going up on the slopes side hinterland. Here the path is less comfortable and steeper, but fascinating with beautiful views. Just parties along the descent, you also notice the beautiful ridge of Monte Rossola and in the distance the peaks of the Apuan Alps.
Alpi Apuane dal Monte Rossola
The Crest of Monte Rossola and the Apuan Alps in the background
Downhill he continues to admire the coast until you arrive above Bonassola, joining the paths of the itinerary that connects to Levanto. To get to Bonassola from Monte Rossola, downhill, if you use about an hour and a quarter, while a ten more minutes are required to go down to Levanto. If, like us, opted for Bonassola, be able to go from its castle.
Il castello di Bonassola
The Castle of Bonassola
And then close the walking walk, perhaps admiring the sunset, as we did with a beer in hand (health first of all). Moreover, after ten kilometers and about 4 hours of walking, he was deserved.
Tramonto sulla spiaggia di Bonassola
Sunset on the beach of Bonassola
In short, a beautiful trip, along a convenient itinerary apart from the sea side descent from Monte Rossola, not difficult but certainly a bit slippery. Same route can be carried out in the opposite direction, or starting from Levanto, or passing by Mustaretto! Because yes, this part of Liguria is full of paths, all not very attended even though we are very close to the Cinque Terre.
Cartina dei sentieri attorno a Bonassola
This Google Maps map can help locate the path :) by clicking on all the photos and maps
This itinerary is one of the many trails between Genoa and Tuscany, all paths and all described to this Page on trekking in Liguria . To travel the whole Riviera da Ovest to the east, before arriving in the Framura-Bonassola-Levanto , the previous stage is the one between DEIVA in Framura , while the next itinerary leads to Levanto, Punta Mesco and Monterosso .
Good trips!

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