La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Trekking in Punta Manara

Sestri levante, the panoramic promontory and the ciapipe du lu
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

From the center of Sestri Levante Part The hiking itinerary for the promontory of Punta Manara , from which you can also descend for a steep path to the rocks of the ciappa du Lu to dive into the ligurian sea , here really crystalline. A very recommended walk in all seasons, in summer to go for a bath where the water is more blue, in winter to admire splendid views without sweating on the climb. The departure from the center of Sestri Levante, a stone's throw from the Baia del Silenzio , is truly characteristic ... and within 300 meters there are 28 bakers that produce delicious focaccia for the picnic. In short, this is the beginning of the most scocacciaoso path to the world .

Inizio del sentiero a Sestri Levante con vista sulla Baia delle Favole
The beginning of the path from Sestri Levante towards Punta Manara immediately offers a beautiful view of the bay of fairy tales
The departure from the "caruggio", that is the central pedestrian street of Sestri Levante, is signaled by a sign with Punta Manara. Two red squares indicate the itinerary. It immediately starts uphill, between two stone walls; Turning back, you have a first panorama on the bay of fables and on a beautiful glimpse of Gulf of Tigullio . Little further on, the view opens onto the open sea.
Lungo il sentiero per Punta Manara
The path from Sestri Levante to Punta Manara and the views of the Ligurian Sea
A dozen minute walk from the center of Sestri Levante are sufficient to be immersed in vegetation and silence, with splendid views. The path is actually quite frequented on spring weekends and at the end of summer, so for absolute peace you need to look for a bit alternative. The views soon open up on the Sestri peninsula and the bay of silence.
Lungo il sentiero per Punta Manara
Panorama on Sestri Levante from the path to Punta Manara

The trek at a certain point becomes slightly more challenging for the rocky bottom of the path, which is not difficult but quite steep; There are still some benches that allow you to relax and enjoy the view.
Lungo il sentiero per Punta Manara
Panchina panoramic along the path to Punta Manara
Continuing to follow the signs for Punta Manara, the path is immersed in an increasingly Mediterranean vegetation, with maritime pines, holm oaks and strawberries (delicious red fruits in the fall). Some deviations (going up, on the left) direct towards the outskirts of Sestri Levante, but in general they are less interesting paths.
Lungo il sentiero per Punta Manara
Mediterranean scrub along the hiking route for Punta Manara
Arrived in Punta Manara (in all, an hour of walking from Sestri Levante along the Manddella), there are the ruins of an old sighting tower and a steep staircase leading to admire the view of the promontory itself, on the bay of Trigoso shore and on the eastern end of Liguria.
Vista verso est da Punta Manara
View east from Punta Manara: the first promontory is that of Punta Baffe, the last Il Mesco
We note in particular the clarity of the sea under the promontory (from us traveled several times in Canoa ).
From here you can continue towards the hamlet of Sestri Levante of the Ginestra (a quite panoramic path) and then trigose shore, or go back. We advise you to go down to the rock of Ciapa du Lu (wolf stone, in Genoese). Returning to Sestri, in fact, about 5 minutes from Punta Manara a path heads towards the sea.
Lungo il sentiero per Punta Manara
5 minutes from Punta Manara, on the right (for those who go up) the path to the Ciapa du Lu and the sea will depart
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
This path is quite steep and slippery, even if well traced. Nothing impossible, but those who do not have a good balance is careful: do not kill yourself, in short (which is a bit of a lifetime). The effort (descends from the 150 meters high of peak manara to the sea, and then you will have to go up) is rewarded by the crystal clear waters around the Ciapipe du Lu.
La Ciappa du Lu tra Sestri Levante e Punta Manara
La Ciapa du Lu between Sestri Levante and Punta Manara
Vista dalla Ciappa du Lu verso Sestri Levante
View from Ciapipe du Lu towards Sestri Levante
This is the ideal place to relax, sunbathe, swim (remember the mask to better appreciate the clear water populated by fish), walk on the rocks, climb and dive.

Arrampicandosi sullo scoglio della Ciappa du Lu
Climbing on the rock of the cepappa du lu, with the only risk of falling into water and take a nice bathroom
Between Sestri Levante and Punta Manara there is another possibility of descent to sea, closer to Sestri in this case. When you meet the junction with marked Mandrella 113 meters (in the picture), instead of continuing uphill you can turn right and take a steep path (there is also a very short section where you can hang out at a rope).
Il bivio sul sentiero per Punta Manara
The junction on the path to Punta Manara: on the right you go down to the sea
Even the last part of this path, while you arrive at the rocks, is not suitable for those who suffer from vertigo. Arrival on a large flat rock, similar to Ciacappa du Lu, allows you to relax in the sun and bathe.
Il bivio sul sentiero per Punta Manara
The last vertiginous part of the path and under the flat rock where to open
After spending a beautiful day, happy spinning in the Ligurian Sea you can go back to the main path and conclude the trekking back to Sestri Levante. At sunset, you could get to watch panoramas so ... ugly stuff!
Vista su Sestri Levante al tramonto
View on Sestri Levante from the trail, returning from Punta Manara in the late afternoon
Returned to Sestri, if you are moving with public transport, the train station is very close ... and in the journey you will obviously meet 40 bakers and 18 ice cream parlors to refresh you and take you back from the labors.
Cartina dei sentieri di Chiavari e Sestri
This Google Maps map can help locate the path :) Click, go to the album with maps and photos
This itinerary is one of the many trails between Genoa and Tuscany, all paths and all described to this Page on trekking in Liguria . To travel the entire Riviera from West to East, the previous stage is that between Chiavari, Lavagna and Sestri Levante , while the next route door from .

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