La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Trekking from Zoagli a Rapallo

... and then San Michele di Pagana and Santa Margherita
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

From Zoagli you can walk towards Chiavari or Rapallo, or even walk the five bell towel route. Along all the paths meet olive groves, woods, churches and villas, admiring Meanwhile fantastic views of the sea. On this page we talk about the splendid trip to Zoagli in Rapallo and Santa Margherita Ligure (while the Trekking from Chiavari in Zoagli is described here ).
Starting from the square of Zoagli, there You can walk along the uphill street on the right (looking at the sea).

Piazza di Zoagli e sentiero per Rapallo
Piazza di Zoagli and departure of the Liguria path for Rapallo
From here you get quickly at Aurelia, which can be crossed at Via Scoglio. This is just one of the possibilities to go to Rapallo, because alternatively you can proceed on foot for a certain trait along the Aurelia and then take another climb to San Pantaleo ... or you can get up instead before, towards Semorile, And walk along the five bell towards itinerary. But back to Via Scoglio, which is the chosen path in this case, because it avoids the streets.
Panorama di Zoagli
Panorama of Zoagli

Via Scoglio is not really a street, but a staircase that rises between dry stone walls, olive groves and houses. In some points, beautiful views on Zoagli open. It continues to rise up to some dihrocked houses, one of which is an ancient church ruin. From here you can proceed on foot to the left, on a paved path, towards San Pantaleo.
Sentiero tra Zoagli e San Pantaleo
Trail between Zoagli and San Pantaleo
San Pantaleo is about 200 meters above sea level and from its picturesque church you can admire a beautiful view. From here, following a driveway (but almost at all busy), you can walk towards Sant'Ambrogio. The stretch between Zoagli, San Pantaleo and Sant'Ambrogio is also part of the Ring trail of the five bell towers .
Chiesa di San Pantaleo Chiesa di San Pantaleo
The church of San Pantaleo, above Zoagli
From Sant'Ambrogio you can enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the Gulf of Rapallo and the promontory of Portofino.

Panorama su Rapallo Chiesa di Sant'Ambrogio
The church of Sant'Ambrogio and the view of Rapallo
From the church of Sant'Ambrogio a staircase goes down which then turns to the right, towards Rapallo, where you arrive quite quickly. The journey time from Zoagli a Rapallo on foot is about about two hours plus the pauses, although obviously depends on the pace.
Sentiero tra Sant'Ambrogio e Rapallo
Trail between Sant'Ambrogio and Rapallo
Arrived in Rapallo, you can continue the itinerary to San Michele di Pagana and Santa Margherita Ligure (they are 4 km, less than an hour). This stretch of walking is less naturalistic, because it passes through larger traits in the city and along the way, but allows you to admire some wonderful views.
Passeggiata a mare di Rapallo
Rapallo with the walk to the sea and, behind, the hill from which the path from Zoagli descends
Once the rapallo stroll through the sea walk, follow the paved road to Santa Margherita and you will soon come to admire the wonderful village of San Michele di Pagana.
San Michele di Pagana
San Michele Di Pagana
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
you walk along the typical Ligurian houses of San Michele. From here, a brief but beautiful sea walk on the rocks allowed to travel the goal of the garment that separates San Michele di Pagana from the beach of Prelo; Unfortunately, this itinerary is now interrupted because this paved path on the rocks was destroyed by the storm of October 2018. To get to Prelo you go up then on the main road, and, arrived at the church of San Michele di Pagana, a ladder downto At the beach.
Spiaggia di Prelo, San Michele di Pagana
Prelo Beach, San Michele Di Pagana
To return to the route on foot from Rapallo and Santa Margherita we need to resume the main road and walk so on the sidewalk (always present) up to the beautiful and chic Santa Margherita ... from which the Trails leave then For the promontory of Portofino .
Porticciolo di Santa Margherita Ligure
Porticciolo of Santa Margherita Ligure
Here the hiking itinerary Zoagli - Rapallo - Santa Margherita is concluded. As you can see from the map, there are many other interesting trekking in the area.
Cartina dei sentieri sul mare tra Chiavari e Portofino
This Google Maps map can help locate the path :) Click, go to the album with maps and photos
This itinerary is one of the many trails between Genoa and Tuscany, all paths and all described to this Page on trekking in Liguria . To travel the entire Riviera from west to east, the previous stage is that of the Trekking in Portofino, between Camogli and Santa Margherita , while the next route leads from Zoagli a Chiavari .
good trip!
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