La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Blackboard and the slate street

Panoramas on the sea from the San Giacomo and Capenardo Mountains
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

Lavagna has a beautiful historic village and long beaches on the Gulf of Tigullio; The Via dell'Ardesia is an ancient path that starts from the city center and goes towards the mountains behind it, offering beautiful views of the Ligurian Sea, on Chiavari and Blackboard, on the promontor of Portofino and Sestri Levante.

Vista dal Monte San Giacomo
View from Monte San Giacomo to Chiavari, Lavagna and the Gulf of Tigullio
This route is perfect for a splendid day trip, very convenient as it is a ring itinerary with departure from the center of Lavagna, not far from the station and its beaches for those who want to relax by the sea at the end of the walk.
You can start from the Basilica of Santo Stefano in Lavagna, and from here to go to take the path that Parter at the beginning of the "Overview", the Lavagnese circumvallazione (on the navigator, look for the intersection between Via Tedisio and the tiny Via Monte, so Don't miss you :)). Go up to Santa Giulia, walking among the olive groves.
Sentiero tra Lavagna e Santa Giulia Sentiero tra Lavagna e Santa Giulia
The path between Lavagna and Santa Giulia, a Cruza among the olive groves
This first part of the route, between Lavagna and the Church of Santa Giulia, coincides with the one already described speaking Here on the path between Lavagna and Sestri .
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
The indications are always clear. We pass the hamlet of San Benedetto and continue to rise up to 250 meters of altitude, a splendid panoramic balcony on the Gulf of Tigullio. From here, you leave that journey and go up to the shoulders of the Church of Santa Giulia towards Mount Le Rocchette and Monte Capenardo.
Vista da Santa Giulia
View from the meadows above Santa Giulia, towards Chiavari, Lavagna and Portofino

The climb from Santa Giulia to Capenardo, whose summit is at 693 meters of altitude, is a comfortable and paved path that releases on the hill in the midst of a splendid chestnut woods: it was used to transport slate from the hinterland to the sea, And it was also exploited (I imagine) from the farmers of the area. This stretch of route between Santa Giulia and the Capenardo coincides with the descent of another href="Xcavi-lavagna-capenardo-path.htm"> Nice hiking itinerary we described here . Arriving on the Capenardo the view is spectacular both towards the sea and towards the hinterland (where you can see Monte Zatta, whose path we talk here .
Il Monte Ramaceto visto dal Capenardo
Mount Ramaceto seen from the Capenardo
With the path you don't actually come to the highest point of Mount Capenardo, which is on the right, east. Instead, you continue to the west: here the path continues on this wide crest with the sea on the left and right the wooded mountains around the Val Graveglia, at the Valfontanabuona and at the Val d'Aveto, including the Ramaceeto, the AIONA and ZATTA . Continuing the Rocchette Monte and you arrive at Mount San Giacomo.
Sentiero tra Capenardo e San Giacomo
A stretch of the path between Capenardo and Monte San Giacomo
As a journey time, they consider about three hours to walk along the 7 km with over 600 meters of height difference leading from a blackboard to Monte San Giacomo via Santa Giulia. The descent from the San Giacomo in Lavagna takes place on another stretch of the slate path.
Sentiero dell'ardesia tra Lavagna e San Giacomo
The beginning of the slate path from Monte San Giacomo to Cogorno and Blackboard

From San Giacomo to Lavagna the length of the itinerary is 5 km away quietly in an hour and a half. In fact, it takes the paved road that descends towards the sea, next to the small church, and after a few meters we note on the right the start of the itinerary, reported by a sign.
Sentiero dell'ardesia tra Lavagna e San Giacomo Sentiero dell'ardesia tra Lavagna e San Giacomo
The slate path above Cogorno and blackboard
The paved background, the chestnut wood with sea views, dry walls make this path a real show for walking lovers. Thus go down to the meadows above Cogorno (country on the hills behind blackboard), and then between the cultivated terraces and the beautiful villas of the Cogorno hill itself.
Sentiero dell'ardesia tra Lavagna e Cogorno Sentiero dell'ardesia tra Lavagna e Cogorno
Cogorno, the slate path and hills behind blackboard
The itinerary continues on paved path and staircases that cross the paved road leading to blackboard. Thus we arrive at the Cemetery of Lavagna and immediately after the church of Santo Stefano, the most remarkable point of the small but picturesque historic center.
La Basilica di Santo Stefano a Lavagna
The Basilica of Santo Stefano in Lavagna
Thus ends a splendid 12 km route, at the end of which you can go to the Lavagna station and on the sea promenade and the long beaches, particularly fascinating out of season. The following simple map helps to frame this itinerary with the other paths of the area.
Cartina dei sentieri di Chiavari e Sestri
This Google Maps map can help locate the path :) Click, go to the album with maps and photos
This itinerary is one of the many trails between Genoa and Tuscany, all paths and all described to this Page on trekking in Liguria . The Trail of Artsaia is located on the aforementioned route between Sestri and Lavagna (and Chiavari). To travel the entire Riviera from West to East, the previous stage is the one between Zoagli e Chiavari , while the next route leads to Sestri Levante and Punta Manara . Good trips !!

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