La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Trekking from Deiva to Riva

The Ligurian Sea admired by the paths around Moneglia
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

Between the Cinque Terre and Sestri Levante, there are some small villages on the sea and countless very panoramic paths. The itinerary that from Deiva Marina Porta to Riva Trigoso passing by Moneglia is one of the quieter and pleasant. Trekking is certainly one of the best ways to appreciate the beauty of this part of Liguria (the other way is the kayak, with which we visited rock for rock this stretch of coast !)

Sentiero a Moneglia
Along the path between Deiva and Moneglia
As with other paths along the Ligurian coast, it is the train to allow you to easily reach the different locations, as well as walking in a single direction. From Deiva Marina station, you can then head to the small historic center of the village.

Following the indications for Moneglia you take a concrete road that steeply part to become a quieter path. Between villas and olive groves you can admire beautiful views that range from Punta Moneglia to the Rocky Cape between Framura and Bonassola, with the Maritime Alps in the background in winter days.
Panorama lungo il sentiero a Moneglia
Panorama along the path between Deiva and Moneglia
Continuing along the comfortable path you reach the beautiful village of Lembeglio, perched on a hill behind Moneglia. From here, a deviation leads to Monte Incisa (this panoramic itinerary Moneglia - engraved is described here ).
Lemeglio, piccolo borgo lungo il sentiero per Moneglia
Panorama on Lemeglio and Moneglia from the path arriving from Deiva Marina
From Lemaeglio you go down to the village of Moneglia: there is no need for more than a couple of hours at a quiet rhythm for this simple but suggestive itinerary.
Lemeglio, piccolo borgo lungo il sentiero per Moneglia
Lemeglio, a small village along the Moneglia path
Moneglia is a small town, very busy in summer, but out of season you can have beautiful beaches all for you. Even the center, behind the road, deserves a quick visit.

Sentiero a Moneglia
The Ligurian Sea near Moneglia
On the opposite side of the country (compared to the one you arrived from Deiva Marina) you can take the path to Moneglia Moneglia, Punta Baffe and Riva Trigoso. Also in this case the itinerary part with a steep climb to then pile ... but this time there will be other ups and downs, for a total of 3-4 hours of walking to the shore. Starting from Deiva, in short, this walk becomes a beautiful excursion of a full day.
Sentiero tra Moneglia e Riva Trigoso
Trail between Moneglia and Trigoso shore
But it's worth it! Whether for views, and for vegetation: so much Mediterranean scrub, maritime pines and, unfortunately, fascinating trunks burned by an old fire.
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
There are several paths that connect Moneglia and a trigular shore. To stretch the trekking and make it more exciting, you can always follow the deviations that push more towards the coast. In this way, however, upsenders and difficulties increase. The descent towards Vallegrande is also particularly fascinating.
Vallegrande, tra Moneglia e Riva Trigoso
Vallegrande, between Moneglia and Trigoso shore
Alternatively, you can keep yourself more at high altitude, following Mount Moneglia, then avoiding to reach the top and continuing to falsopiano towards Trigoso shore.
In both cases, you must absolutely make the very short deviation (10 minutes) to Punta Baffe.
Sentiero da Moneglia a Punta Baffe
The maritime Alps on the background of Punta Baffe views from the Moneglia path
Here, in fact, there is an ancient dirched tower and, above all, from here it is possible to admire splendid views of the Ligurian Sea. The view ranges from Punta Mesco (the promontory before the Cinque Terre) in Punta Manara (at whose shoulders stands Sestri Levante).
Panorama a Punta Baffe
Panorama from Punta Baffe to Levante, with Tip Mesco on Sf ...
The comfortable descent towards a trigue shore requires an hour from Punta Baffe. We pass through a myriad of strawberry plants (whose fruits are ripe, and tasty, in autumn) and you sometimes see the construction sites of sharks.
Cartina dei sentieri tra Riva, Moneglia e Deiva
This Google Maps map can help locate the path :) by clicking on all the Liguria maps
arrived at the main asphalt road, going to the left you arrive at the sea in five minutes; Go to the right, instead, just as quickly you reach the Riva Trigoso railway station.
For those who want to divide the walks over several days Click here to compare hotels and find the most convenient accommodation.
Finally ... This itinerary is one of the many trails between Genoa and Tuscany, all paths and all described to this Page On the trekking in Liguria . To travel the entire Riviera from west to east, the previous stage is the one at Sestri Levante and Punta Manara , while the next route is the Trekking from Deiva to Framura .

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