La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra: un'esilarante avventura dalla Namibia alla Liguria!

La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno

Between Lerici and Tellaro

Beaches and panoramas on the Gulf of La Spezia
Travel itineraries, hiking, kayaking and sailing in Italy and in the world

Lerici and Tellaro, the splendid bays of Fiascherino, the panoramic village of La Serra: on this page we explain how to admire these wonders with one (or more) hiking, walking between walks to the sea, hidden paths and streets.
Let's start from Lerici, with its enjoyable waterfront and the imperious castle.

La passeggiata a mare di Lerici
The Lerici waterfront, with its marina and the castle
Those who love comfortable walks along the sea can also start from neighboring san terenzo (where there is The interesting path for the blue bay ) and walk along the road that connects it to Lerici, for a total of about 2 flat but panoramic kilometers up to the castle of the latter. Once in Lerici, visit the exterior of the castle is a must. Under the castle in fact a tunnel in the mountain leads to admire the bay on the other side of Lerici, and a free lift in half tunnel leads to the castle square.
Il castello di Lerici
The castle of Lerici
After admiring the view, you can start wandering among the old houses in front of the San Giorgio castle, along alleys and streets that offer beautiful views.
Il borgo di Lerici
The village of Lerici from the castle
La Guida Turistica del Pianeta Terra, di Simone Boragno
One of these Cruze, the climb to the Poggio, allows you to walk up to the road that leads to the next baiets and flasks, leaving soil with one last panoramic view.
Il borgo di Lerici
Panorama on Lerici and the marina in the first section of the itinerary for fiascherino
Continue briefly along the paved road and not very busy until a detour is met on the right that descends towards the sea. The beginning of the path, between dry stone walls and olive trees, is very inviting, so you can take it to explore this stretch of coast.
Sentiero Lerici Punta Marelunga
Trail to Punta Marelunga, between Lerici and Tellaro
Along the path you can see an open gate on the right, then you arrive at an asphalt road going down which for a few meters, at the first hairpin, another path that, however, is blocked by a wall. Entering from the gate above, or going up the wall from the point where you remained stuck, you can get to an opening that allows you to continue on the crushed path and get off at a small dream beach!

Spiaggia a Lerici
Delightful beach and castle of Lerici
Honestly, given the wall in the middle of the path, I don't know how legal it is to go down here: I found a open passage by chance and I didn't ask myself any questions, but with the hindsight ... in any case, the path is a bit 'Scoscese therefore we must pay the utmost attention.
From here you can then return to the paved road and to the path to Punta Marelunga.
Grotta tra Lerici e Tellaro
A cave along the coast between Lerici and Tellaro
The stretch of coast between Punta Marelunga and Fiascherino is just a kilometer and a half in line of the crowline, but it is spectacularly jagged, with thresholds, peninsulas, baiette and caves. Via Terra you can appreciate part of these beauties, which can be enjoyed better with a swim and especially in canoe ( Route in Kayak Lerici Tellaro Magra Mouth described here ). The Cala di Maramozza looks like a piece of Thailand (or vice versa: D).

A beach easily reachable is fiascherino, beautiful out of season when it has half-life
Spiaggia di Fiascherino Spiaggia di Fiascherino
The Fiascherino beach
Beautiful views from all over the street little busy (out of season) that connects Lerici and Fiascherino and then fiascherino with Tellaro, road on which you can comfortably walk looking for all the beautiful deviations to the sea. Between the castle of Lerici and Fiascherino along this road he employs an hour (2.7 km), but we must note more time to admire all the beauties of the area.
Above Fiascherino is the greenhouse , which is connected with a trail in the woods in Lerici
Vista su Lerici da La Serra
View on Lerici from La Serra
A stern road instead connects the greenhouse to Fiascherino and a disconnected path in the vegetation leads from La Serra to Tellaro. The greenhouse is about 130 meters above sea level.
Vista su Fiascherino da La Serra
Panorama from La Serra towards Fiascherino and Tellaro
Tellaro can therefore be reached on foot both from La Serra through woods and olive groves and from flasks walking on the beautiful street over the sea. From flasks to Tellaro, about twenty minutes, which increases if you take a couple of deviations to the sea to admire beaches and views, while from La Serra to Tellaro you walk for about 2 km (40 minutes downhill on the disconnected path ).
Tellaro Tellaro
After Tellaro, you can dedicate yourself to other even more wild walks than those seen so far, because several paths go into the woods towards Montemarcello; There are also some deserted beaches that can be reached only with difficult shoes (or by sea) ... These wonders are described at this link .
Cartina dei sentieri delle Cinque Terre
This Google Maps map can help locate the path :) Click, go to the album with maps and photos
The previous stage along the Liguria path can be The dick of the island of Palmaria , which from Lerici is clearly visible on the other side of the Gulf of La Spezia.
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